On Your Altar - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“On Your Altar” captures the heart of surrender. Through vivid imagery, it portrays the conscious laying down of everything before God. Ambitions, dreams, fears, and all we cling to symbolically rest upon His altar awaiting His fire to ignite change. The lyrics express the cost – letting go is rarely easy – but acknowledge the freedom and purpose gained when we yield to God’s plan.

Emotional Heart:

This song carries both struggle and determination. There’s the wrestle between a natural desire to control and an overwhelming understanding of God’s goodness and perfect wisdom. It evokes a feeling of being at a crossroads: cling tightly to what we know, or offer everything and trust in what can’t yet be seen. Within this tension, there’s a thread of surprising joy as the potential for true freedom takes root.

Potential Blog Prompts:

  • What’s the hardest thing for you to lay on God’s “altar”? Why?
  • Can you recall moments when surrender led to something wonderful?
  • In what areas do you want total victory through letting go, trusting God’s plan?


Scripture Foundation:

  • Romans 12:1-2: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
  • Hebrews 12:29: “For our God is a consuming fire.”
  • Deuteronomy 4:24: “…For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.”


The imagery of an altar evokes rich sacrifice through Scripture. This act isn’t simply giving something up, but offering our totality – body, mind, soul – to God. While “consuming fire” can strike fear, it’s also an image of purification and the overwhelming power of a holy God. Our sacrifice isn’t consumed into nothingness, but reshaped, stripped of worldly entanglements, into a holy vessel for His glorious use. Romans urges this transformed state as the highest form of worship.

Relevance to the Song:

“On Your Altar” expresses the tension between clinging and sacrifice. It acknowledges what surrender costs – yet a vision of what’s on the other side ignites a passionate longing. It declares the relinquishing of self-made plans in favor of the divine flame shaping something better.

Application for the Listener:

  • Visualize your life as the altar: What do you cling to most tightly?
  • Is there a difference between surrendering in action, and true inner-yielding of spirit? Where are you still holding back?
  • Romans 12:2 calls for mind renewal. Explore where your desires align with God’s, and where your thoughts must be reshaped.

Closing Prayer:

Loving Father, ignite a fire of holy dissatisfaction within me. Make the thought of remaining unchanged more uncomfortable than fully sacrificing what is precious to me. Help me trust that every ambition, dream, and possession on Your altar isn’t destroyed, but perfected through Your refining fire. May my life echo the glory of Your power and love. Amen.


On Your Altar

Verse 1

My dreams and ambitions, all my earthly gain,
Held with trembling hands, they flicker and wane.
Here on Your altar, a willing sacrifice,
The cost is forgotten, replaced by Your promise of life.


Take all that I am, every hope and desire,
Set my heart ablaze with Your heavenly fire.
My will surrendered, Your purpose unfold,
In Your hands, I am made worthy, made bold.

Verse 2

This fragile vessel, flawed and unsure,
In Your holy presence, my spirit finds cure.
My fears and my burdens, I cast in Your care,
No longer my own, Your victory they share.


Take all that I am, every hope and desire,
Set my heart ablaze with Your heavenly fire.
My will surrendered, Your purpose unfold,
In Your hands, I am made worthy, made bold.


From ashes, You raise me, with new purpose I soar,
No longer held captive to what mattered before.
In yielding comes freedom, in surrender comes might,
On Your altar I find strength, Your kingdom my guiding light.


My life is but an offering, echoing Your boundless love,
A fragrant bouquet to the great King above.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: G Major – Overall bright, yet can contain undertones of sacrifice.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Solid rhythmic structure supporting decisive surrender.
  • Tempo: Moderato (90-100 BPM) – Purposeful, conveying both cost and anticipation.

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Mood: Solemnity transitioning to hopeful expectation.
  • Music: Begins with a single, rich instrument – cello, perhaps – slowly joined by strings building towards anticipation.
  • Visual: Figure enters a darkened space. Ahead, a stone altar is barely visible, faintly illuminated by an unseen source.
  • Camera: From behind the figure, emphasizing the path toward the altar and its subtle glow.

Verse 1

  • Mood: Reflection on burdens carried, the cost of laying them down.
  • Action: Figure approaches altar, slowing with each step. As they draw closer, their hands clasp tightly, then gradually unclench.
  • Camera: Slow pan alongside the figure as they approach, ending in a profile shot highlighting their hesitant hands.


  • Mood: Decision made, offering given with mixture of trepidation and eagerness.
  • Action: Figure lifts hands in a gesture of release, as if depositing unseen items upon the altar. As they withdraw, a soft light emerges from where their hands touched the stone.
  • Camera: Close-up of the altar surface, capturing the emerging light and perhaps suggesting shadow shapes of what’s been placed.

Verse 2

  • Mood: Wrestling with doubt, looking back at what is left behind.
  • Action: Figure slowly turns to leave, looking over their shoulder longingly. A slight frown plays across their face.
  • Camera: Shot from the altar’s perspective, figure growing smaller as they retreat, mirroring a growing unease within.


    • Mood: Renewed resolve, trust outweighing apprehension.
    • Action: Figure stops walking away. Shoulders straighten as they turn back to face the altar. They march back with determination, head held high. A single tear rolls down their cheek.
    • Camera: Tracking shot towards the figure approaching the altar a second time, their figure gaining focus with each step.


      • Mood: Inner transformation begins, acceptance of the fire of refinement.
      • Action: Figure kneels before the altar, resting forehead on the cool stone. Smoke begins to rise, wisps curling around them.
      • Camera: Tight shot of the figure’s hands now resting open on the stone, palms up. Tiny flickers of fire dance on the fingers.


      • Mood: Surrender complete, peaceful amidst the unknown.
      • Action: Figure rises slowly, face still reflecting the intensity of sacrifice. Light suffuses the entire space, casting their form in crisp silhouette.
      • Camera: Slow fade out to pure white light, ending in silence.