Blessed for Israel - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 9: “Blessed for Israel”


“Blessed for Israel” is the ninth track in the “Whispers of the Spirit” album, and it brings a unique dimension to the album’s narrative by focusing on the spiritual significance of Israel and the blessings associated with praying for and supporting this nation.

Musically, the song adopts a reflective and reverent tone. It features a blend of traditional worship instruments and gentle, flowing melodies, creating a sense of solemnity and respect. The arrangement is designed to facilitate a contemplative worship experience, encouraging deep reflection on the song’s themes.

Drawing inspiration from Genesis 12:3 and Psalm 122:6, the lyrics encourage believers to stand in prayerful support of Israel. The song artfully combines a biblical understanding of Israel’s role in God’s plan with a call to action for Christians to intercede and bless Israel in their prayers.

Theatrically, “Blessed for Israel” serves as a poignant reminder of the biblical command to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and to recognize Israel’s unique place in God’s redemptive history. The song is a call to align with God’s heart for Israel and to actively participate in this aspect of God’s kingdom work.

Within the album, this track adds a layer of global and historical perspective to the themes of prayer, intercession, and God’s sovereign plans. “Blessed for Israel” invites listeners to expand their spiritual horizons and to embrace the call to be a blessing to Israel, in line with God’s promises.

As such, “Blessed for Israel” is a crucial track in “Whispers of the Spirit”, connecting personal faith and global intercession, and highlighting the believer’s role in God’s broader narrative.


Devotion for “Blessed for Israel”


The Blessings of Praying for and Supporting Israel


“Blessed for Israel” is a song that encourages believers to pray for and support Israel, aligning with the biblical understanding of Israel’s significant role in God’s plan. This devotion delves into the scriptural basis for this support and the blessings it entails.

Scriptural Foundations:

      1. Genesis 12:3: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
      2. Psalm 122:6: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure.'”
      3. Isaiah 62:1: “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.”

Deep Dive into the Song’s Message:

      • The Call to Support Israel: The song begins with an invitation to intercede for Israel, reflecting the biblical mandate to pray for and bless the nation of Israel (Psalm 122:6).
      • Understanding Israel’s Role: The lyrics highlight the significance of Israel in God’s redemptive plan, reminding us of the covenantal promises God made to Abraham and his descendants (Romans 11:17-18).
      • The Mutual Blessing: The chorus emphasizes the mutual blessing involved in supporting Israel. It aligns with the promise of Genesis 12:3, suggesting that in blessing Israel, believers too receive blessings.

Application for Intercessors:

      • Praying for Israel’s Peace and Prosperity: Intercessors are encouraged to pray consistently for the peace, safety, and spiritual awakening of Israel, recognizing its pivotal role in the unfolding of God’s plan (Jeremiah 29:7).
      • Interceding Against Anti-Semitism and Division: The song also calls for prayers against the spirit of anti-Semitism and division. It inspires intercessors to stand against any form of hatred or injustice directed towards the Jewish people (Psalm 83:2-4).
      • Promoting Understanding and Reconciliation: Beyond prayer, believers are encouraged to foster a better understanding of Israel’s biblical significance and to seek ways to support and stand in solidarity with the Jewish community (Romans 15:27).

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we lift up Israel to You, asking for Your peace and blessing upon this nation. Guide us as intercessors to pray faithfully for Israel, standing against injustice and fostering understanding. May our support reflect Your heart and bring mutual blessings, as we align with Your purposes. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

This devotion is designed to deepen the understanding of the importance of supporting Israel as portrayed in the song, offering rich scriptural insights and practical applications for mature Christian intercessors. It aims to inspire and guide them in their role in interceding for Israel and promoting reconciliation and understanding.


Blessed for Israel

Verse 1

In our prayers for peace, in our hopes for grace,
We lift up Israel, God’s ancient place.
As we stand in the gap, on holy ground,
In our intercession, blessings abound.


Blessed for Israel, in our prayers we stand,
Holding up God’s promises, with faithful hand.
As we bless the chosen, in love we’re dressed,
In our prayers for Israel, we too are blessed.

Verse 2

From Zion’s hills to the desert sands,
We pray for peace in these ancient lands.
For the olive tree to flourish and grow,
In our prayers for Israel, God’s blessings flow.


Blessed for Israel, in our prayers we stand,
Holding up God’s promises, with faithful hand.
As we bless the chosen, in love we’re dressed,
In our prayers for Israel, we too are blessed.


In unity, we stand with Israel’s sons and daughters,
Beseeching peace and grace upon their waters.
In this sacred act, our spirits attest,
In blessing Israel, in God, we rest.


Blessed for Israel, in our prayers we stand,
Holding up God’s promises, with faithful hand.
As we bless the chosen, in love we’re dressed,
In our prayers for Israel, we too are blessed.


For Israel, we pray, in faith and love,
Echoing God’s blessings from above.
As we stand in prayer, in His will confessed,
Blessed for Israel, eternally blessed.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

Track 9: “Blessed for Israel”

  • Key: G Minor (deep and reflective)
  • Time Signature: 3/4 (soulful and contemplative)
  • Tempo: 65 bpm (thoughtful and prayerful)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Blessed for Israel” is crafted to visually and emotionally complement the song’s themes of prayerful support for Israel and the mutual blessings involved. The music video narrative aims to portray the deep connection between believers worldwide and Israel, encouraging a sense of solidarity and shared spiritual heritage.


  • Music: Begins with a solemn and respectful melody, setting a tone of reverence and commitment.
  • Visuals: Sunrise over the ancient landscapes of Israel, symbolizing the enduring significance of the land.
  • Emotion: Reverence, a sense of historical and spiritual connection.

Verse 1:

  • Music: Gradually builds with a blend of traditional and contemporary sounds, suggesting a bridge between past and present.
  • Visuals: Scenes of Israel – the Western Wall, streets of Jerusalem, pastoral landscapes – interspersed with people around the world praying for Israel.
  • Emotion: Solidarity, a sense of being part of a larger story.


  • Music: Expands into a more hopeful and uplifting tune.
  • Visuals: Individuals and groups from various nations and cultures, visibly praying for peace and blessing over Israel.
  • Emotion: Compassion and earnest hope for peace.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Continues with an engaging rhythm, maintaining the theme of prayerful support.
  • Visuals: Historical footage showing Israel’s challenges and triumphs, juxtaposed with modern-day support and advocacy efforts.
  • Emotion: Empathy, a deeper understanding of Israel’s journey.


    • Music: A repeat of the chorus, reinforcing the message of blessing and support.
    • Visuals: Images of Israeli life – cultural, religious, everyday activities – flourishing, with interspersed shots of global prayer efforts.
    • Emotion: A sense of global connection and shared destiny.


      • Music: Shifts to a more contemplative tone, emphasizing reflection.
      • Visuals: Peaceful scenes in Israel, such as olive groves, alongside people of different faiths engaging in dialogue and cultural exchange.
      • Emotion: Hopefulness, a vision of reconciliation and understanding.


      • Music: Returns to the full chorus, with a heartfelt and powerful rendition.
      • Visuals: A montage of global Christian support for Israel, showing a unified commitment to prayer and peace.
      • Emotion: Unity in diversity, a shared commitment to blessing Israel.


      • Music: Gently fades, leaving an echo of the melody.
      • Visuals: Dusk falling over Jerusalem, symbolizing the ongoing nature of prayer and support.
      • Emotion: Quiet resolve, a lasting commitment to intercession and support.