In Your Awestruck Presence - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“In Your Awestruck Presence” marks a profound shift in the album’s journey. It moves from confession and surrender into worship and adoration. The lyrics vividly portray the weight of God’s majesty and the simultaneous, counterintuitive sense of profound intimacy His grace invites. This song celebrates the wonder ofstanding in God’s radiance, humbled yet enveloped in peace.

Emotional Heart:

This track evokes awe and profound gratitude. Imagine being completely overwhelmed by natural beauty, yet not fearing the vastness but feeling completely enveloped and safe within it. Similarly, this song evokes that sensation of smallness before God’s greatness, coupled with a paradoxical security – that we are deeply loved by that infinite power. It offers a moment of respite in the album, a quiet sanctuary of praise before diving back into the work of refinement and preparation.

Potential Blog Prompts:

  • Do you experience worship as primarily feeling close to God, or more focused on awe of His nature?
  • Can you think of times when a sense of God’s awe has calmed your fears?
  • What might it look like to carry this ‘awestruck’ mindset into daily life?

Scripture Foundation:

  • Psalm 95:6: “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”
  • Psalm 29:2: “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”
  • Revelation 4:10-11: “The twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being.'”

Deep Dive:

Worship isn’t simply songs or eloquent prayers, but a heart posture toward God. Kneeling, as the Psalms direct, embodies this surrender – not in fear, but recognizing His awesomeness. In worship, worthiness takes its rightful place – all glory goes to Him, the One from whom life itself flows. Revelation shows even heavenly hosts offering crowns as an act of complete recognition; though we have nothing as grand, this same principle guides our heart’s orientation.

Relevance to the Song:

“In Your Awestruck Presence” shifts focus from internal struggle to the glorious wonder of God. Lyrics paint vivid pictures of His magnificence, contrasted with our smallness. This isn’t about feeling insignificant, but a joyful release to simply worship in light of who He is. No requests, no focus on problems – just basking in awe of His being.

Application for the Listener:

  • How often does worship turn into listing what you need from God? Practice praise with NO agenda.
  • Visualize yourself in Revelation’s throne room: What blocks you from full-hearted abandonment in worship?
  • Spend time pondering a single attribute of God – His love, power, sovereignty. Let that fuel your worship.

Closing Prayer:

Majestic Lord, too often my approach to You mirrors worldly transactions. Teach me the joy of worship emptied of self, my spirit consumed with simply adoring who You are. May the awe found in Your Presence reshape every aspect of how I perceive my life, my problems, and the power of Your love. Amen.


In Your Awestruck Presence

Verse 1

Before Your boundless glory, my spirit stands in awe,
Your majesty surrounds me, Your love dissolves my flaws.
The heavens sing Your praises, the ocean echoes wide,
Yet in Your presence, Father, is where I long to abide.


Awestruck in Your presence, all earthly cares subside,
Doubts and worries vanish in Your love’s gentle tide.
Humbled at Your feet, my soul finds sweet release,
In You, O God, I discover perfect peace.

Verse 2

Though unworthy I may be, Your grace calls me so near,
You whisper words of welcome, dispelling every fear.
My spirit cries “Abba,” embraced by love so bold,
This precious gift of knowing You is worth more than fine gold.


Awestruck in Your presence, all earthly cares subside,
Doubts and worries vanish in Your love’s gentle tide.
Humbled at Your feet, my soul finds sweet release,
In You, O God, I discover perfect peace.


Hallelujah, King eternal, my heart cries out Your name,
Your majesty astounds me, Your mercy puts to shame
All my worldly striving, all my foolish pride,
With boundless love and wonder, by Your side I will abide.


Awestruck in Your presence…in You,
O God, I discover perfect peace.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: F Major – Evokes both quiet reverence and soaring wonder.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 with potential rubato – Allows for some rhythmic freedom in worship.
  • Tempo: Lento (around 50-60 BPM) – Spacious, inviting reflection upon vastness.

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Mood: Tranquil, reverential, tinged with wonder.
  • Music: Gentle strings, a lilting flute melody, hinting at an ethereal quality.
  • Visual: Camera pans slowly across a breathtaking starry night sky, galaxies ablaze in the vast expanse. A solitary figure stands in silhouette, dwarfed by the cosmos.
  • Camera: Gradual zoom in on the figure to reveal their posture of awe.

Verse 1

  • Mood: Recognition of one’s smallness, a joyful release into the grandeur of it all.
  • Action: Figure collapses to their knees, arms dropping loosely to their sides as they surrender to the overwhelming sight.
  • Camera: A wide shot focusing on the posture of kneeling, emphasizing the overwhelming scale of the night sky backdrop.


  • Mood: Worship expressed through physicality, intimacy amidst vastness.
  • Action: Figure rises, lifting their hands in graceful arcs as if embracing the cosmos. Light begins to radiate around their form, but gentle and diffused.
  • Camera: Circular tracking shot to encompass the figure and the majesty of the sky, conveying a sense of being cradled within the universe.

Verse 2

  • Mood: Humility turns to quiet communion, a personal encounter amidst the awe.
  • Action: Figure lowers hands, closes their eyes. Still kneeling, they seem to sink into the stillness of the moment.
  • Camera: Close-up on face, reflecting profound peace rather than the initial overwhelming awe.


    • Mood: Adoration deepens, an invitation for an even closer encounter.
    • Action: Figure’s eyes remain closed, but they lift their face upwards, mouth shaping a whispered prayer. The soft glow around them strengthens and begins to pulse in rhythm with a heartbeat.
    • Camera: Tracking shot, slow pullback, the glow surrounding the figure now stands out with increasing contrast against the inky black of the cosmos.


      • Mood: Quiet intensity, a holy tension between awareness of greatness and an answering love.
      • Action: Figure slowly opens their eyes, gazing directly upwards. A single tear traces a path down their cheek.
      • Camera: Upward tilt, mirroring their eye movement, but ending not on the starry expanse, but with a transition to a soft white light.


      • Mood: Pure serenity, awe tempered with intimate embrace.
      • Action: The white light begins to slowly recede, revealing glimpses of a serene body of water. The figure’s reflection ripples gently on the surface.
      • Camera: Slow zoom out on the scene, emphasizing the reflective qualities of the still water – a microcosm reflecting the infinite space from earlier.