Rooted in Love - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Description:

Overview: “Rooted in Love” is the opening track of the album, setting the tone for a journey through family, faith, and the intertwining of both. This song is a melodic embodiment of the foundational strength and stability that comes from a family deeply rooted in the love of Christ.

Musical Concepts:

  • The song begins with a gentle, soothing melody, akin to a lullaby, symbolizing the nurturing aspect of family love.
  • Instrumentation includes soft acoustic guitar and piano, with subtle strings in the background, creating a warm, enveloping sound.
  • The chorus swells with harmonies, reflecting the collective strength and unity of a family bound by love.

Theological Concepts:

  • Drawing inspiration from Ephesians 3:17-19, the lyrics emphasize the depth and breadth of Christ’s love as the source of the family’s strength.
  • The song explores the biblical metaphor of believers as branches grafted into the vine (John 15:5), depicting the family’s spiritual growth and resilience.

Purpose and Inspiration:

  • “Rooted in Love” is crafted to remind listeners of the importance of a strong spiritual foundation within the family.
  • It serves as a prayerful declaration over listeners’ families, invoking unity, peace, and enduring love as decreed blessings.

Target Audience:

  • Ideal for families seeking spiritual encouragement and affirmation.
  • A comforting track for individuals longing for a sense of belonging and connection within their family and faith communities.

Key Takeaway: This song is a heartfelt reminder that when a family’s roots are firmly planted in God’s love, they can weather the storms of life together. It calls listeners to reflect on their family’s spiritual foundation and to nurture it with the same love and grace that comes from God.


Devotion: Anchoring in Unfailing Love

Introduction: In the first track of our intercessory journey, “Rooted in Love,” we delve into the foundational strength of family, which is love. This song serves as a starting point, affirming that just as a tree is steadfastly rooted in the earth, our families must be firmly rooted in the love of Christ.

Scripture Foundation:

  • Ephesians 3:17-19 (NIV) “So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
  • Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV) “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Reflection: Contemplate the depth of Christ’s love for us—a love so profound that it is the bedrock of all relationships. When we ground our family life in His love, we allow His peace and unity to flourish within our home. As intercessors, we understand that it is not by our might, but through the strength and grace that flows from being rooted in His love, that our families can withstand the trials of life.

Contemplative Questions:

  • How does the imagery of a tree rooted deeply into the soil speak to the stability and nourishment we find in God’s love?
  • In what ways can we, as a family, grow stronger in our faith and love to become a testimony of God’s grace to others?

Intercession Guidance: As you intercede for your family, pray for deep roots—roots that are not easily shaken by the winds of change or trials. Seek God’s wisdom on how to nurture an environment where love is the cornerstone. Ask for a revelation of the vast dimensions of Christ’s love to be made real in your family life.

Scripture Engagement: Meditate on the selected scriptures, allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the layers and breadth of love that Christ offers. Imagine your family’s roots growing deeper into this love, drawing strength and sustenance.

Worshipful Response: Through “Rooted in Love,” let your worship be a conduit for God’s love to pour into your family. As you sing, envision God’s unfailing love wrapping around each family member, strengthening your bonds and solidifying your foundation in Him.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we come before You, thanking You for the love that You have lavished upon us—a love so deep, so wide, so long, so high, that we could spend eternity exploring its grandeur and still find new treasures. We pray for our families to be deeply rooted in this love, that we may be a living testimony of Your grace and unity. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Rooted in Love

Verse 1

We thank you, Lord, for blessings bright,
For faithful ancestors who saw Your light.
Let their faith flow strong, their legacy remain,
As we strive to honor Your holy name.


With grateful hearts, Your name we raise,
For those before, who walked Your ways.
Their faith inspires, our path You guide,
Legacy of love, in You we confide.

Verse 2

We come before You, Lord of all,
Our past laid bare, we heed Your call.
Generations burdened with sin we see,
A tainted heritage in me.

Verse 3

Forgive us, Father, for broken ways,
The paths we wandered, far from grace.
Wash us clean with Jesus’ precious blood,
Break the chains, release the flood.


Lord, break the chains that hold us bound,
Let every curse fall to the ground.
We claim Your Lordship, strength divine,
May Jesus’ glory in our family shine.


With grateful hearts, Your name we raise,
For those before, who walked Your ways.
Their faith inspires, our path You guide,
Legacy of love, in You we confide.


Our family stands, in You made strong,
We lift Your name in joyful song.
The past redeemed, the future bright,
Forevermore, we walk in light.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: G Major – It’s a warm and welcoming key, fitting for a song about familial love and unity.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – This common time signature offers a steady and comforting rhythm, suitable for the song’s reflective and heartfelt nature.
  • Tempo: 72 bpm – A moderate tempo that allows for the expression of gratitude and the warmth of family bonds without rushing the lyrics.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard outlines a visual journey parallel to the song’s narrative, using the metaphor of a tree to depict the family’s growth and unity. The varying scenes align with the emotional cadence of the music, ensuring the video complements the song’s message and feel. The focus on nature and family scenes provides a visual representation of being “Rooted in Love.”


          • Visual Concept: A serene garden at dawn, with a large, majestic tree at its center.
          • Mood: Peaceful, hopeful.
          • Musical Concept: Gentle, soothing instrumental opening.
          • Scene Details: The camera slowly pans across the garden, dew on leaves, a new day beginning. Soft sunlight filters through branches, casting a golden glow.

          Verse 1

          • Visual Concept: Scenes of family life intertwined with scenes of the tree through seasons.
          • Mood: Nostalgic, grounded.
          • Musical Concept: Soft, melodic vocals.
          • Scene Details: Show a family sharing moments (meals, laughter, conversations) in different settings. Intercut with the tree in spring, leaves budding, symbolizing growth and new beginnings.


          • Visual Concept: The family together under the tree, joined by extended family and friends.
          • Mood: Joyful, united.
          • Musical Concept: Harmonies build, music swells.
          • Scene Details: A festive gathering under the tree. People of all ages, laughing, dancing, embracing. The tree’s branches extend over them protectively.

          Verse 2

          • Visual Concept: The tree in summer, full and green, paralleled with family growth.
          • Mood: Warm, vibrant.
          • Musical Concept: Continued soft, melodic vocals.
          • Scene Details: Family teaching each other (cooking, playing music), helping one another. The tree’s lush leaves in bright sunlight, a symbol of thriving life.


            • Repeat of Previous Chorus Scene


              • Visual Concept: A gentle rain, the tree providing shelter.
              • Mood: Reflective, intimate.
              • Musical Concept: Bridge slows, more introspective.
              • Scene Details: Family indoors, facing challenges (a disagreement, comforting sadness), finding resolution. Outside, rain nourishes the tree, emphasizing resilience.

              Outro (Declarative)

              • Visual Concept: The tree in autumn, leaves turning gold, family together, older.
              • Mood: Reflective, content.
              • Musical Concept: Softening music, a sense of conclusion.
              • Scene Details: The family, now older, sharing stories, wisdom with younger generations. The tree in autumn, a metaphor for maturity and enduring beauty.

              Final Chorus

              • Repeat of Chorus Scene with More Emphasis on the Tree’s Canopy Enveloping the Family