Growing Together - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Description:


“Growing Together” celebrates the journey of personal development within the context of family life. It highlights how individual growth contributes to and enriches the collective family experience, emphasizing the beauty of unity amidst diversity.

Musical Concepts:

  • The song features an uplifting melody that is both vibrant and heartwarming, reflecting the joy and dynamism of growing together as a family.
  • A mix of acoustic guitar and piano provides a foundation, while light percussion elements add a sense of forward motion, symbolizing progress and growth.
  • Harmonies are used thoughtfully to represent the idea of individual voices coming together in a harmonious blend, just like family members supporting one another’s growth.

Theological Concepts:

  • Inspired by 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 and Ephesians 4:15-16, the lyrics explore the theme of the family as a body of Christ, where each member plays a unique and valued role.
  • The song reinforces the Christian ideal of growth not just in physical or emotional terms, but also spiritually, within the nurturing environment of a family.

Purpose and Inspiration:

  • “Growing Together” is designed to encourage families to recognize and celebrate each member’s unique contributions, fostering an atmosphere where everyone can thrive.
  • The track aims to inspire reflection on how family members can support each other’s personal and spiritual growth, building a stronger, more united family unit.

Target Audience:

  • Suitable for families at all stages of life, from those with young children to extended families with members of varying ages.
  • Resonates with individuals seeking inspiration for contributing positively to their family dynamics and those looking to celebrate the diverse strengths within their families.

Key Takeaway:

“Growing Together” is an anthem for familial unity and individual development, capturing the essence of a family that grows not just in size, but in love, understanding, and spiritual strength. It is a musical reminder that in a family, each person’s growth benefits the whole, and together, they can achieve a harmonious balance.


Devotion: Nurturing Unity in Diversity


“Growing Together” is a celebration of the individual growth within the family, acknowledging how each person’s unique journey contributes to the collective strength and diversity of the family unit. This track is a call to embrace and encourage each other’s potential and to foster an environment where everyone can flourish together.

Scripture Foundation:

  • 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 (NIV) “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.”
  • Ephesians 4:15-16 (NIV) “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”


Think about the diversity within your family and how each person’s unique talents and traits contribute to the family’s identity. Reflect on the importance of supporting one another in love, allowing each member to grow without hindrance. As intercessors, recognize the power of prayer in nurturing and protecting the potential within each family member.

Contemplative Questions:

  • What are the specific gifts and growth edges of each family member, and how can you support their development?
  • How does your family celebrate individual achievements and milestones as part of the collective family experience?

Intercession Guidance:

Intercede for your family’s growth in unity, that each member may be valued and find space to develop their God-given talents. Pray for wisdom in how to foster a supportive environment where individuality and togetherness are in harmony.

Scripture Engagement:

Meditate on the unity in diversity described in Corinthians and the growth into maturity depicted in Ephesians. Pray these scriptures over your family, seeking God’s guidance in how to live them out in your daily interactions.

Worshipful Response:

Allow “Growing Together” to be a song of commitment to each other’s growth and a prayer for the collective maturity of your family in Christ. Sing it as a declaration of unity, celebrating the beauty of each member’s contribution to the whole.

Closing Prayer:

Dear Lord, You have designed our family like a body, with many parts, each with a unique role and purpose. We ask for Your grace to embrace and encourage each individual’s growth so that, together, we may build a family that glorifies You. Help us to foster a spirit of unity that celebrates each personal journey and contributes to our collective strength. May we grow in love, in maturity, and in the beauty of Your design. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Growing Together 

Verse 1

Gratitude My heart sings out, a love so true,
For this woman beside me, Your precious gift too.
So young we started, together we’ve grown,
Shared tears and laughter, a love we’ve sewn.

My dearest wife, with you I take my stand,
You saw us through hardship, hand in hand.
From parents, I learned love’s gentle hand,
Your light has guided, shaped the man I am.


God as the Bedrock Your love, our bedrock,
Your strength remains, Our rock, our fortress,
through joy and through pain.
Your steady presence, a beacon in the night,
Guiding our growth with Your eternal light.

Verse 2

Love’s Journey Children joined us, precious blessings they are,
Our life expanded, our hearts stretched afar.
We faced their trials, triumphs by their side,
Your love reflected, as a father, my pride.

With parents now aging, the roles they reverse,
A chance to return love, this cycle I immerse.
Generations bound, roots run deep and true,
The tapestry of family, with strength forever new.


God as the Bedrock Your love, our bedrock,
Your strength remains, Our rock, our fortress,
through joy and through pain.
Your steady presence, a beacon in the night,
Guiding our growth with Your eternal light.


Open hearts, and honest words we pray,
Let bitterness and shame all melt away.
May communication be open and flow,
A testament of how our family will grow.

Outro: Blessing

 May love unite us, stronger through the days,
Husbands, wives supporting, reflecting Your ways.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: A Major – A bright and positive key, fitting for a song about family growth and shared experiences.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Maintains a sense of stability and forward motion, reflecting the song’s theme of progressive familial growth.
  • Tempo: 88 bpm – A lively tempo that captures the energy and joy of a family growing and evolving together.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Growing Together” illustrates the dynamic and nurturing environment of a family that supports and celebrates individual growth as well as collective development. The visuals align with the song’s uplifting spirit, showcasing the joy and strength found in family unity and shared experiences.


  • Visual Concept: Sunrise over a lively family home, symbolizing a new day and growth.
  • Mood: Optimistic, fresh.
  • Musical Concept: Light, uplifting instrumental introduction.
  • Scene Details: The camera captures the early morning light bathing the family home, children playing in the yard, adults preparing for the day, indicating a bustling, loving family environment.

Verse 1

  • Visual Concept: Family members engaging in individual activities that show growth and development.
  • Mood: Energetic, positive.
  • Musical Concept: Bright, encouraging vocals.
  • Scene Details: Scenes of family members pursuing their passions and interests – a child painting, a teenager playing an instrument, adults gardening, etc., showcasing their unique talents and personalities.


  • Visual Concept: The family coming together, celebrating each other’s achievements and growth.
  • Mood: Joyful, celebratory.
  • Musical Concept: Chorus is vibrant and harmonious.
  • Scene Details: A family gathering where each member’s accomplishments are celebrated – a mini recital at home, an art show on the refrigerator, a family meal where everyone contributes.

Verse 2

  • Visual Concept: Scenes of family members supporting and encouraging each other’s goals.
  • Mood: Supportive, loving.
  • Musical Concept: Warm, heartfelt vocals.
  • Scene Details: A parent helping a child with homework, siblings teaching each other skills, partners sharing a hobby, emphasizing the theme of mutual growth and support.


    • Repeat of Previous Chorus Scene, with More Emphasis on Family Interaction and Togetherness


      • Visual Concept: A montage of family members overcoming challenges and growing stronger together.
      • Mood: Resilient, empowering.
      • Musical Concept: Bridge intensifies, emotionally rich.
      • Scene Details: A sequence showing family members facing and overcoming obstacles – a child learning to ride a bike, a teenager navigating friendship issues, adults managing work-life balance, all with family support.


      • Visual Concept: The family, bonded and united, looking towards a hopeful future.
      • Mood: Content, forward-looking.
      • Musical Concept: Music resolves softly, a sense of fulfillment.
      • Scene Details: The family in a group hug or walking together, laughing and talking, a sense of unity and shared journey. The sunset symbolizes the end of a fulfilling day.

      Final Chorus

      • Repeat of Chorus Scene, with a Focus on the Family Embracing and Enjoying Their Time Together