Mountain Mover - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 2: “Mountain Mover”

(Inspired by Matthew 17:20)

Song Description:

“Mountain Mover,” the second track of the album, is a powerful anthem of faith and divine empowerment. Inspired by the profound words of Jesus in Matthew 17:20, the song encapsulates the theme of faith that can move mountains, a metaphor for overcoming significant challenges and obstacles through trust in God.

The song’s composition is both stirring and uplifting, featuring dynamic shifts that move from reflective verses to a soaring, robust chorus. The instrumentation blends contemporary Christian styles with a hint of epic orchestral elements, creating a sound that is both grand and inspiring.

Lyrically, “Mountain Mover” invites listeners to embrace the possibility of the miraculous in their lives and the world around them. It speaks to the heart of intercessors and believers alike, encouraging a bold and steadfast faith in God’s power to transform the impossible into possible.

The bridge of the song is particularly impactful, referencing the seven mountains of influence in society, symbolizing the call for Christians to bring transformation through faith and prayer in every sphere of life.

“Mountain Mover” is more than just a song; it is a call to action. It challenges listeners to rise in faith, to speak to their mountains, and to believe in the power of God to bring change. This track is ideal for moments of personal motivation, corporate worship, and whenever a reminder is needed of the mighty power that faith in God can unleash.

Key Themes:

      • The power of faith to overcome challenges
      • Trust in God’s ability to do the miraculous
      • Influence of faith in various spheres of life
      • Encouragement and empowerment for believers

Musical Elements:

      • Dynamic and uplifting composition
      • Blend of contemporary Christian and orchestral styles
      • Strong, empowering chorus
      • Reflective verses leading to a powerful bridge and climax

This description provides an insight into the song’s message, musical dynamics, and its intended impact on listeners. Feel free to modify the description to better suit the nuances of your song and its place in the overall narrative of your album.


Devotion for “Mountain Mover”

(Matthew 17:20)

Scriptural Foundation:

      • Matthew 17:20
      • Hebrews 11:1-3
      • James 2:17-18
      • Isaiah 54:10


“Mountain Mover” is a song that highlights the transformative power of faith, even as small as a mustard seed, to move mountains. Matthew 17:20 not only speaks of the potency of faith but also implies the partnership between our faith and God’s power.

For intercessors, this scripture is a call to believe in the supernatural intervention of God in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It challenges us to see beyond the physical to the potential of what can be achieved through prayer and faith.

Hebrews 11:1-3 provides a broader understanding of faith, defining it as confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This definition is vital for intercessors, as it underpins the essence of intercessory prayer – praying with conviction for outcomes yet unseen.

James 2:17-18 reminds us that faith is demonstrated through action. As intercessors, our prayers are actions of faith, actively participating in God’s work in the world.

Isaiah 54:10, with its emphasis on the enduring nature of God’s covenant of peace, can be a comforting assurance for intercessors, especially when praying over tumultuous situations or ‘mountains’ in the world.


Reflect on the ‘mountains’ in your life or the lives of those you intercede for. Spend time in prayer, declaring your faith that these mountains can and will be moved. Let your prayers be filled with the confidence of Hebrews 11:1-3, trusting in God’s promises and power. Seek to actively demonstrate your faith in practical ways, as a response to what you are praying for.


“Lord, I believe in Your mighty power to move mountains. Increase my faith to trust in Your sovereignty over every challenging situation. May my prayers reflect a firm belief in Your ability to transform, heal, and restore. Teach me to act in faith, as a living testament to Your promises. Amen.”

This devotion is intended to bolster faith and encourage dynamic and faith-filled intercession. Adjustments can be made to cater to the unique perspectives and spiritual insights of your intercessory group.


Mountain Mover

(Matthew 17:20)

Verse 1

In the shadows of towering doubts,
Your voice, O Lord, a whisper loud.
Faith as small as a mustard seed,
In Your grace, we find all we need.


Mountain Mover, Miracle Worker,
In Your name, the impossible surrenders.
With faith unshaken, in Your power, we believe,
Mountain Mover, in Your grace, we achieve.

Verse 2

Before the mountains of this world’s domain,
In prayer, we stand, in Your strength, we remain.
Influence and change, in Your hands they lay,
With every prayer, we see Your way.


For the mountains of government, the peaks of finance too,
In arts and education, Your grace breaks through.
In family, in religion, in the media light,
In every mountain, Your grace shines bright.


Mountain Mover, Miracle Worker,
In Your name, the impossible surrenders.
With faith unshaken, in Your power, we believe,
Mountain Mover, in Your grace, we achieve.


In every challenge, in each towering task,
In Your grace, O Lord, we bask.
Mountain Mover, in faith we stand,
In Your love, on solid land.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: D Major (uplifting and triumphant)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (energetic and driving)
  • Tempo: 88 bpm (moderate, with a sense of movement)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Mountain Mover” aims to visually convey the song’s themes of overcoming challenges through faith and unity. It emphasizes the power of collective action and the triumphant spirit of communities facing and moving their mountains. Feel free to adjust or expand upon these ideas to better fit your vision for the music video.

Introduction (0:00-0:30):

  • Scene: Dawn breaking over a rugged landscape with towering mountains in the distance.
  • Music: A soft, anticipatory instrumental intro.
  • Visual: Close-up shots of different individuals (a young artist, an elderly man, a teacher, etc.) looking out at the mountains, symbolizing personal challenges or societal issues.

Verse 1 (0:30-1:00):

  • Scene: Each individual starts their day, facing their ‘mountains’ – a challenging classroom, a community issue, a blank canvas.
  • Music: Gentle vocals begin, setting a tone of contemplation.
  • Visual: Scenes of small acts of faith – a prayer, a moment of encouragement, a decision to act.

Chorus (1:00-1:30):

  • Scene: The individuals from Verse 1 now joined by others, standing together, facing the mountains.
  • Music: The chorus uplifts with a powerful, hopeful melody.
  • Visual: People raising their hands in faith, symbolically ‘moving’ the mountains.

Verse 2 (1:30-2:00):

  • Scene: The community coming together – a town hall meeting, a group project starting, a collaborative artwork.
  • Music: The second verse continues the narrative of faith in action.
  • Visual: Dynamic shots of community engagement, problem-solving, and teamwork.

    Chorus (2:00-2:30):

    • Scene: The group’s efforts start to bear fruit – a successful community project, a breakthrough in the classroom, a completed artwork.
    • Music: The chorus repeats, more voices joining, symbolizing growing faith.
    • Visual: Joyful and triumphant expressions as people witness the impact of their faith.

      Bridge (2:30-3:00):

      • Scene: A series of quick shots showing the ‘mountains’ (challenges) being overcome in various ways.
      • Music: A bridge with a slightly different, more reflective tune.
      • Visual: Scenes of celebration, relief, and gratitude; people embracing, a sense of community achievement.

      Chorus (3:00-3:30):

      • Scene: The individuals and the community coming together in a grand celebration.
      • Music: The final chorus, the most powerful and encompassing yet.
      • Visual: A large gathering, perhaps in a town square or on a hillside, singing and celebrating together, overlooking the landscape they’ve transformed.

      Outro (3:30-end):

      • Scene: Sunset over the landscape, now changed, symbolizing the lasting impact of faith and community effort.
      • Music: Instrumental outro, a gentle conclusion to the story.
      • Visual: Panoramic shots of the transformed landscape, ending on a peaceful twilight sky.