Whispers in the Silence - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 1: “Whispers in the Silence”

Song Description:

“Whispers in the Silence” is the opening track of the album, inviting listeners into a tranquil and introspective realm where the voice of God is sought in quiet moments. This song is a gentle ode to the spiritual practice of listening for the Divine in the stillness of one’s surroundings and heart. The melody and harmonies are carefully woven to evoke a serene and peaceful atmosphere, reminiscent of the calm of early morning or the hush of a late evening.

The instrumentation is deliberately understated, with a thoughtful blend of acoustic elements such as soft guitar strums and delicate piano notes. This blend creates a reflective soundscape that supports, but doesn’t overshadow, the essence of quietude and contemplation. The vocals are tender and heartfelt, conveying a sense of deep yearning and reverence. They guide the listener through a journey of seeking God’s voice in the subtle whispers beyond the noise of everyday life.

Lyrically, the song draws inspiration from the biblical story of Elijah and the gentle whisper of God, emphasizing the theme of finding divine guidance and comfort in soft, spoken words. The chorus is a soulful, repeating refrain that resonates with the listener, encouraging them to embrace moments of silence in their daily lives to connect more deeply with God.

“Whispers in the Silence” is not just a song, but an immersive experience designed to lead the listener into a deeper state of spiritual awareness. It sets a contemplative foundation for the rest of the album, preparing the heart and mind for a profound exploration of faith and the divine presence.

This description aims to give the listener a clear and engaging overview of what the song seeks to embody and convey, setting the tone for their experience with the track and the album as a whole. If you require further adjustments or descriptions for other tracks, feel free to let me know.


Devotion for Track 1: “Whispers in the Silence”

Key Scripture:

1 Kings 19:11-13.  “…And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”


In a world brimming with noise and constant distractions, finding a moment of silence to listen for God’s voice can seem almost counterintuitive. Yet, it is often in the quiet and unassuming moments that God chooses to speak to us. Just as Elijah discovered on the mountain, God’s voice wasn’t in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire, but in a gentle whisper.

Digging Deeper:

  • Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God…”
    • In the stillness, there is a knowing – an intimacy with God that surpasses the chaos of our surroundings. This verse invites us to pause, to cease striving, and to recognize His sovereignty.
  • Matthew 6:6: “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen…”
    • Jesus taught about the value of solitude in prayer. It’s in the private, undistracted places that our communication with God can become most personal and profound.
  • Isaiah 30:15: “…In quietness and trust is your strength…”
    • There is a divine strength that is found in quiet trust. This scripture encourages us to find our strength not in busyness and noise, but in quiet confidence in God.


  • Seeking Solitude: Intentionally set aside time to be alone with God. Whether it’s early in the morning, during a lunch break, or late at night, find a time where distractions are minimal.
  • Listening in Silence: Practice listening as much as speaking in your prayer time. Allow God space to speak into your heart.
  • Reflecting on Scripture: Use the verses above as a starting point for meditation. Ask God to reveal His truth to you through His Word.


Consider how the noise of your daily life might be hindering your ability to hear God’s voice. What practical steps can you take to create more spaces of silence and solitude? Remember, it’s in these moments that the still, small voice of God often speaks the loudest.

This devotion is designed to challenge and encourage deeper spiritual growth and reflection. Each subsequent track’s devotion can follow a similar structure, focusing on key scriptures and practical applications relevant to the song’s theme.


Whispers in the Silence

Verse 1

In the quiet of the dawn, my heart seeks You,
Silent prayers, like morning dew, ascend to blue.
In the stillness, I await Your holy cue,
Whispers in the silence, Lord, lead me to You.


Whispers in the silence, Your voice so clear,
In the hush of Your presence, I feel You near.
Gentle words of love, casting out all fear,
In the sacred quiet, Your whispers I hear.

Verse 2

Beneath the noise of life, Your voice beckons sweet,
In the calm, Your words of life, my soul they meet.
Teach me, Lord, to listen, in my secret suite,
In the quiet place, where earth and heaven greet.


Whispers in the silence, Your voice so clear,
In the hush of Your presence, I feel You near.
Gentle words of love, casting out all fear,
In the sacred quiet, Your whispers I hear.


In the whispers, I find strength, I find my way,
Your soft echoes guide my night and shape my day.
Speak, Lord, in the silence, Your love display,
In the whispers, Your truth lights my way.


Whispers in the silence, Your voice so clear,
In the hush of Your presence, I feel You near.
Gentle words of love, casting out all fear,
In the sacred quiet, Your whispers I hear.


In the whispers of the silence, I find You,
In the quiet, in the calm, Your love breaks through.
Whispers in the silence, forever true,
In every hushed moment, Lord, I seek You.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: D major (conveys a serene, peaceful mood)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady, reflective pace)
  • Tempo: 60 bpm (slow and contemplative)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard outlines a visual journey that mirrors the themes of “Whispers in the Silence,” focusing on nature, introspection, and a deepening connection with the divine. It combines imagery and action to convey the song’s message of seeking and finding peace and clarity in God’s presence. If you need storyboards for other tracks or any modifications, please let me know.


  • Scene: Early morning, a serene lakeside setting shrouded in mist.
  • Visuals: Close-ups of nature’s details – dew on leaves, a calm lake surface, a bird taking flight.
  • Action: The scene slowly transitions to reveal a solitary figure sitting by the lake, gazing at the horizon, lost in thought.

Verse 1:

  • Scene: The figure starts to walk along the lakeside, reflecting a journey of seeking.
  • Visuals: Shots of the surrounding nature, symbolizing peace and tranquility. The figure’s expression is contemplative.
  • Action: As the verse progresses, the mist begins to clear, symbolizing increasing clarity.


  • Scene: The figure stops and looks up to the sky, which is turning brighter with dawn.
  • Visuals: The camera pans upwards to the sky, capturing the light breaking through the clouds.
  • Action: The figure closes their eyes, a peaceful smile forming, signifying a moment of connection and understanding.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: The figure continues their walk, now more purposeful and assured.
  • Visuals: Close-ups of the figure’s feet moving and hands touching natural elements (like leaves and water).
  • Action: Visual metaphors of listening – ear to the ground, hand cupped behind an ear.


    • Scene: Return to the lakeside spot, now bathed in soft morning light.
    • Visuals: Wide shots capturing the expansiveness of the landscape, reflecting the chorus’s soaring melody.
    • Action: The figure’s movements are expressive, embodying a sense of freedom and revelation.


      • Scene: Transition to a forest path, symbolizing a deeper journey.
      • Visuals: Sunbeams filtering through the trees, casting dynamic light and shadow.
      • Action: The figure walks through the light beams, reflecting internal illumination and insight.


      • Scene: The figure arrives at a clearing, overlooking a vast, beautiful valley.
      • Visuals: A breathtaking panorama of the valley under the morning sky, symbolizing broadened perspective and enlightenment.
      • Action: The figure stands at the edge, arms outstretched, embracing the vastness, as the camera pulls away to reveal the grandeur of the scene.