When Brokenness Comes - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Description:


“When Brokenness Comes” addresses the inevitable challenges and moments of vulnerability that families face. It is a deeply moving track that speaks to the heart of pain and the journey towards healing and restoration.

Musical Concepts:

  • The melody is poignant and soul-stirring, with a somber tone that captures the essence of brokenness and the hope of healing.
  • Instrumentation includes a gentle piano and soft string accompaniments, creating a tender and empathetic sound.
  • The arrangement builds gradually, symbolizing the transition from pain to healing, culminating in a powerful chorus that resonates with hope and strength.

Theological Concepts:

  • The song draws inspiration from scriptures like Psalm 34:18 and 2 Corinthians 12:9, emphasizing God’s presence in times of sorrow and His power being perfected in our weakness.
  • It portrays the Christian understanding that brokenness is not a state of defeat but an opportunity for God’s grace and restoration to manifest.

Purpose and Inspiration:

  • “When Brokenness Comes” aims to provide solace and encouragement to families undergoing trials, assuring them of God’s unwavering support and healing.
  • The track serves as a reminder that through faith and reliance on God, families can find strength and unity even in the most challenging times.

Target Audience:

  • This song is particularly meaningful for individuals and families who are in the midst of struggles, offering them comfort and a reminder of hope.
  • It is also valuable for those who have experienced healing and wish to support others through similar challenges.

Key Takeaway:

“When Brokenness Comes” is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the restorative power of faith. It encourages listeners to embrace their vulnerabilities, seek God’s healing touch, and find strength in the promise of restoration and renewal.


Devotion: Finding Wholeness in the Midst of Fracture


In “When Brokenness Comes,” we acknowledge the inevitable hardships and broken moments that every family encounters. This track invites intercessors to seek God’s restoration and strength amidst the fragility of human relationships and the trials of life.

Scripture Foundation:

  • Psalm 34:18 (NIV) “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
  • 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV) “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”


Contemplate the nature of brokenness, not as an end, but as an opening for the grace and power of God to enter. Consider how moments of frailty can become opportunities for spiritual growth and deeper reliance on God’s sufficiency. As intercessors, our role is to bring these broken pieces before God, trusting in His ability to mend and make whole.

Contemplative Questions:

  • How can you foster an environment where family members feel safe to express their brokenness and seek healing?
  • What steps can you take to ensure that brokenness leads to greater unity and strength within your family through Christ?

Intercession Guidance:

Pray for those in your family who are experiencing brokenness, whether it be emotional, physical, or spiritual. Ask for the peace and comfort of the Lord to envelop them, and for His healing to mend what has been fractured.

Scripture Engagement:

Dwell on the promises in Psalms and 2 Corinthians, letting them remind you of God’s closeness in times of heartache and His perfect strength in our weakness. Pray these scriptures over your family, declaring God’s faithfulness in the process of restoration.

Worshipful Response:

Let “When Brokenness Comes” be a worshipful embrace for the brokenhearted. Through this song, express your trust in God’s redemptive power and His ability to create beauty from the ashes of life’s struggles.

Closing Prayer:

Gracious God, who heals the brokenhearted, we come to You in the knowledge that life’s brokenness is not beyond Your repair. We lift up the shattered pieces of our hearts and our homes, asking for Your healing touch to restore and renew. May our weaknesses showcase Your strength, and may our trials be testimonies of Your sufficiency and power. In the loving name of Jesus, our Healer and Restorer, Amen.


When Brokenness Comes

Verse 1

Broken pieces on the floor,
The weight of burdens I can’t bear no more.
Spirit shattered, my hope has fled,
Darkness whispers words I dread.


But in this valley, You are near,
My cries of anguish You always hear.
You hold the power to mend and make me whole,
Restore the fragments of my weary soul.

Verse 2

My heart is heavy, guilt and shame,
Mistakes I’ve made, I bear the blame.
But in Your mercy, a flicker remains,
The promise of cleansing, breaking my chains.


But in this valley, You are near,
My cries of anguish You always hear.
You hold the power to mend and make me whole,
Restore the fragments of my weary soul.


Though tears may fall like endless rain,
Your healing touch will wash away the pain.
Brokenness yields to a strength unbound,
From wounded places, new life is found.


But in this valley, You are near,
My cries of anguish You always hear.
You hold the power to mend and make me whole,
Restore the fragments of my weary soul.


In surrender, transformation will start,
Guiding my footsteps, mending my heart.
No longer shattered, no longer in fear,
Your mighty love casts out all that’s unclear.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: B Minor – A key that often conveys introspection and seriousness, suitable for a song about family struggles and emotional healing.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Provides a stable and contemplative rhythm, allowing for the expression of both pain and hope.
  • Tempo: 55 bpm – A slower tempo to reflect the song’s theme of overcoming hardship and finding strength in unity.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “When Brokenness Comes” portrays the emotional journey of a family navigating through and emerging from a period of turmoil and distress. The visuals align with the song’s narrative of struggle, support, and eventual healing, ensuring the video reflects the powerful message of resilience and hope found in familial love and unity.


  • Visual Concept: A stormy sky, symbolizing turmoil and emotional unrest.
  • Mood: Somber, introspective.
  • Musical Concept: Soft, melancholic instrumental opening.
  • Scene Details: The camera captures the dark, brooding clouds, gradually transitioning to a focus on a family home, where the weather seems to mirror the emotional climate inside.

Verse 1

  • Visual Concept: Family members in isolated settings, each dealing with their own struggles.
  • Mood: Pensive, heavy.
  • Musical Concept: Gentle, emotive vocals.
  • Scene Details: Scenes of individual family members showing signs of distress or sadness, in their personal spaces, suggesting internal battles and unspoken pain.


  • Visual Concept: The family coming together, seeking solace and comfort in each other.
  • Mood: Seeking comfort, vulnerable.
  • Musical Concept: Chorus builds, offering a glimmer of hope.
  • Scene Details: Family members reaching out to each other, tentative but heartfelt gestures of support – a hug, a hand on the shoulder, sitting together silently.

Verse 2

  • Visual Concept: Moments of introspection, leading to a realization of the need for mutual support.
  • Mood: Reflective, realization.
  • Musical Concept: Continued soft, heartfelt vocals.
  • Scene Details: Close-ups of family members’ faces, showing a dawning understanding and empathy, interspersed with flashback scenes of happier times, underscoring what’s at stake.


    • Repeat of Previous Chorus Scene, with Added Emphasis on Emotional Connection


      • Visual Concept: A symbolic representation of emotional healing and the rebuilding of family bonds.
      • Mood: Cathartic, hopeful.
      • Musical Concept: Bridge intensifies, emotionally charged.
      • Scene Details: A sequence of scenes showing family members engaged in healing activities – talking, laughing, sharing meals, working together to fix something broken in the house, symbolizing their own healing process.


      • Visual Concept: The storm clears, signifying newfound peace and hope.
      • Mood: Peaceful, optimistic.
      • Musical Concept: Softening music, a sense of closure and new beginnings.
      • Scene Details: The family seen together in a harmonious setting, perhaps enjoying a meal or a walk outside. The weather brightens, symbolizing a new chapter and the resilience of the family unit.

      Final Chorus

      • Repeat of Chorus Scene, Now with a Visible Sense of Renewed Strength and Unity Among Family Members