Bulwark of the Spirit - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 7: “Bulwark of the Spirit”


“Bulwark of the Spirit” is the seventh track of the “Whispers of the Spirit” album, embodying the theme of believers as a spiritual stronghold and shield. This powerful song portrays the church as a fortress of faith, standing resilient against spiritual adversities.

Musically, the track is characterized by its bold and assertive composition. It combines a strong rhythmic foundation with soaring vocal lines, creating a sense of fortitude and determination. The use of robust percussion and assertive guitar strumming underscores the song’s theme of spiritual strength and defense.

The lyrics, inspired by Psalm 28:7 and 2 Corinthians 10:4, articulate the concept of believers being empowered by God to act as a defensive wall against spiritual challenges. The verses describe the tumultuous spiritual landscape, while the chorus declares the church’s role as a protective bulwark, made possible through faith in God.

Theatrically, “Bulwark of the Spirit” is envisioned as an empowering and rallying call to believers. It encourages the listener to embrace their role in spiritual warfare, equipped and strengthened by God’s power. The song serves as an anthem for the spiritual resilience and proactive stance required in defending the faith.

In the context of the album, this track adds a dimension of communal and cosmic spiritual warfare, complementing the earlier themes of personal holiness and unity. “Bulwark of the Spirit” invites listeners to consider their collective role in the spiritual battles facing the church and the world.

As such, “Bulwark of the Spirit” plays a crucial role in “Whispers of the Spirit”, bringing to the forefront the theme of spiritual vigilance and the church’s defensive and offensive capabilities in the spiritual realm.


Devotion for “Bulwark of the Spirit”


Believers as a Spiritual Stronghold and Shield


“Bulwark of the Spirit” is a song that speaks to the strength and protection believers have in God. This devotion explores the biblical concept of God’s people as a spiritual stronghold and the implications of this identity.

Scriptural Foundations:

      1. Psalm 28:7: “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.”
      2. 2 Corinthians 10:4: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”
      3. Ephesians 6:16: “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

Deep Dive into the Song’s Message:

      • Spiritual Strength and Defense: The song underscores the idea that believers, through their faith and God’s power, act as a bulwark—a defensive wall—against spiritual adversities. This aligns with the biblical imagery of God as our fortress and protector (Psalm 18:2).
      • The Role of Faith: The chorus highlights faith as our shield, resonating with Ephesians 6:16. It reminds us that our faith in God not only protects us but also empowers us to stand firm against spiritual attacks.
      • Active Participation in Spiritual Warfare: The song calls believers to an active role in spiritual warfare, using the divine power that God provides to resist and overcome the enemy’s schemes (James 4:7).

Application for Intercessors:

      • Interceding as a Spiritual Fortress: Intercessors are encouraged to view their role as being part of the spiritual bulwark, standing in prayer for the protection and strengthening of the church, communities, and nations (Isaiah 62:6-7).
      • Praying for Faith and Resilience: This devotion inspires intercessors to pray for increased faith and resilience within the Body of Christ, equipping believers to be steadfast and immovable in the face of spiritual challenges (1 Corinthians 15:58).
      • Fostering a Spirit of Vigilance: The song also serves as a reminder for believers to be vigilant and proactive in spiritual warfare, both in prayer and in daily life, always alert to the enemy’s tactics (1 Peter 5:8-9).

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for making us a bulwark in Your Spirit. Empower us to stand as a spiritual stronghold, defending against and overcoming the adversary’s attacks. Infuse us with unwavering faith and resilience, and guide us as intercessors to pray with vigilance and authority. May we always find our strength and shield in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

This devotion is designed to deepen the understanding of the believer’s role as a spiritual stronghold, offering rich scriptural insights and practical applications for mature Christian intercessors. It aims to inspire and guide them in their spiritual warfare and intercessory prayer roles.


Bulwark of the Spirit

Verse 1

In the clamor of nations, in the strife of the times,
You raise us, O Lord, to stand in Your designs.
As a bulwark of faith, in Your Spirit we rise,
A beacon of hope, under Your skies.


Bulwark of the Spirit, strong and true,
In Your might, we find our cue.
Shielded by faith, girded in love,
We stand as a fortress, with grace from above.

Verse 2

In the tumult of voices, in the rush of the days,
Your Spirit guides us in all our ways.
A stronghold of peace in a world of unrest,
In Your bulwark, Lord, we are blessed.


Bulwark of the Spirit, strong and true,
In Your might, we find our cue.
Shielded by faith, girded in love,
We stand as a fortress, with grace from above.


In the shadow of Your wings, we find our refuge,
A fortress of faith, in a world deluge.
In unity and strength, Your people arise,
A bulwark of the Spirit, under Your skies.


Bulwark of the Spirit, strong and true,
In Your might, we find our cue.
Shielded by faith, girded in love,
We stand as a fortress, with grace from above.


In Your strength, we stand, unshaken, unfeared,
A bulwark of the Spirit, by Your hand steered.
In this land, in our hearts, Your Spirit prevails,
A fortress of faith, where Your love never fails.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

Track 7: “Bulwark of the Spirit”

  • Key: B Minor (strong and protective)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (solid and resilient)
  • Tempo: 82 bpm (vigorous and spirited)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Bulwark of the Spirit” is crafted to visually and emotionally complement the song’s themes of spiritual strength, unity, and resilience. The music video narrative aims to portray the collective power of faith and the role of believers as a spiritual fortress against adversities, inspiring a sense of empowerment and collective responsibility.


  • Music: Begins with a strong, assertive instrumental, setting a tone of fortitude and resilience.
  • Visuals: A lone figure standing on a high vantage point, overlooking a city or landscape, symbolizing watchfulness and readiness.
  • Emotion: Determination and a sense of responsibility.

Verse 1:

  • Music: The melody builds with a sense of urgency, introducing rhythmic drums and powerful chords.
  • Visuals: Scenes of everyday struggles and conflicts, both personal and communal, depicting the spiritual battles people face.
  • Emotion: Awareness of challenges but a growing sense of strength.


  • Music: Crescendos into a powerful, anthem-like chorus.
  • Visuals: The figure, joined by others, standing firm and resilient, symbolizing a spiritual stronghold. Imagery of light breaking through darkness.
  • Emotion: Empowerment and collective strength in faith.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Continues with a strong rhythm, layering in more instruments for depth.
  • Visuals: Depictions of various individuals engaging in acts of faith and courage, resisting temptations and standing up for what’s right.
  • Emotion: Steadfastness and the power of conviction.


    • Music: A repeat of the chorus, even more dynamic and rousing.
    • Visuals: The group now actively engages in prayer, worship, and acts of solidarity, forming an unbreakable bond of spiritual unity.
    • Emotion: Unity and resolve, the strength of a community in faith.


      • Music: A momentary softening, bringing a reflective quality, highlighting individual contributions.
      • Visuals: Close-ups of faces, each showing determination and faith, interspersed with scenes of natural fortresses – mountains, forests.
      • Emotion: Individual resolve contributing to collective strength.


      • Music: Returns to the full chorus, with a triumphant and victorious sound.
      • Visuals: A series of victorious moments, small and large, as the group witnesses the impact of their faith and unity.
      • Emotion: Triumph and vindication, the joy of spiritual victory.


      • Music: Gradually softens, leaving a sense of peace and accomplishment.
      • Visuals: The group, now relaxed and at peace, looking out over the landscape, a new dawn breaking.
      • Emotion: Satisfaction, peace, and a renewed sense of purpose.