Reconciliation through the Prodigal - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Description:


“Reconciliation through the Prodigal” is a profound and emotionally resonant track that tells a story of redemption and forgiveness. Drawing inspiration from the parable of the Prodigal Son, this song captures the essence of returning to family and to God, and the joyous reconciliation that follows.

Musical Concepts:

  • The song features a rich, narrative-driven composition, with a mix of somber tones in the verses that evoke the sense of loss and regret, and uplifting, hopeful melodies in the chorus, symbolizing forgiveness and restoration.
  • Instrumentation includes piano and strings, providing a classical and timeless feel, interspersed with modern acoustic elements that make the track relatable and poignant.
  • The dynamics of the song mirror the emotional journey of the prodigal, with crescendos at key moments to emphasize the profound realizations and the joy of reconciliation.

Theological Concepts:

  • It’s based on the parable from Luke 15:20-24, highlighting themes of God’s unwavering love, grace, and the joy in heaven over one sinner who repents.
  • The song extends the parable to a modern family context, exploring how these timeless truths apply to contemporary familial relationships and the power of forgiveness and acceptance.

Purpose and Inspiration:

  • Aimed at encouraging families dealing with estrangement or seeking reconciliation, this song is both a source of comfort and a call to embrace forgiveness and grace.
  • “Reconciliation through the Prodigal” serves as a reminder of the boundless grace of God and the power of love to heal and reunite families.

Target Audience:

  • This track resonates deeply with individuals and families experiencing separation or seeking reconciliation, offering hope and a path toward healing.
  • It is also impactful for those who have undergone the journey of reconciliation and can find affirmation and joy in the song’s message.

Key Takeaway:

“Reconciliation through the Prodigal” is a musical embodiment of redemption and the transformative power of forgiveness. It encourages listeners to open their hearts to reconciliation, celebrating the restorative power of love within families and faith in God’s unending grace.


Devotion: Embracing Grace and Redemption


“Reconciliation through the Prodigal” explores the themes of loss, repentance, and the joy of restoration within the family. Drawing inspiration from the parable of the Prodigal Son, this song is a poignant reminder of God’s unconditional love and the power of grace to heal and reunite.

Scripture Foundation:

  • Luke 15:20-24 (NIV) “So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him… For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. So they began to celebrate.”
  • 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 (NIV) “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”


Consider the profound impact of forgiveness and reconciliation within a family. Reflect on the ways God’s grace has been evident in your own journey of reconciliation, either as the one returning or as the one offering forgiveness. As intercessors, you are called to be ministers of reconciliation, embodying the love and grace that God extends to us all.

Contemplative Questions:

  • How can you foster a spirit of reconciliation within your family, creating a space where grace abounds and relationships are restored?
  • In what ways can you actively demonstrate the love of the Father, as seen in the parable of the Prodigal Son, in your own family dynamics?

Intercession Guidance:

Pray for any estranged relationships within your family, asking God to soften hearts and open pathways for dialogue and understanding. Intercede for a spirit of humility and forgiveness to prevail, mirroring the love and acceptance demonstrated by the father in the parable.

Scripture Engagement:

Meditate on the parable of the Prodigal Son and the teachings of reconciliation in Corinthians. Let these scriptures guide your heart as you seek to apply these truths in your family life.

Worshipful Response:

As you worship with “Reconciliation through the Prodigal,” let the song be both a prayer for those who are distant and a celebration of the joy that comes with reconciliation. Embrace its message as a declaration of hope for all families experiencing separation or misunderstanding.

Closing Prayer:

Gracious and Loving Father, we come to You with hearts longing for reconciliation in our families. Guide those who have strayed back to Your loving embrace, and give us the grace to welcome them with open arms. Help us to embody Your forgiveness and unconditional love, being agents of reconciliation in our homes and communities. We rejoice in Your promise of restoration and celebrate each step towards unity and understanding. In the merciful name of Jesus, our Redeemer, Amen.


Reconciliation through the Prodigal

Verse 1

The Anguish Father, restless eyes scan the horizon’s bend,
For the face of a son whose path I can’t mend.
My other boy, faithful but burdened in heart,
Sees love without measure another depart.
Was I too generous, or distant and stern?
A father still aching, with lessons to learn.


