Parent Blessing Children - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Description:


“Parent Blessing Children” is a profound and uplifting track that encapsulates the hopes, prayers, and blessings that parents naturally have for their children. It’s a song that expresses not only the deep love and care parents hold but also their desires for their children’s future under God’s guidance.

Musical Concepts:

  • The melody is warm and nurturing, akin to a lullaby, yet imbued with a sense of reverence and solemnity, reflecting the gravity and beauty of a parent’s blessing.
  • Gentle, soothing instrumental arrangements, primarily featuring piano and soft strings, create a tender and emotive soundscape.
  • The song’s structure allows for moments of quiet reflection, as well as crescendos that convey the intensity and depth of a parent’s love and prayers.

Theological Concepts:

  • Rooted in Biblical principles, particularly those found in Proverbs 22:6 and Numbers 6:24-26, the lyrics emphasize the role of parents in guiding and blessing their children according to God’s will.
  • The song is a musical embodiment of the spiritual responsibility parents have to shape their children’s faith and character.

Purpose and Inspiration:

  • Intended to inspire and encourage parents to actively pray for and bless their children, acknowledging the significant influence they have in their children’s spiritual and emotional development.
  • “Parent Blessing Children” serves as a reminder of the enduring impact of parental blessings and prayers, setting a foundation of faith and love for the next generation.

Target Audience:

  • Perfect for parents and guardians of all stages, from those with young children to those with adult offspring, seeking to impart spiritual wisdom and blessings.
  • It also resonates with anyone who holds a nurturing role in the lives of children, whether as mentors, educators, or spiritual leaders.

Key Takeaway:

“Parent Blessing Children” is a heartfelt expression of the profound relationship between parents and children, underscored by the desire to see them grow in God’s love and grace. It encourages parents to embrace their pivotal role in shaping their children’s lives with prayers, blessings, and godly guidance.


Devotion: Encircling Our Children with Prayerful Blessings


“Parent Blessing Children” is a melodic prayer that encompasses the heart of every parent or guardian’s desire for their children. This song invites us to articulate our deepest prayers and blessings for the younger generation, entrusting them to God’s faithful care and guidance.

Scripture Foundation:

  • Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
  • 3 John 1:4 (NIV) “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
  • Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV) “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”


Ponder the profound role of parenting or guiding a child, marked by a balance of teaching, nurturing, and blessing. Consider the way God’s words and promises shape the lives of children as they grow. As intercessors, we have the privilege and responsibility to cover the younger generation in prayer, seeking God’s wisdom and protection over them.

Contemplative Questions:

  • How can you more intentionally speak blessings and God’s promises over your children or the children in your community?
  • In what ways can you exemplify a godly life that children can look up to and emulate?

Intercession Guidance:

Pray for wisdom, protection, and guidance for the children in your family and community. Ask God to help them grow in knowledge, character, and faith, and to navigate the challenges of life with His grace.

Scripture Engagement:

Spend time in the scriptures from Proverbs, 3 John, and Numbers, embracing their wisdom and blessings. Let these verses guide your prayers, and consider incorporating them into your daily interactions with children.

Worshipful Response:

As you sing “Parent Blessing Children,” let it be a powerful prayer over the younger generation. Use this song as a commitment to nurture, guide, and bless them, trusting in God’s providential care over their lives.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, our Heavenly Father, we lift up the precious lives of our children and the children in our community. We pray that they will be deeply rooted in Your love and truth. Bless them, protect them, and guide their steps. May they grow to be strong in faith, full of wisdom, and rich in compassion. Help us as parents and guardians to model Your love and to be sources of godly wisdom and guidance. In Jesus’ name, we bless the children of this generation, that they may walk in Your truth and peace, Amen.


Parent Blessing Children 

Verse 1

(Gratitude) With grateful hearts, we lift our praise,
For children safe, for sunlit days.
Your loving hand, their steps did guide,
With senses keen, and blessings wide.

