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Songs of Surrender: Preparation for the Harvest

This isn’t a collection of feel-good anthems or surface-level praise. “Songs of Surrender” is a heartfelt invitation to dive deeper. Its music and lyrics yearn to cultivate an authentic relationship with God, one marked by yieldedness and vulnerability before His awe-inspiring majesty.

Within the journey of this album, listeners will be confronted with their own need for a Savior, find support in their struggles to truly submit their lives, and encounter the power that waits to transform weakness into strength, fear into trust. It’s an album born from the belief that when we choose surrender to God, we not only receive the boundless gift of salvation, but we position ourselves to be part of the coming harvest of souls.

This album is for those longing for:

  • A more intimate, surrendered walk with God.
  • Guidance in shedding pride and self-reliance to embrace His all-sufficiency.
  • Strength for the moments of inner-refinement that true surrender demands.
  • Empowerment to join God as He draws all hearts to Himself.

This music is designed to be a companion – in our times of personal contemplation, passionate praise, and as we seek to live out our faith with boldness and love. It calls us back to the heart of worship: acknowledging Him as Lord over all, laying down everything, and receiving the incredible freedom that true surrender brings.

Song List

  1. Broken Before You: Confession and the desperate need for Christ.
  2. Search Me: Inviting God to reveal the deep recesses of our hearts.
  3. On Your Altar: Symbolic laying down of ambitions, control, and everything.
  4. No Longer I: The death of our ‘old self’ and transformation through Christ.
  5. In Your Awestruck Presence: Shift from internal focus to worship of God’s majesty.
  6. Take My All: Offering every talent, resource, and even our fears in His service.
  7. Refiner’s Fire: Acknowledging the sometimes painful process of God’s inner-refinement.
  8. Unwavering Love: Focus on God’s forgiveness and steadfast love even when we slip.
  9. For Every Season: Confidence in God’s sovereignty through joy and hardship.
  10. Harvester’s Call: Plea for salvation of lost souls and our role in God’s plan.

Song Pages

For Every Season

Track 9: For Every Season – Is your faith strongest in good times? “For Every Season” acknowledges life’s highs and lows, but centers on the unchanging faithfulness of God as our secure anchor. Find courage and trust knowing He walks with us through joy and trials alike.

Harvester’s Call

Track 10: Harvester’s Call – The world waits for answers only salvation provides. “Harvester’s Call” compels us to action as laborers in God’s Kingdom. It ignites a desire for lost souls, calls for personal equipping, and urges us to bravely carry the life-changing message of Christ.

Unfailing Love

Track 8: Unfailing Love – Even when we wander astray, even when we make mistakes, “Unfailing Love” proclaims the enduring affection of a God who welcomes us home – no scolding, just joyous redemption. Discover the freedom in understanding that nothing separates us from His amazing grace.

Refiner’s Fire

Track 7: Refiner’s Fire – Hardships are part of life, but do they destroy us or make us stronger? “Refiner’s Fire” explores the often painful process God allows to reshape us more into His image. Struggle and trust weave through the lyrics, pointing to the beauty that emerges from trials.

Take My All

Track 6: Take My All – Is anything held back from God? “Take My All” isn’t just about duty, but a joyful offer of everything – talents, fears, all surrendered as an act of worship. The song reveals how true generosity in God’s Kingdom yields unexpected blessings.

In Your Awestruck Presence

Track 5: In Your Awestruck Presence – Feeling small before God doesn’t need to be scary. “In Your Awestruck Presence” offers a chance to step away from internal struggles and bask in the wonder of His majesty. Let His powerful goodness wash over you and fill you with awe-filled peace.

No Longer I

No Longer I – Ever feel trapped in the prison of a flawed past? “No Longer I” celebrates the power of Christ to break those chains. Witness the death of the “old self” burdened by guilt, and revel in the freedom of a new identity as God’s beloved child. Discover how a transformed heart leads to a transformed life.

On Your Altar

Track 3: On Your Altar – What would it look like to lay everything on God’s altar? “On Your Altar” paints a vivid picture of surrendering ambitions, dreams, and fears to His consuming fire. There’s a cost, but a promise too – find out what’s gained in yielding all to His perfect plan.

Search Me

Track 2: Search Me – Longing for deeper intimacy with God? “Search Me” invites the Holy Spirit to shine His light onto the hidden parts of our hearts, fears we avoid, and idols we cling to. Let His examination become a cleansing fire. Are you ready?

Broken Before You

Tired of pretending? “Broken Before You” exposes the struggle of hiding our flaws behind a carefully constructed facade. Lay down the burdens, confess, and discover how brokenness becomes the starting point for true healing and freedom found in a loving Savior.

Songs of Surrender: Preparation for the Harvest

Track Number