Unseen Battles - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 8: “Unseen Battles”


“Unseen Battles,” the eighth track of “Reverent Whispers,” addresses the powerful theme of spiritual warfare and the believer’s role in these invisible conflicts. Drawing from Ephesians 6:12, which speaks of our struggle against spiritual forces, this song is an empowering reminder of the battles waged in the spiritual realm and the believer’s authority in Christ.

Themes and Message:

The song highlights the reality that our daily struggles often have a spiritual dimension that requires divine strength and armor. “Unseen Battles” urges listeners to recognize their role in spiritual warfare and to engage with faith and vigilance. It emphasizes the importance of prayer, righteousness, and reliance on God’s power in overcoming these spiritual challenges.


“Unseen Battles” is characterized by a stirring and intense musical composition. It features a combination of bold, assertive rhythms and powerful vocal delivery, designed to evoke the sense of strength and determination needed in spiritual warfare. The music crescendos in the chorus, symbolizing the climactic nature of these spiritual battles.

For Whom:

This track resonates with anyone who recognizes the spiritual nature of the challenges they face and seeks encouragement and strength to stand firm. It is especially relevant for intercessors and believers who are aware of the spiritual dimension of life and are committed to praying and living with spiritual discernment and authority.

Reflection and Application:

The song inspires reflection on the nature of spiritual warfare and the believer’s place in it. It encourages practical steps such as putting on the full armor of God, engaging in prayer and fasting, and standing firm in faith in the midst of spiritual battles.


Track 8 of the “Reverent Whispers” album, “Unseen Battles,” is a powerful musical declaration of the believer’s role in spiritual warfare. It serves as a call to arms, reminding listeners of the unseen spiritual conflicts and the victory available through Christ.


Devotion for Track 8: “Unseen Battles”

Key Scripture:

Ephesians 6:12 – “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”


This verse reminds us that our true battles are spiritual. Often, what we see in the physical realm is merely a reflection of the spiritual struggles taking place. As believers, we are called to be aware of these unseen battles and to engage in them with the spiritual armor God provides.

Digging Deeper:

  • Nature of Spiritual Warfare:
    • Understanding spiritual warfare is crucial for believers. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 tells us that though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. Our weapons are not worldly but have divine power.
    • The full armor of God described in Ephesians 6:13-18 is essential for standing against the devil’s schemes. Each piece represents a key aspect of our spiritual defense and offense.
  • The Role of Holiness and Intercession:
    • Living a holy life is a form of spiritual warfare. James 4:7 instructs us to submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from us. Our submission to God is a powerful weapon.
    • Intercessory prayer is a battleground where victories are won. As Colossians 4:2 urges, we must devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.


  • Spiritual Discernment: Ask God to increase your spiritual discernment to recognize the unseen battles around you. Seek wisdom in how to engage in these battles effectively.
  • Practical Steps: Regularly put on the full armor of God through prayer and scripture study. Engage in consistent intercessory prayer for your community, nation, and the world.


“Father, in a world where spiritual battles rage, equip me with Your full armor. Grant me discernment and strength to stand firm against the forces of darkness. Help me to live a life of holiness and to intercede powerfully for the breaking of strongholds. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.”

This devotion is crafted to encourage believers to be active participants in spiritual warfare, emphasizing the importance of holiness and intercessory prayer as powerful tools in these battles.


Unseen Battles

Verse 1

In the silent realms, where angels tread,
And forces dark, their shadows spread.
We stand in light, with armor bright,
In unseen battles, we fight the fight.


Unseen battles, in the spiritual realm,
With prayers as our helm, and faith at the helm.
In Your strength, Lord, we take our stand,
In the unseen battles, hand in hand.

Verse 2

Against the tide of the enemy’s might,
In Your truth, Lord, we find our sight.
With the sword of the Spirit, and shield of faith,
In unseen battles, we proclaim Your grace.


Unseen battles, in the spiritual realm,
With prayers as our helm, and faith at the helm.
In Your strength, Lord, we take our stand,
In the unseen battles, hand in hand.


In the whispers of prayer, in the echoes of praise,
In the unseen battles, Your banner we raise.
In the power of the Cross, and resurrection’s light,
In unseen battles, we stand for what’s right.


Unseen battles, in the spiritual realm,
With prayers as our helm, and faith at the helm.
In Your strength, Lord, we take our stand,
In the unseen battles, hand in hand.


As we walk through this life, in Your grace we’re shod,
In the unseen battles, we fight for our God.
Teach us, Lord, to stand firm and true,
In unseen battles, we look to You.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C Minor
  • Time Signature: 6/8
  • Tempo: 82 BPM (capturing the track’s theme of spiritual warfare and resilience)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Unseen Battles” illustrates the theme of spiritual warfare in everyday life, portraying both the personal and communal aspects of these invisible struggles. Each scene is crafted to align with the song’s message, visually representing the unseen battles faced and the power of faith in overcoming them.

Intro Scene:

  • Setting: A serene, early morning in a quiet neighborhood.
  • Visual: The neighborhood is peaceful, but as the camera moves through, subtle visual effects suggest unseen spiritual forces at play.
  • Audio: Ambient morning sounds blending with the initial soft music of the song.

Verse 1:

  • Visual: The protagonist is shown starting their day with moments of prayer, symbolizing preparation for spiritual warfare.
  • Lyrics Sync: “In the silent realms, where angels tread, And forces dark, their shadows spread.” The interplay of light and shadow subtly indicates the spiritual battle.
  • Setting Transition: As the verse progresses, the protagonist is seen leaving home, visibly strengthened and resolute.

First Chorus:

  • Visual: Scenes of various individuals, each facing their own challenges, yet finding strength and resolve through prayer and faith.
  • Lyrics Sync: “Unseen battles, in the spiritual realm, With prayers as our helm, and faith at the helm.” The focus is on their determined faces and gestures of faith.
  • Setting Elements: The surroundings reflect everyday life, with a hint of the extraordinary struggles beneath the surface.

Verse 2:

  • Visual: The protagonist is seen engaging in their daily activities, but with an added layer of spiritual engagement – helping, encouraging, and praying for others.
  • Lyrics Sync: “Against the tide of the enemy’s might, In Your truth, Lord, we find our sight.” Their actions have a positive impact on those they interact with.
  • Setting Transition: The light around the protagonist seems to grow brighter, symbolizing the power of their faith.

    Second Chorus:

    • Visual: A gathering of people in a community space, joining the protagonist in prayer and mutual support, facing their unseen battles together.
    • Lyrics Sync: “Unseen battles, where victories are won, In the name of Your Son, Your will be done.” The unity in their prayer is powerful and palpable.
    • Setting Elements: The community setting is warm and inviting, yet the intensity of their prayers is evident.

      Final Chorus:

      • Visual: The protagonist and the community members are now seen in various settings, visibly impacting their surroundings with their faith and actions.
      • Lyrics Sync: “Unseen battles, in the night and day, With Your Word, we sway, and in Your might, we stay.” Their actions and prayers create ripples of positive change.
      • Setting Elements: The scenes suggest a growing network of faith and support, expanding beyond the initial community.

      Outro Scene:

      • Visual: Night falls, and the neighborhood is seen at peace. The protagonist is back home, looking out of their window, reflective but at peace.
      • Lyrics Sync: “As we walk through this life, in Your grace we’re shod, In the unseen battles, we fight for our God.”
      • Final Shot: The camera pans up to the night sky, suggesting a vast, ongoing spiritual struggle but with a sense of hope and divine oversight.
      • Audio: The music fades out, leaving a serene night soundscape.