Beyond the Books - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Beyond the Books” – Track Description


The third track of “Educatio Dei,” titled “Beyond the Books,” explores the expansive and multifaceted nature of education. This song is a resonant call to recognize and embrace the holistic development that education should foster, moving beyond mere academic achievement to encompass personal, spiritual, and character growth.

Themes and Message:

“Beyond the Books” begins with an appreciation for the foundational life skills and character-building aspects that education imparts. The song then transitions into an acknowledgment of the shortcomings in educational systems that focus too narrowly on test scores and rigid learning, neglecting the broader aspects of personal development.

In its powerful chorus and verses, the song emphasizes the need for education to promote wisdom, discernment, and a balanced growth of the individual. The lyrical journey culminates in a plea for an educational approach that shapes well-rounded individuals, equipped not only with knowledge but also with the virtues and values necessary for life.

Scriptural Integration:

Influenced by biblical principles, such as those found in Luke 2:52 – “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man,” the song reflects on the model of holistic growth exemplified by Jesus. It encourages a pursuit of education that mirrors this balance, nurturing the intellectual, spiritual, and social dimensions of learners.

Impact and Reflection:

“Beyond the Books” is crafted to resonate with educators, students, and anyone who values a comprehensive approach to education. It challenges listeners to rethink and expand their understanding of what true education entails. The song invites reflection on how educational experiences shape not just the mind but also the heart and spirit.


Devotional for “Beyond the Books”

Scripture References:

  • Luke 2:52 (NIV): “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
  • Proverbs 4:7 (NIV): “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”


“Beyond the Books” brings to light the importance of holistic education – one that nurtures not just intellectual growth but also emotional, spiritual, and social development. Luke 2:52 provides a perfect model in Jesus Christ, who grew not only in physical stature but also in wisdom and in favor with both God and man. This scripture encourages us to value and seek a well-rounded growth in all aspects of life.

Proverbs 4:7 underscores the supreme value of wisdom, urging us to prioritize its pursuit. It reminds us that true education goes far beyond academic achievements; it’s about gaining understanding and applying it to our lives. As intercessors, we are called to pray for an education system that recognizes and fosters this comprehensive approach to learning.

Prayer Focus:

  1. Holistic Growth in Education: Pray for educational systems to embrace and promote a holistic approach, nurturing students in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man.
  2. Value of Wisdom and Understanding: Intercede for students and educators to prioritize wisdom and understanding, recognizing their importance above mere academic success.
  3. Character Development: Ask God to guide educators in shaping not just minds but also the character of their students, instilling values such as integrity, compassion, and respect.
  4. Spiritual Growth: Pray for opportunities within educational contexts for students to grow spiritually, to ask deep questions, and to seek God’s truth.

Personal Application:

Reflect on your own journey of education and growth. Consider areas where you might seek holistic development – intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. How can you apply the wisdom and understanding you have gained in your daily life?


Beyond the Books

Verse 1

Thanksgiving (Recognizing the value of holistic education)

In every lesson, in every class,
Your hand is guiding, time to surpass.
We see Your wisdom, in more than books,
In every life, in every look.


Intercession (Pleading for a deeper learning beyond academics)

Beyond the books, we seek Your face,
In every study, let there be grace.
Teach us to learn, teach us to live,
Teach us to love, teach us to give.

Verse 2

Repentance (Seeking forgiveness for misplaced priorities)

Forgive us, Lord, when we’ve lost the way,
When scores and grades have led astray.
In pursuit of honor, let hearts not harden,
Let Your Spirit be our warden.


Intercession (A cry for real transformation in educational values)

Beyond the books, we seek Your truth,
For every elder, for every youth.
Shape our being, not just our minds,
In Your purpose, let us find.


Decree (Declaring a shift in focus to holistic development)

We speak life into these walls of learning,
A fire for holistic growth, now burning.
For character and wisdom, we take our stand,
In every heart, in every land.