Hope in God’s Love But even in darkness, in You I will trust,
Your mercy endures, Your heart ever just.
Guide my lost boy, though his road has grown dim,
May he find his way home, find his way back to Him.

Verse 2

Watching & Waiting Father, through glimpses, his pain echoes deep,
 Laughter now strangled, while hungry eyes weep.
 He squanders his portion, on fleeting delight,
Yet a flicker of kindness still sparks through the night.
In the eyes of the outcast, does he see your own?
Will his heart yearn for warmth on soil cold and alone?


Hope in God’s Love But even in darkness, in You I will trust,
Your mercy endures, Your heart ever just.
Guide my lost boy, though his road has grown dim,
May he find his way home, find his way back to Him.


Father’s Lament Father, when pride gives way to a beggar’s weak cry,
And hunger gnaws deeper than youthful disguise,
Grant him courage to swallow his shame, find his way,
Broken and humbled, yet willing to pray.


Hope in God’s Love But even in darkness, in You I will trust,
Your mercy endures, Your heart ever just.
Guide my lost boy, though his road has grown dim,
May he find his way home, find his way back to Him.


Arms Open Wide Let forgiveness rush out, like water so sweet,
No lectures or judgement, oh, may our hearts meet.
We feast and we sing, as heaven finds earth,
For this was my lost boy, now granted rebirth.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Minor – A key that can convey a sense of longing and eventual resolution, suitable for a song about familial reconciliation.
  • Time Signature: 6/8 – Gives a sense of movement and journey, reflecting the prodigal’s return and the emotional shifts within the song.
  • Tempo: 63 bpm – A tempo that allows for the expression of both regret and joy, matching the song’s narrative of reconciliation.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

            This storyboard for “Reconciliation through the Prodigal” visually narrates the emotional journey of estrangement and reconciliation within a family, inspired by the parable of the Prodigal Son. The contrast between isolation and unity, despair and hope, and the final reunion, encapsulates the song’s themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the enduring love of a family.


            • Visual Concept: A solitary figure (the prodigal) in a distant, isolated setting.
            • Mood: Desolate, reflective.
            • Musical Concept: Melancholic, introspective instrumental opening.
            • Scene Details: The camera focuses on the prodigal in a sparse, desolate landscape, capturing a sense of isolation and longing, setting the tone for a journey of return and redemption.

            Verse 1

            • Visual Concept: Flashbacks of the prodigal’s departure and the family’s initial reactions.
            • Mood: Tense, emotional.
            • Musical Concept: Expressive, narrative-driven vocals.
            • Scene Details: Scenes of the prodigal leaving home, interspersed with family members’ reactions – a mix of anger, sadness, and disbelief. The prodigal’s journey away from home is fraught with challenges.


            • Visual Concept: The family, especially the father, yearning for the prodigal’s return.
            • Mood: Hopeful, yearning.
            • Musical Concept: Chorus builds with a sense of longing.
            • Scene Details: The father is seen in various settings, looking out the window, pausing in daily activities, always with a sense of waiting and hoping for the prodigal’s return.

            Verse 2

            • Visual Concept: The prodigal’s realization of loss and desire to return home.
            • Mood: Penitent, introspective.
            • Musical Concept: Deep, heartfelt vocals.
            • Scene Details: The prodigal in moments of hardship, reflecting on family and home, leading to a decision to return. The journey back is filled with apprehension and hope.


              • Repeat of Previous Chorus Scene, with an Increased Sense of Anticipation


                • Visual Concept: The prodigal’s return journey, intercut with the family’s preparation to welcome back.
                • Mood: Redemptive, expectant.
                • Musical Concept: Bridge intensifies, emotionally charged.
                • Scene Details: A montage of the prodigal making their way home, juxtaposed with scenes of the family, especially the father, preparing for the possible return – setting an extra place at the table, keeping the porch light on.


                • Visual Concept: The prodigal’s return and the joyous family reunion.
                • Mood: Joyful, reconciliatory.
                • Musical Concept: Music resolves with warmth and fulfillment.
                • Scene Details: The prodigal arrives home, initially tentative. The family, especially the father, rushes to welcome them with open arms. Emotional embraces, tears of joy, and a sense of peace and reunion.

                Final Chorus

                • Repeat of Chorus Scene, Now with the Whole Family United, Celebrating the Prodigal’s Return