A Better Tomorrow - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 7: A Better Tomorrow


“A Better Tomorrow,” the closing track of the album, is an uplifting and visionary piece that encapsulates hope, responsibility, and aspiration for the future. The musical arrangement blends cinematic orchestral elements with contemporary worship music, creating an expansive and forward-looking sound. It features inspiring piano melodies, uplifting string sections, and a dynamic rhythm that builds throughout the track, symbolizing progression and positive change.

The song starts with a verse of thanksgiving, reflecting on the advancements and positive changes made by previous generations. The lyrics are imbued with gratitude and recognition of the sacrifices and efforts made for the sake of future prosperity. This verse connects listeners with the ongoing narrative of progress and hope.

The chorus is an anthem of faith and commitment to building a better future, both spiritually and practically. The melody is powerful and hopeful, designed to resonate deeply with listeners and encourage communal singing. The chorus emphasizes our collective role in shaping a world that aligns with God’s vision of peace, justice, and love.

Following the chorus, a verse of repentance addresses the shortcomings and mistakes of the past, acknowledging the impact of these actions on future generations. This part of the song is a humble and honest reflection, calling for wisdom and foresight in our decisions and actions.

The track concludes with an outro that is both a prayer and a declaration for a brighter future. It’s a commitment to stewardship, innovation, and ethical progress, echoing the biblical promise of hope and prosperity under God’s guidance.

“A Better Tomorrow” is a powerful and inspiring conclusion to the album, leaving listeners with a sense of responsibility and hope for the future. Ideal for both reflective personal listening and inspiring communal worship, it serves as a reminder of our collective potential to create a world that honors God and benefits all.


Devotional for Track 7: A Better Tomorrow

Opening Scripture:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11


The concept of a better tomorrow is deeply rooted in the Christian faith. It’s not just about temporal progress but aligning with God’s vision for humanity. This includes stewardship of the earth, social justice, and creating systems that empower and uplift future generations. As believers, our actions today should reflect our hope and trust in God’s plan for a prosperous and just future.

Key Scriptures for Meditation:

  • Proverbs 13:22 – “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.”
  • Psalm 78:4 – “We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”
  • 2 Corinthians 4:18 – “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”


Give thanks for the advancements and progress achieved in various fields. Appreciate the efforts of those who have worked tirelessly for the betterment of society and the environment. Reflect on the blessings and opportunities that have been passed down to you and how they have shaped your life.


Confess the short-sighted decisions and actions that have negatively impacted future generations. Seek forgiveness for not considering the long-term effects of these choices, whether in environmental stewardship, economic planning, or social justice.


Pray for future generations, that they may inherit a world that is healthier, more just, and more reflective of God’s kingdom. Ask for wisdom for current leaders and decision-makers, that their policies and actions might be guided by foresight and responsibility towards those who will come after us.

Closing Prayer:

Father, we thank You for Your promise of hope and a future. Guide us to be architects of a better tomorrow, making decisions that honor You and benefit those who will follow. Forgive us for our past failings and help us to build a legacy that glorifies Your name. May our actions today bring forth a brighter, more just, and loving world for future generations. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


A Better Tomorrow

(Verse 1: Thanksgiving)

For dreams of a future where our children thrive,
For every endeavor to keep hope alive.
We’re thankful for visionaries who pave the way,
For tomorrow’s promise we work today.

(Chorus: Worship)

Architect of Ages, Your plans are true,
On the foundation of love, we build with You.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
In every step, we take towards the sun.

(Verse 2: Repentance)

We’ve borrowed from tomorrow, and today we owe,
Short-sighted gains, the seeds we shouldn’t sow.
For burdens we’ve crafted for the ones to come,
We ask forgiveness, let Your will be done.

(Chorus: Worship)

Lord of Tomorrow, Your foresight grants,
A path of stewardship, second chances.
Hand in hand, may we walk Your way,
Securing a hopeful, brighter day.

(Bridge: Reflection/Prayer)

Grant us the wisdom to protect and preserve,
A legacy of love, for the curve of the earth.
That each generation may rise and say,
‘Blessed be the Lord, who lit our way.’

(Outro: Declaration/Blessing)

A better tomorrow, today we decree,
For the sons and daughters, let them be free.
To live, to love, to dream, to grow,
In the garden of Your mercy, let them know.

(Chorus: Worship – Repeat and Fade)

Architect of Ages, Your plans are true,
On the foundation of love, we build with You.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
In every step, we take towards the sun.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: Bb Major – Conveys optimism and a forward-looking perspective.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Standard and versatile, supporting the varied dynamics of the song.
  • Tempo: Andante (around 88 bpm) – A moderate pace that allows for reflection and hopefulness.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “A Better Tomorrow” takes the viewer on a visual and emotional journey from the past through the present and into the future. The contrast between reflective and hopeful scenes aligns with the song’s themes, offering a balanced perspective on our collective journey towards a better world.

Scene 1: Intro

  • Audio: Soft, ethereal instrumental with a sense of building anticipation.
  • Visual: Time-lapse of a starry night transitioning to dawn, symbolizing the passage and hope for the future.
  • Mood/Intent: Create a sense of wonder and anticipation, setting the stage for a journey through time and aspiration.

Scene 2: Verse 1 (Thanksgiving)

  • Audio: Gentle vocals begin, reflecting on past achievements and progress.
  • Visual: Historical footage and images representing past milestones in science, culture, and social justice. Scenes of people from different eras contributing to a better world.
  • Mood/Intent: Evoke a sense of gratitude and respect for the efforts and sacrifices made by previous generations.

Scene 3: Chorus (Worship)

  • Audio: The melody becomes uplifting, with an inspiring chorus.
  • Visual: A diverse group of people gathered in a vibrant, forward-looking community setting, joined in hopeful celebration.
  • Mood/Intent: Convey a sense of communal hope and faith in a better future, with everyone playing a role in its creation.

Scene 4: Verse 2 (Repentance)

  • Audio: The music tones down to a more contemplative melody.
  • Visual: Scenes of environmental degradation, social inequality, and other challenges faced today, showing the impact of past actions.
  • Mood/Intent: Highlight the need for reflection and change, acknowledging the issues that need addressing for a better tomorrow.

    Scene 5: Chorus (Worship)

    • Audio: Return to the uplifting chorus.
    • Visual: Transition back to positive, hopeful scenes – people engaging in environmental restoration, community building, and educational initiatives.
    • Mood/Intent: Reinforce the message of hope and collective responsibility for the future.

      Scene 6: Outro (Declaration/Blessing)

      • Audio: Music transitions to an optimistic, affirming tune.
      • Visual: Futuristic scenes showing advancements in technology, sustainable living, and harmonious communities. Children learning, playing, and dreaming.
      • Mood/Intent: Portray an inspiring and attainable vision of the future, filled with possibilities and advancements.

      Scene 7: Chorus (Worship – Repeat and Fade)

      • Audio: The chorus repeats gently, fading out with a sense of closure.
      • Visual: Return to the dawn scene from the intro, now with a world waking up to a brighter day, as the camera slowly ascends towards the sky.
      • Mood/Intent: Leave the viewer with a lasting impression of hope, commitment, and the continuous pursuit of a better, more just world.