Seven Mountains - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 6: “Seven Mountains”

(Inspired by Isaiah 2:2)

Song Description:

“Seven Mountains,” the sixth track of the album, is an anthem of intercession and influence, focusing on the seven spheres of society: government, religion, media, family, education, arts & entertainment, and business. Drawing inspiration from Isaiah 2:2, the song speaks to the Christian calling to bring transformation and godly influence in every area of cultural and societal life.

Musically, “Seven Mountains” is characterized by its dynamic and robust sound, blending powerful vocal delivery with a rich, multi-layered instrumental backdrop. The song combines elements of contemporary worship music with epic, cinematic flourishes, reflecting the grandeur and significance of its theme.

Lyrically, the song is both a declaration and a prayer, acknowledging the challenges within these seven mountains while affirming the transformative power of faith and prayer in each domain. The chorus is particularly impactful, uniting the themes of the song in a compelling call to action for believers to rise in prayer and faith.

“Seven Mountains” is a song that resonates with those who are passionate about seeing God’s kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is particularly suited for times of corporate worship and intercessory prayer gatherings, inspiring believers to pray strategically and with purpose for each sphere of influence.

Key Themes:

      • Intercession for the seven spheres of societal influence
      • The transformative power of faith and prayer in culture
      • Christian responsibility in shaping society
      • A call to action for strategic and purposeful prayer

Musical Elements:

      • Dynamic and robust composition
      • Blend of contemporary worship and cinematic styles
      • Powerful vocal delivery with rich instrumentation
      • Encouraging and motivating tone

This description provides an overview of “Seven Mountains,” highlighting its key themes and musical style. It can be adapted to better suit the specific nuances of your song and the overall message of your album.


Devotion for “Seven Mountains”

(Isaiah 2:2)

Scriptural Foundation:

      • Isaiah 2:2-4
      • Matthew 5:13-16
      • 1 Timothy 2:1-4
      • Jeremiah 29:7


“Seven Mountains” is a song about the influential spheres of society: government, religion, media, family, education, arts & entertainment, and business. Isaiah 2:2-4 speaks of all nations streaming to the mountain of the Lord, symbolizing the ultimate influence of God’s kingdom over all areas of human society.

Matthew 5:13-16 encourages believers to be salt and light in the world, which is particularly relevant for intercessors as they pray for God’s values and principles to permeate these seven mountains.

1 Timothy 2:1-4 exhorts us to pray for those in authority in all spheres, emphasizing that such prayers are pleasing to God and are key for societal peace and the spread of the gospel.

Jeremiah 29:7 instructs us to seek the welfare of the city (or society) in which we live, for in its welfare, we find our welfare. This is a powerful principle for intercessory prayer, as it underscores the importance of praying for the holistic health and prosperity of our societies.


Consider each of the seven mountains and spend time praying for each sphere. Seek God’s guidance on how to pray effectively for each area, asking for His kingdom to come and His will to be done in these domains. Pray for leaders and influencers in each sphere, that they would be guided by wisdom, integrity, and a heart for justice.


“Father, I lift up the seven mountains of influence in our society to You. May Your kingdom principles reign in government, religion, media, family, education, arts & entertainment, and business. Raise up godly leaders and influencers in each sphere, and use them to bring about transformation and Your righteous purposes. Help us to be salt and light, impacting our culture for Your glory. Amen.”

This devotion is aimed at providing a comprehensive and strategic framework for intercessory prayer concerning the key areas of societal influence. Adaptations can be made to make the devotion more specific to your context or to emphasize particular aspects relevant to your intercessory group.


Seven Mountains

(Isaiah 2:2)

Verse 1

On the mountains high, where the world takes shape,
In the halls of power, in the market’s landscape.
In the classrooms bright, in the family’s heart,
In the media’s might, where the arts impart.


Seven mountains stand, under Heaven’s hand,
In each domain, let Your grace expand.
As the nations stream to the mountain of the Lord,
In Your grace, we unite, in one accord.

Verse 2

In the courts and chambers, where decisions are born,
In the sacred halls, where beliefs are sworn.
On stages and screens, where stories unfold,
In businesses and banks, where futures are told.


Raise us up, Lord, on these mountains stand,
Guide our hands with Your command.
Let Your light, in us, be seen,
In every sphere, let Your love convene.


Seven mountains stand, under Heaven’s hand,
In each domain, let Your grace expand.
As the nations stream to the mountain of the Lord,
In Your grace, we unite, in one accord.


In every action, in every word,
In Your grace, let our voices be heard.
On these mountains high, in Your love, we trust,
In Your grace, we stand, righteous and just.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: Bb Major (inspiring and optimistic)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady and confident)
  • Tempo: 92 bpm (upbeat and motivational)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Seven Mountains” is designed to visually convey the song’s theme of transformative influence across the key areas of society. The video should inspire viewers with the potential for positive change and the power of collective action. Adjustments can be made to tailor the storyboard to your vision and the desired impact of the music video.

Introduction (0:00-0:30):

  • Scene: A montage of seven different landscapes, each representing one of the seven mountains of influence (government, religion, media, family, education, arts & entertainment, business).
  • Music: A grand, instrumental intro, setting a tone of significance and anticipation.
  • Visual: Each landscape transitions to a real-world representation of its respective sphere (e.g., a capitol building, a church, a TV studio, a family home, a school, a theater, a corporate office).

Verse 1 (0:30-1:00):

  • Scene: Individuals in each sphere beginning their day, facing challenges and opportunities.
  • Music: Gentle vocals start, maintaining a sense of anticipation and purpose.
  • Visual: Close-up shots showing the determination and passion of people in each field.

Chorus (1:00-1:30):

  • Scene: Groups of people in each sphere gathering, as if preparing for a significant event or change.
  • Music: The chorus brings an uplifting and empowering melody.
  • Visual: The groups are diverse, representing various backgrounds, each person contributing to their sphere in a meaningful way.

Verse 2 (1:30-2:00):

  • Scene: Shifts to show the impact and influence these individuals have in their respective fields.
  • Music: The second verse continues the narrative of purposeful action.
  • Visual: Scenes of breakthroughs, innovation, and positive change in each area (e.g., a successful policy change, a religious revival, a truthful news report).

    Chorus (2:00-2:30):

    • Scene: The groups now coming together, symbolizing the interconnectedness of these spheres and their collective impact.
    • Music: The chorus repeats, now with more voices, symbolizing unity and collective strength.
    • Visual: The individuals from each sphere join in a larger gathering, perhaps in a symbolic location that represents unity and shared purpose.

      Bridge (2:30-3:00):

      • Scene: A series of powerful vignettes depicting positive transformation within each of the seven spheres.
      • Music: The bridge brings a different, more reflective melody.
      • Visual: Short, impactful scenes showing the fruits of faith and dedication in each area (e.g., a family reunion, an educational breakthrough, a piece of impactful art).

      Chorus (3:00-3:30):

      • Scene: A climactic gathering of all groups, perhaps in a large auditorium or an open field, united in their purpose and influence.
      • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful, symbolizing achieved unity and influence.
      • Visual: Aerial shots of the crowd, interspersed with close-ups of individuals, showing their commitment and hope.

      Outro (3:30-end):

      • Scene: As the day ends, a sense of accomplishment and ongoing purpose lingers.
      • Music: Instrumental outro, slowly winding down.
      • Visual: The landscapes from the intro now transformed, symbolizing the positive impact of each sphere, ending with a panoramic view of a bright horizon, signifying hope and future possibilities.