Astounding Unity - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 6: “Astounding Unity”


“Astounding Unity” is the sixth track on “Whispers of the Spirit”, and it continues the thematic exploration of unity, this time highlighting the miraculous and profound unity among believers even amidst external chaos and strife. This song serves as a powerful anthem for the unity achievable in the Spirit of God.

The musical composition of “Astounding Unity” is both stirring and uplifting. It features a rich tapestry of sounds, blending contemporary worship music elements with traditional choir harmonies. The arrangement builds progressively, echoing the song’s message of growing unity and strength among believers.

Lyrically, inspired by John 17:21, the song speaks to the unity that mirrors the relational unity within the Trinity. The verses address the challenges and divisions of the world, while the chorus triumphantly proclaims the unity that believers can find in Christ, despite these external pressures.

Theatrically, this track is envisioned as a call to unity for the church. It encourages believers to look beyond differences and circumstances, focusing instead on the unifying power of God’s Spirit. It serves as a reminder that unity in the Spirit is not just an ideal but a living reality.

Within the narrative of “Whispers of the Spirit”, “Astounding Unity” deepens the theme of communal faith. Following the personal reflections on holiness and the call to unity in “Unity’s Sweetness”, this song broadens the perspective, portraying the church as a united body under Christ’s headship.

“Astounding Unity” is thus a pivotal track in the album, encapsulating the hope and strength found in the collective faith journey, making it a key element in the spiritual and communal narrative of the album.


Devotion for “Astounding Unity”


Finding Unity in the Spirit Amidst External Chaos


“Astounding Unity” is a song that captures the remarkable unity believers can find in the Holy Spirit, even in the midst of life’s storms and strife. This devotion delves into the scriptural truths about this divine unity and how we can embrace it.

Scriptural Foundations:

      1. John 17:21: “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”
      2. Ephesians 4:13: “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”
      3. Philippians 2:2: “Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”

Deep Dive into the Song’s Message:

      • Unity in Diversity: The song begins by acknowledging the external chaos and differences that exist, yet it highlights the unity that can be found in the Spirit. This reflects the biblical principle that true Christian unity transcends cultural, racial, and denominational barriers (Galatians 3:28).
      • The Source of Unity: The chorus emphasizes that our unity is found not in our efforts but in the Spirit’s work within us. It echoes the scriptural call to be unified in our faith and understanding of Christ (1 Corinthians 1:10).
      • The Witness of Unity: The song also speaks to the powerful testimony that unity in the Spirit provides to the world. As believers live in unity, they reflect the relational unity of the Trinity and the transformative power of the gospel (John 13:35).

Application for Intercessors:

      • Praying for Spiritual Unity: Intercessors are called to pray for unity within the global Body of Christ, focusing on the spiritual connections that bind believers together beyond physical or doctrinal differences (Colossians 3:14).
      • Interceding for Harmony Amidst Conflict: In a world rife with conflict and division, this song inspires intercessors to pray for harmony and understanding, particularly in situations of discord, whether in the church, communities, or nations (Matthew 5:9).
      • Encouraging Unity in Action: Beyond prayer, this devotion encourages intercessors to actively foster unity through peacemaking, reconciliation efforts, and building bridges across divides within the church and their communities (James 3:18).

Closing Prayer:

Lord God, in a world of division and strife, help us to find our astounding unity in Your Spirit. Strengthen us as intercessors to pray for and actively work towards unity in the Body of Christ and among all people. May our unity be a testament to Your love and power, drawing others to Your grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Astounding Unity

Verse 1

In the midst of storms, in the whirl of strife,
You call us, Lord, to a unified life.
Though the world may rage, and the winds may howl,
In Your Spirit’s embrace, we find our soul’s cowl.


Astounding unity, in Your love we stand,
Heart to heart, hand in hand.
Above the chaos, in Your peace, we soar,
United in You, now and evermore.

Verse 2

As the waves crash around, in this worldly sea,
Your Spirit binds us, in unity we’re free.
Diverse in our paths, yet one in our call,
In Your astounding unity, we will not fall.


Astounding unity, in Your love we stand,
Heart to heart, hand in hand.
Above the chaos, in Your peace, we soar,
United in You, now and evermore.


In Your unity, differences dissolve,
In Your love, our lives revolve.
Gathering strength, from each sacred story,
In Your astounding unity, we reflect Your glory.


Astounding unity, in Your love we stand,
Heart to heart, hand in hand.
Above the chaos, in Your peace, we soar,
United in You, now and evermore.


In every heart, let Your unity reign,
In Your love, let us sustain.
Astounding unity, Your gift so pure,
In Your grace, forever secure.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

Track 6: “Astounding Unity”

  • Key: A Major (bright and hopeful)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (lively and engaging)
  • Tempo: 80 bpm (uplifting and spirited)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

              This storyboard for “Astounding Unity” is designed to visually and emotionally capture the song’s themes of overcoming division and building unity. The music video narrative aims to portray the process of individuals coming together, transcending differences to create a powerful sense of community and shared purpose.


              • Music: Begins with a soft, uplifting melody, setting a tone of hopeful unity.
              • Visuals: Dawn breaking over a cityscape, symbolizing a new beginning and the potential for unity.
              • Emotion: Anticipation and hope for coming together.

              Verse 1:

              • Music: Gradual introduction of layered vocals and instruments, suggesting the coming together of different elements.
              • Visuals: Scenes of people in various settings – urban, rural, office, home – initially in states of isolation or mild conflict.
              • Emotion: A sense of division but with an underlying desire for connection.


              • Music: Crescendos into a full, rich sound with harmonious singing.
              • Visuals: These individuals now reaching out to each other, small acts of kindness bridging the gaps, symbolizing the building of unity.
              • Emotion: Joy and surprise at the newfound unity, a sense of communal strength.

              Verse 2:

              • Music: Continues with a strong, rhythmic pattern, maintaining the theme of unity.
              • Visuals: Groups forming – people working together, laughing, sharing – across diverse backgrounds and ages.
              • Emotion: Deepening of relationships, the beauty of diverse unity.


                • Music: A repeat of the chorus, more powerful and emotive.
                • Visuals: A large, diverse group of people gathering in a public space, each person adding something unique to a collective project.
                • Emotion: Elation and pride in what can be achieved together.


                  • Music: A brief, softer interlude, focusing on individual contributions to the whole.
                  • Visuals: Close-ups of faces, expressions of kindness, understanding, and cooperation.
                  • Emotion: Intimacy, personal investment in unity.


                  • Music: Returns to the full chorus arrangement, with a sense of climax and resolution.
                  • Visuals: The collective project completed, revealing something beautiful and meaningful, enjoyed and celebrated by all.
                  • Emotion: Triumph and collective satisfaction, unity achieved.


                  • Music: Softens into a gentle, reflective melody.
                  • Visuals: Evening setting in, people departing with smiles, hugs, a sense of lasting connection.
                  • Emotion: Contentment, a lingering sense of unity and hope for the future.