Sweep of Holiness - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 4: “Sweep of Holiness”


“Sweep of Holiness” is the fourth track on “Whispers of the Spirit”, guiding listeners into a deep contemplation of God’s sanctifying work. This song is a soulful meditation on the transformative power of God’s holiness, emphasizing purification and renewal.

Musically, the track is characterized by a serene yet profound arrangement. It features a blend of soft acoustic guitar, delicate piano melodies, and subtle orchestral elements, creating a sense of reverence and awe. The music gently rises and falls, mirroring the ebb and flow of God’s purifying grace in our lives.

The lyrics draw inspiration from Isaiah 1:25, painting a vivid picture of God’s action in cleansing and renewing the heart. The verses articulate the process of being purified from sin and idolatry, while the chorus elevates this into a celebration of God’s holiness and the joy of redemption.

Theatrically, “Sweep of Holiness” is envisioned as a deeply moving and introspective worship experience. It invites listeners to reflect on their own spiritual journey, recognizing the need for and the beauty of God’s sanctifying work in their lives.

In the broader narrative of the album, this song adds a dimension of personal spiritual transformation. It transitions from the broader themes of God’s sovereignty and the movement of the Holy Spirit to an intimate reflection on individual sanctification and growth in holiness.

“Sweep of Holiness” stands as a pivotal track in “Whispers of the Spirit”, bridging the grand themes of divine power with the personal journey of faith, making it a key component in the album’s spiritual exploration.


Devotion for “Sweep of Holiness”


The Transformative Power of God’s Purifying Love


“Sweep of Holiness” is a song that invites us to contemplate the purifying and sanctifying work of God in our lives and communities. This devotion examines the biblical foundations of God’s holiness and how it actively transforms us.

Scriptural Foundations:

      1. Isaiah 1:25: “I will turn my hand against you; I will thoroughly purge away your dross and remove all your impurities.”
      2. Psalm 51:10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
      3. Hebrews 12:14: “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.”

Deep Dive into the Song’s Message:

      • God’s Holiness and Our Cleansing: The song begins with the recognition of God’s holiness as a cleansing and renewing force. It echoes the scriptural truth that God desires to purify us from sin and idolatry, making us more like Him (1 John 3:3).
      • The Impact of God’s Purifying Love: As the chorus resonates with God’s desire to wash away our sins, it reflects the biblical theme of sanctification – being set apart for God’s purposes (1 Thessalonians 4:3).
      • Holiness in Daily Life: The song not only speaks of a spiritual cleansing but also encourages a lifestyle of holiness, aligning with the call in 1 Peter 1:15-16 to be holy in all we do.

Application for Intercessors:

      • Praying for Purification: Intercessors can pray for the church and communities to experience a deeper cleansing and sanctification in Christ, asking God to reveal and remove anything that hinders spiritual growth (James 4:8).
      • Interceding Against Idolatry and Sin: This song is a call to intercede against the strongholds of idolatry and sin in our societies. Prayers can focus on breaking these strongholds, seeking a spiritual revival and a return to God’s ways (2 Chronicles 7:14).
      • Encouraging Holiness: As intercessors, there is a role in encouraging and nurturing holiness within the Body of Christ. This involves praying for leaders, churches, and believers to walk in purity and integrity (Ephesians 5:1-2).

Closing Prayer:

Lord Almighty, we seek Your holy presence in our lives. Purify our hearts, minds, and actions, that we may reflect Your holiness. Guide us as intercessors to pray fervently for a sweeping move of Your sanctifying power in our communities and nations. May we be vessels of Your transformative love, bringing light and truth to a world in need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

This devotion is crafted to deepen the understanding of God’s holiness and its transformative effect on believers, offering rich scriptural insights and practical applications for mature Christian intercessors. It aims to inspire and guide them in their journey of personal sanctification and in their role as intercessors for the world.


Sweep of Holiness

Verse 1

In the midst of our chaos, in our wandering souls,
You come, O Lord, to make us whole.
With a sweep of Your holiness, purifying love,
You cleanse our hearts, lift us above.


Sweep of holiness, divine and true,
In Your righteousness, we are made anew.
Wash away our sins, remove our shame,
In Your holy fire, we proclaim Your name.

Verse 2

Idols fall and crumble at the sound of Your voice,
In Your sanctifying touch, we rejoice.
No addiction, no strife can stand in Your light,
In Your holiness, we find our might.


Sweep of holiness, divine and true,
In Your righteousness, we are made anew.
Wash away our sins, remove our shame,
In Your holy fire, we proclaim Your name.


Your love, a refiner’s fire, Your truth, a purifying stream,
Transforming us, lifting us, to fulfill Your dream.
In Your mercy and grace, we stand redeemed,
In Your holiness, our lives are re-streamed.


Sweep of holiness, divine and true,
In Your righteousness, we are made anew.
Wash away our sins, remove our shame,
In Your holy fire, we proclaim Your name.


In Your holiness, we find our path,
Cleansed and renewed from Your righteous wrath.
In every heart, in every land,
Let Your holiness, O God, take a stand.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

Track 4: “Sweep of Holiness”

  • Key: C Major (pure and soothing)
  • Time Signature: 3/4 (gentle and flowing)
  • Tempo: 60 bpm (calm and contemplative)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Sweep of Holiness” is designed to visually and emotionally complement the song’s themes of purification, renewal, and the transformative power of God’s holiness. The narrative of the music video aims to portray the journey of inner transformation and the peace and joy that come with embracing God’s sanctifying work.


  • Music: Starts with a soft, flowing melody, setting a tone of gentle purification.
  • Visuals: Early morning light filtering through a forest, symbolizing new beginnings and God’s purifying presence.
  • Emotion: Serenity and a sense of divine presence.

Verse 1:

  • Music: Slowly builds with a harmonious blend of strings and soft percussion.
  • Visuals: Scenes of people in various life situations, subtly struggling with inner conflicts or temptations.
  • Emotion: Inner turmoil but with an undercurrent of yearning for purity.


  • Music: Crescendos into a more uplifting and richer sound.
  • Visuals: The light intensifies, bathing the forest and the people in a warm glow, symbolizing the purifying power of God’s holiness.
  • Emotion: Cleansing, relief, and the joy of redemption.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Continues with an enriched melody, maintaining the theme of sanctification.
  • Visuals: Close-ups of faces showing realization and acceptance, intercut with scenes of nature being renewed – rain cleansing, new growth.
  • Emotion: Reflective and transformative.


    • Music: A repeat of the chorus, even more dynamic, emphasizing God’s renewing power.
    • Visuals: People embracing each other, reconciling, and engaging in acts of kindness, with nature scenes showing vibrant life.
    • Emotion: Renewal and the beauty of holiness.


      • Music: A brief, contemplative instrumental interlude, highlighting introspection.
      • Visuals: A calm river or stream, flowing gently, reflecting the sky and surrounding trees.
      • Emotion: Peace, depth of God’s love, and ongoing purification.


      • Music: Returns to the full chorus with a final, powerful rendition.
      • Visuals: A montage of people from different walks of life, now radiating joy and peace, interwoven with majestic scenes of nature.
      • Emotion: A sense of community, unity in God’s holiness.


      • Music: Gradually softens, leaving a lingering sense of tranquility.
      • Visuals: Sunset, with the same forest now basking in the afterglow, symbolizing the end of a spiritual journey and the peace that follows.
      • Emotion: Contemplation, fulfillment, and a deepened sense of spiritual connection.