Verse 3

Blessing (Blessing educators and students with God’s guidance)

Bless our teachers, with insight clear,
To guide our steps, to You, draw near.
May students flourish, in soul and spirit,
In Your love, may we inherit.


Intercession and Celebration (Celebrating the growth beyond academics)

Beyond the books, Your glory shines,
In every lesson, Your design.
We grow, we serve, we rise, we reach,
With every life we touch and teach.


Proclamation (A final declaration of God’s guidance in education)

In every question, in every thought,
Let Your wisdom be sought.
Beyond the books, we will pursue,
The fullness of life, found in You.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: E Minor – Offers a mix of introspection and expressiveness, suitable for a song about holistic education.
  • Time Signature: 6/8 – This compound time signature can create a sense of movement and breadth, reflecting the song’s theme of expansive learning.
  • Tempo: Allegretto (around 104 bpm) – Lively but not too fast, allowing for clear articulation of the song’s message.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Beyond the Books” aims to visually represent the song’s message about the comprehensive nature of education. The scenes are crafted to showcase different aspects of learning, from academic to creative and physical, aligning with the musical progression of the track.

Introduction (Before Verse 1)

  • Scene 0: Slow montage of various educational environments – a bustling classroom, a peaceful library, and a lively art studio. Each scene is empty, creating a sense of anticipation.
  • Camera Movement: Slow pans across each room.
  • Mood: Anticipatory, calm.

Verse 1

  • Scene 1: Students in a classroom engaged in a lively discussion, highlighting critical thinking and interaction.
  • Musical Elements: Gentle, thoughtful melody begins, setting the tone.
  • On-screen Action: Close-up shots of students’ expressive faces, deep in thought and discussion.
  • Camera Movement: Slow zooms on students’ faces, cutting between speakers.
  • Mood: Engaged, thoughtful.


  • Scene 2: Transition to a scene of students participating in outdoor education, learning about nature.
  • Musical Elements: Music builds slightly, adding layers of complexity.
  • On-screen Action: Students exploring, discovering, and interacting with the natural environment.
  • Camera Movement: Wide shots of the outdoor setting, close-ups of hands touching leaves, soil, water.
  • Mood: Curious, explorative.


  • Scene 3: Shift to a drama class where students are acting, expressing creativity and emotion.
  • Musical Elements: Chorus begins, richer and more expressive.
  • On-screen Action: Students performing, faces full of emotion and creativity.
  • Camera Movement: Dynamic, following the movements of the students, interspersed with audience reactions.
  • Mood: Expressive, creative.

    Verse 2

    • Scene 4: A quiet library scene, students engaged in individual study, showing the personal journey of learning.
    • Musical Elements: Melody softens, reflecting introspection.
    • On-screen Action: Students reading, writing, and reflecting.
    • Camera Movement: Gentle pans across the library, close-ups of thoughtful faces.
    • Mood: Reflective, introspective.


      • Scene 5: Students in a science lab, conducting experiments – showcasing analytical and problem-solving skills.
      • Musical Elements: The music builds again, mirroring the investigative nature of the scene.
      • On-screen Action: Close-ups of experiments, students’ reactions to outcomes.
      • Camera Movement: Quick cuts between different experiments.
      • Mood: Inquisitive, analytical.


      • Scene 6: A sports field with students engaged in physical education, emphasizing teamwork and physical wellness.
      • Musical Elements: The chorus is vibrant and energetic.
      • On-screen Action: Students playing sports, cheering each other on.
      • Camera Movement: Dynamic, capturing the action and energy of sports.
      • Mood: Energetic, collaborative.


      • Scene 7: Evening falls over the educational campus; students are seen leaving, chatting about their day.
      • Musical Elements: Music gradually winds down, leaving a sense of accomplishment and peace.
      • On-screen Action: Students walking away from the campus, a sense of contentment and fulfillment in their expressions.
      • Camera Movement: Slow zoom out from the campus, capturing the twilight ambiance.
      • Mood: Contemplative, satisfied.