Verse 2

(Protection) In times of trouble, darkness near,
We ask your angels to draw so clear.
A shield of love, a whispered word,
Your mighty presence, plainly heard.


(Guiding Light) Oh Lord, be their light, their path so true,
Each step by step, their lives renew.
In righteousness, let their spirits soar,
Your name an honor, forevermore.

Verse 3

(Blessing) Bless future paths, let wisdom lead,
Their homes with joy, fulfill each need.
Strong hearts to share, a love unbent,
Communities healed, by Your spirit sent.


(Guiding Light) Oh Lord, be their light, their path so true,
Each step by step, their lives renew.
In righteousness, let their spirits soar,
Your name an honor, forevermore.


Father, bless them, Your Son we see,
The Holy Spirit, flowing free.
With grateful voices, now we raise,
Our children blessed in all their ways.


(Guiding Light) Oh Lord, be their light, their path so true,
Each step by step, their lives renew.
In righteousness, let their spirits soar,
Your name an honor, forevermore.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: G Major – A key that feels nurturing and warm, aligning well with a song about parental love and blessings.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Provides a solid and supportive rhythm, echoing the song’s theme of parental guidance and support.
  • Tempo: 60 bpm – A gentle tempo that allows for the heartfelt delivery of the blessings and advice from parents to children.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

              This storyboard for “Parent Blessing Children” captures the essence of parenting – the joys, challenges, and the profound journey of raising and blessing children. The visuals transition from the early days of nurturing to the pride of seeing children mature, aligning with the song’s narrative of love, guidance, and the enduring bond between parents and children.


              • Visual Concept: A family album being opened, filled with photos and keepsakes from different stages of children’s lives.
              • Mood: Sentimental, reflective.
              • Musical Concept: Gentle, nurturing instrumental introduction.
              • Scene Details: The camera slowly pans over the album pages, showcasing milestones – a baby’s first steps, a child’s school play, a teenager’s graduation, capturing the journey of growth and parental love.

              Verse 1

              • Visual Concept: Scenes of parents interacting with their children at various stages, offering guidance, support, and love.
              • Mood: Affectionate, nurturing.
              • Musical Concept: Warm, heartfelt vocals.
              • Scene Details: Parents reading bedtime stories, teaching children to ride a bike, comforting them after a bad day, displaying the multifaceted role of parenting.


              • Visual Concept: The family together in moments of celebration and everyday life.
              • Mood: Joyous, unified.
              • Musical Concept: Chorus grows, encapsulating the depth of parental love.
              • Scene Details: Family gatherings, birthday parties, quiet evenings at home, highlighting the strong bond and joy found in familial relationships.

              Verse 2

              • Visual Concept: Parents watching their children face life’s challenges, offering support but allowing them to grow.
              • Mood: Hopeful, empowering.
              • Musical Concept: Encouraging, supportive vocals.
              • Scene Details: Scenes of children and teens navigating life’s ups and downs – a tough exam, a sports match, first heartbreak – with parents providing a comforting presence.


                • Repeat of Previous Chorus Scene, with an Emphasis on the Growing Independence of the Children


                  • Visual Concept: A symbolic depiction of children growing up and parents’ role evolving.
                  • Mood: Bittersweet, proud.
                  • Musical Concept: Bridge is reflective, poignant.
                  • Scene Details: Time-lapse style scenes showing children growing up, parents aging, depicting the passage of time and the evolving nature of the parent-child relationship.


                  • Visual Concept: Parents imparting final words of wisdom, blessing their children as they embark on their own journeys.
                  • Mood: Tender, hopeful.
                  • Musical Concept: Soft, conclusive melody.
                  • Scene Details: A heartfelt scene where parents share meaningful advice or blessings with their now-grown children, symbolizing the passing of the torch to the next generation.

                  Final Chorus

                  • Repeat of Chorus Scene, Focusing on the Legacy of Love and Values Parents Have Instilled in Their Children