Whispers of Grace - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 4: “Whispers of Grace”

(Inspired by 1 Kings 19:12)

Song Description:

“Whispers of Grace,” the fourth track of the album, is a serene and uplifting song that captures the gentle and subtle ways in which God communicates His grace and love to us. Inspired by the biblical account of Elijah in 1 Kings 19:12, where God speaks in a gentle whisper, this song invites listeners into a space of quiet reflection and intimate connection with God.

The musical arrangement of “Whispers of Grace” is characterized by its soft, melodic instrumentation, featuring acoustic guitar, piano, and a delicate string section. The composition is intentionally understated, creating an ambiance that encourages listeners to slow down and attune their hearts to the quiet voice of God.

Lyrically, the song is a beautiful portrayal of finding God in the stillness, away from the noise and chaos of everyday life. It gently reminds listeners that God’s voice often comes not in the thunderous events, but in quiet, subtle moments of prayer and solitude.

“Whispers of Grace” is perfect for moments of personal devotion, meditative worship, and any setting where the focus is on deepening one’s relationship with God. It’s a song that speaks to the soul, encouraging a deeper sensitivity to the quiet, yet profound, presence of God in our lives.

Key Themes:

      • Experiencing God’s grace in quiet moments
      • The gentle and subtle communication of God
      • Finding peace and presence in stillness
      • Deepening one’s personal relationship with God

Musical Elements:

      • Soft, melodic instrumentation
      • Understated arrangement with acoustic guitar, piano, and strings
      • Calming and meditative ambiance
      • Lyrically rich with imagery of stillness and quietness

This song description is crafted to convey the essence and atmosphere of “Whispers of Grace,” highlighting its thematic focus and musical style. Feel free to adjust the description to more accurately reflect your unique interpretation and presentation of the song.


Devotion for “Whispers of Grace”

(1 Kings 19:12)

Scriptural Foundation:

      • 1 Kings 19:11-13
      • Psalm 46:10
      • James 4:8
      • Isaiah 30:15


“Whispers of Grace” reflects on the intimate and gentle ways God speaks to us, often in a still, small voice, as experienced by Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13. This passage invites intercessors to find God not only in the grand and dramatic but also in the quiet and subtle.

The Psalmist’s admonition in Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God,” is a powerful reminder of the importance of quietness and stillness in our relationship with God. It’s in these moments that we can truly listen and discern His whispers of grace.

James 4:8 encourages us to draw near to God, with the promise that He will draw near to us. This nearness is often most palpable in our moments of quiet solitude with the Lord, where the distractions of the world fade, and His presence becomes more evident.

Isaiah 30:15 highlights the strength found in quietness and trust. For intercessors, this is a vital principle, as it reminds us that true strength in prayer comes from a place of restful trust in God, not in frantic or loud petitions.


Dedicate time to be still in God’s presence, listening for His gentle guidance. In your intercessory prayer time, focus on quietening your heart before the Lord, allowing His whispers of grace to guide and inform your prayers. Reflect on how God has spoken to you in the past during these quiet times and seek to cultivate a deeper sensitivity to His voice.


“Lord, in the stillness of Your presence, let me hear Your whispers of grace. Teach me to be still and know that You are God. As I draw near to You, reveal Your heart to me, guiding my prayers and my steps. In the quiet, let me find Your strength and peace. Amen.”

This devotion is crafted to deepen the intercessor’s experience of God’s presence in quiet moments, encouraging a practice of listening prayer that values stillness and attentiveness. Modify this devotion as needed to resonate more deeply with your specific spiritual practices and insights.


Whispers of Grace

(1 Kings 19:12)

Verse 1

In the stillness of the dawn, before the world awakes,
In the quiet of my heart, Your gentle whisper waits.
Softly in the silence, Your words of love unfold,
In these tranquil moments, Your grace gently told.


Whispers of grace, in the calmness I find,
Your presence, a balm to the weary mind.
In the hush of the morning, in the peace of the night,
In Your whispers of grace, I find Your light.

Verse 2

Away from the roar, in the solace of Your shade,
Your still, small voice cuts through life’s masquerade.
In each tender murmur, Your truths resonate,
In the whispers of grace, Your love I contemplate.


Not in the thunder, not in the storm,
But in a whisper, Your love is born.
In gentle echoes, soft and clear,
In quiet moments, I feel You near.


Whispers of grace, in the calmness I find,
Your presence, a balm to the weary mind.
In the hush of the morning, in the peace of the night,
In Your whispers of grace, I find Your light.


In every breath, in every silent prayer,
Your whispers of grace, everywhere.
In the stillness, in the quiet space,
I find Your love, Your whispers of grace.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C Major (serene and peaceful)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (smooth and flowing)
  • Tempo: 68 bpm (calm and soothing)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Whispers of Grace” aims to capture the song’s theme of finding God’s grace in quiet, reflective moments and carrying that peace into everyday life. The video should evoke a sense of tranquility and the subtle, yet profound presence of God’s grace. Feel free to modify it to better suit your artistic vision and the desired emotional impact of the video.

Introduction (0:00-0:30):

  • Scene: Early morning, a quiet and serene setting, perhaps a forest or a peaceful garden.
  • Music: Soft, gentle instrumental introduction, setting a tranquil tone.
  • Visual: Slow, gentle shots of nature – dew on leaves, a light breeze through trees, a calm body of water reflecting the morning sky.

Verse 1 (0:30-1:00):

  • Scene: Individuals in various settings of solitude – a person in a cozy reading nook, another on a quiet park bench, someone by a calm lakeside.
  • Music: Vocals begin softly, accompanied by a delicate melody.
  • Visual: Close-ups of individuals in contemplative states, possibly with eyes closed or softly gazing at nature, finding peace in solitude.

Chorus (1:00-1:30):

  • Scene: These individuals subtly start to sense a comforting presence around them.
  • Music: Chorus introduces a slightly more uplifting melody.
  • Visual: A soft, warm light begins to envelop each person, representing the presence of God’s grace in their quiet moments.

Verse 2 (1:30-2:00):

  • Scene: Transition to scenes of everyday life – a bustling city street, a busy home, a workplace.
  • Music: The verse maintains the soft, contemplative mood.
  • Visual: Amidst their activities, each person finds a moment of peace, a quiet reminder of the morning’s tranquility.

    Chorus (2:00-2:30):

    • Scene: The individuals now visibly carry the peace they found in their quiet moments into their daily lives.
    • Music: The chorus repeats, reinforcing the comforting theme.
    • Visual: Warm light continues to follow them, symbolizing the constant whisper of grace in their lives.

      Bridge (2:30-3:00):

      • Scene: A series of vignettes showing small acts of kindness and moments of personal reflection inspired by the sense of peace.
      • Music: A reflective bridge, slightly different in melody.
      • Visual: Scenes include small gestures of love, brief pauses for prayer or reflection, a sense of contentment and grace amidst daily routines.

      Chorus (3:00-3:30):

      • Scene: Return to the tranquil morning settings, indicating a cycle of finding peace in quiet moments and carrying it through the day.
      • Music: The final chorus, rich and full, bringing the theme to its conclusion.
      • Visual: Individuals return to their serene spots, a closing symbol of the continuous search for and discovery of God’s whispers of grace.

      Outro (3:30-end):

      • Scene: Dusk, as the day comes to a close.
      • Music: A gentle instrumental outro.
      • Visual: The natural settings from the introduction now bathed in the soft light of sunset, symbolizing the end of a day carried in grace.