The Great Southland - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 10: “The Great Southland”


“The Great Southland” is the tenth track of the “Whispers of the Spirit” album, offering a prophetic and uplifting declaration over a specific land, identified as ‘The Great Southland of The Holy Spirit’. This song encapsulates a vision of blessing, hope, and spiritual identity for the land and its people.

Musically, the track is characterized by a rich and expansive sound, blending soaring vocals with a broad orchestral arrangement. The melody is both majestic and inspiring, designed to evoke a sense of grandeur and divine purpose. The instrumentation includes a mix of traditional and contemporary elements, creating a timeless worship experience.

Drawing inspiration from Isaiah 43:19 and 2 Chronicles 7:14, the lyrics speak prophetically over the land, declaring God’s purposes and blessings. The song artfully combines vivid imagery of the land’s natural beauty with a spiritual declaration of God’s work within it.

Theatrically, “The Great Southland” is envisioned as a song of declaration and celebration. It encourages listeners to view their land through the lens of God’s promises and to embrace its spiritual destiny. The track serves as a powerful reminder of the role of faith and prayer in shaping the spiritual identity of a nation.

Within the narrative of the album, this track adds a dimension of geographical and cultural specificity to the broader themes of divine power and unity. “The Great Southland” encourages listeners to consider their own land’s spiritual calling and to engage in prophetic declarations of God’s purposes.

As such, “The Great Southland” is a pivotal track in “Whispers of the Spirit”, weaving together the themes of divine sovereignty, spiritual unity, and the prophetic destiny of lands and nations.


Devotion for “The Great Southland”


Prophetic Declaration and God’s Blessing Over a Land


“The Great Southland” is a song that embodies a prophetic declaration over a land, celebrating its spiritual identity and divine destiny. This devotion explores the scriptural basis for such declarations and the significance of recognizing and proclaiming God’s purposes for our lands.

Scriptural Foundations:

      1. Isaiah 43:19: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
      2. 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
      3. Psalm 33:12: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.”

Deep Dive into the Song’s Message:

      • Recognizing God’s Work in a Land: The song starts by acknowledging the unique qualities of the land and seeing them as part of God’s creative design. This reflects the importance of recognizing God’s hand in the formation and destiny of our nations.
      • The Power of Prophetic Declaration: The chorus and verses emphasize the power of speaking God’s purposes and blessings over a land. It aligns with the biblical principle that words have the power to shape realities and align with God’s promises (Proverbs 18:21).
      • Embracing a Spiritual Identity: The song encourages believers to embrace and proclaim the spiritual identity God has for their land. This is akin to understanding and declaring the biblical heritage and destiny of a nation.

Application for Intercessors:

      • Praying for Divine Purpose and Direction: Intercessors are encouraged to pray for their land, seeking God’s purpose and direction, and asking for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit (Jeremiah 29:7).
      • Interceding for Revival and Transformation: The song inspires prayers for spiritual revival and transformation within the nation, praying that it becomes a beacon of God’s truth, love, and justice (Habakkuk 2:14).
      • Proclaiming God’s Promises: Beyond prayer, believers are motivated to actively declare and proclaim God’s promises and blessings over their land, trusting in His sovereign plans (Joshua 1:3).

Closing Prayer:

Lord, we recognize Your hand upon our land and declare Your purposes over it. Guide us as intercessors to pray for Your will to be done in our nation, seeking revival and transformation. Help us to boldly proclaim the spiritual identity You have ordained, believing in Your promises and blessings. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

This devotion is crafted to deepen the understanding of the power of prophetic declaration over lands, offering rich scriptural insights and practical applications for mature Christian intercessors. It aims to inspire and guide them in praying for and speaking over their nations in alignment with God’s will and purposes.


The Great Southland

Verse 1

In the whisper of the eucalypts, in the dance of the Southern Cross,
A land so vast, a spirit so free, In God’s hands, we’re never at loss.
Called and chosen, under His wing,
The Great Southland, His praises we sing.


The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit,
In God’s light, brilliantly lit.
A beacon of faith, a harbor of love,
Blessed by the Father from above.

Verse 2

From red desert sands to turquoise seas,
In this land, God’s wonders never cease.
Unity and hope, in His Spirit we stand,
Together as one, in the Great Southland.


The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit,
In God’s light, brilliantly lit.
A beacon of faith, a harbor of love,
Blessed by the Father from above.


A tapestry of cultures, woven by His hand,
In love and harmony, in this Great Southland.
In His Spirit, we rise, together we call,
The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, a home for all.


The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit,
In God’s light, brilliantly lit.
A beacon of faith, a harbor of love,
Blessed by the Father from above.


In every heart, in every song,
The Great Southland, where we belong.
In God’s grace, in His Spirit, we stand,
Blessed and united, the Great Southland.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

Track 10: “The Great Southland”

  • Key: A Major (vibrant and majestic)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (grand and robust)
  • Tempo: 84 bpm (stirring and powerful)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “The Great Southland” is designed to visually and emotionally capture the song’s themes of the prophetic declaration, divine blessing, and the spiritual identity of the land. The music video narrative aims to portray the beauty, diversity, and unity of the Great Southland, inspiring a sense of pride and spiritual connection among its people.


  • Music: Begins with a majestic and sweeping melody, setting a tone of grandeur and prophetic declaration.
  • Visuals: Aerial shots of diverse landscapes of the Great Southland – rugged coastlines, lush forests, sprawling deserts, bustling cities.
  • Emotion: Pride and a sense of wonder at the land’s beauty and diversity.

Verse 1:

  • Music: The melody builds, integrating traditional and modern instruments, reflecting a blend of history and contemporary culture.
  • Visuals: Scenes showcasing the land’s natural beauty and its people, highlighting both the indigenous heritage and the multicultural fabric of society.
  • Emotion: Connection to the land and its rich cultural tapestry.


  • Music: Crescendos into a powerful, uplifting chorus.
  • Visuals: People from all walks of life coming together in various community settings – cultural festivals, outdoor gatherings, worship services.
  • Emotion: Unity and shared identity, a celebration of communal spirit.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Continues with a resonant and heartfelt tune, maintaining the theme of divine blessing.
  • Visuals: Depictions of everyday life, people working, playing, and interacting, interspersed with stunning natural scenes.
  • Emotion: Joy in everyday blessings, the sanctity of ordinary moments.


    • Music: A repeat of the chorus, even more dynamic and inspiring.
    • Visuals: Larger gatherings, symbolic representations of unity – people holding hands, forming circles, sharing moments of joy and reflection.
    • Emotion: Elation and a sense of communal purpose and destiny.


      • Music: A softer, reflective interlude, emphasizing the spiritual connection to the land.
      • Visuals: Quiet moments of reflection – a person praying, another gazing at the horizon, a group sharing a meal – against backdrops of the land’s beauty.
      • Emotion: Contemplation, a deeper spiritual connection.


      • Music: Returns to the full chorus with a rich, vibrant sound.
      • Visuals: Scenes of cultural and spiritual celebrations, highlighting the diversity and unity of the Great Southland.
      • Emotion: Celebration of cultural and spiritual richness, a prophetic vision of unity.


      • Music: Gradually softens, leaving a lingering sense of hope and promise.
      • Visuals: The day ends with a beautiful sunset over the land, people looking out with a sense of anticipation and hope.
      • Emotion: Reflection, a forward-looking optimism for the land’s future.