Beyond the Bottom Line - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 3: “Beyond the Bottom Line”


“Beyond the Bottom Line” is a compelling and evocative song that challenges listeners to consider the broader impact of their business decisions. Merging elements of contemporary Christian music with an inspirational pop sound, the track creates an uplifting and reflective musical experience.

The song opens with a soft, rhythmic piano motif, setting a contemplative tone that invites introspection. As the verse begins, the vocals enter with clarity and warmth, narrating the often-overlooked aspects of corporate responsibility and environmental care. The melody is gentle yet persuasive, drawing the listener into a deeper understanding of the stewardship businesses hold over resources and communities.

The chorus introduces a richer, more dynamic arrangement, as the music expands with the addition of a driving drum beat and layered vocals. This section of the song serves as a powerful call to action, urging businesses to look beyond profit and to consider their lasting impact on the world. The melody here is memorable and anthemic, designed to inspire and mobilize listeners towards positive change.

In the bridge, “Beyond the Bottom Line” takes a reflective turn, acknowledging the failings and shortcomings in business practices, and calling for a renewed commitment to ethical and sustainable actions. The instrumentation scales back to a more subdued arrangement, highlighting the song’s message of repentance and change.

The song concludes with an optimistic and empowering outro, where the full spectrum of instruments comes together to deliver a message of hope and transformation. The outro reiterates the chorus with added energy, leaving the listener with a sense of possibility and a call to make a difference.

“Beyond the Bottom Line” is not just a song; it’s a movement. It’s ideal for corporate events, social responsibility conferences, and church services, resonating with anyone who believes in the power of business to be a force for good. This track is a heartfelt anthem for responsible stewardship and positive influence in the marketplace.


Devotional for “Beyond the Bottom Line”


Business isn’t just about profit; it’s about impact. This devotional explores how businesses can be forces for good, caring for people and the planet in a way that honors God and fulfills His command to steward His creation responsibly.

Scripture References:

  1. Genesis 2:15 – “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”
  2. Proverbs 29:7 – “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.”
  3. Jeremiah 29:7 – “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
  4. Matthew 25:40 – “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”


Reflect on how your business or workplace impacts the community and the environment. Are there practices that could be changed to better reflect God’s command to care for His creation and His people?

Issues of Wastefulness, Environmental Stewardship, and Social Responsibility: Modern business practices often overlook environmental impact and social responsibilities. This devotional challenges us to rethink these practices in light of biblical stewardship.

Practical Application:

  1. Environmental Care: Implement or advocate for environmentally friendly practices in your workplace.
  2. Community Impact: Evaluate how your business can positively impact the local community, especially the less fortunate.
  3. Sustainable Practices: Consider long-term sustainability over short-term profits, ensuring that business practices do not harm future generations.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for wisdom to balance profit with social and environmental responsibility.
  2. Intercede for businesses and industries to recognize their impact on God’s creation and to act responsibly.
  3. Ask God for guidance in implementing sustainable practices in the workplace.
  4. Pray for the healing of communities and environments that have been damaged by irresponsible business practices.


“Beyond the Bottom Line” encourages us to view business as a tool for positive change, aligning our work with God’s purpose for the world. This devotional aims to deepen our understanding of what it means to be stewards of God’s creation, promoting practices that respect the environment and contribute to the well-being of communities.


Beyond the Bottom Line

Verse 1:

In the ledger of life, beyond the bottom line,
We find Your calling, in the grand design.
More than profit, more than gain,
We serve Your world, alleviate the pain.


We’re reaching higher, we’re dreaming wider, for the good of all,
In every endeavor, let Your justice prevail, let Your mercy fall.
Beyond the numbers, there’s a human story, in every choice, Your glory.

Verse 2:

In the boardroom’s silence, in the factory’s roar,
May we remember what we’re truly working for.
A planet to cherish, a future to mold,
In each decision, let Your care unfold.


We’re reaching higher, we’re dreaming wider, for the good of all,
In every endeavor, let Your justice prevail, let Your mercy fall.
Beyond the numbers, there’s a human story, in every choice, Your glory.


For every waste, for neglect we confess,
Our world suffers from our carelessness.
Teach us stewardship, let us not defile,
The beauty of creation, the future of a child.

Outro (Blessing):

May we build businesses that bless, that lift and heal,
In stewardship and kindness, Your kingdom we reveal.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, for the living of these days,
To honor You, to protect Your creation, in all our ways.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: E Major – Bright and optimistic, it captures the song’s forward-thinking and positive message about corporate responsibility.
  • Time Signature: 6/8 – Offers a flowing and slightly energetic rhythm, suitable for a song about dynamic change and impact.
  • Tempo: Allegretto (120 bpm in 6/8) – A tempo that’s brisk but not rushed, echoing the progressive theme of the song.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Beyond the Bottom Line” aims to create a visual narrative that complements the song’s message about the importance of corporate social responsibility and environmental stewardship, creating an inspiring and thought-provoking music video.

Scene 1: Intro

  • Audio: A soft, atmospheric instrumental opening, setting a contemplative mood.
  • Visuals: Dawn over an urban skyline transitioning to bustling city streets and corporate buildings.
  • Mood/Intent: The awakening of consciousness, setting the stage for a narrative on broader corporate impact.

Scene 2: Verse 1

  • Audio: Vocals begin, softly, speaking to the broader role of companies; light instrumental accompaniment.
  • Visuals: Inside a corporate office, scenes of business as usual, but with glimpses of environmental neglect (wasteful practices, excessive use of resources).
  • Mood/Intent: Establishing the current state of corporate practices, hinting at the need for change.

Scene 3: Chorus

  • Audio: Music swells, the chorus highlighting the importance of looking beyond profits.
  • Visuals: Transition to scenes of companies implementing sustainable practices: recycling, green energy use, community outreach programs.
  • Mood/Intent: Uplifting and hopeful, showing the positive changes businesses can make.

Scene 4: Verse 2

  • Audio: Return to a softer melody, continuing the theme.
  • Visuals: A business leader or team contemplating changes, brainstorming sustainable ideas (like reducing waste, supporting local communities).
  • Mood/Intent: Thoughtful, showcasing the planning and decision-making behind responsible practices.

    Scene 5: Chorus

    • Audio: Chorus repeats with a stronger, more vibrant arrangement.
    • Visuals: Implementation of the sustainable ideas: green spaces in urban areas, happy community interactions, environmentally friendly innovations.
    • Mood/Intent: Demonstrating the positive impact of these changes, both environmentally and socially.

      Scene 6: Bridge

      • Audio: Music becomes introspective, acknowledging past neglect and harm.
      • Visuals: Flashbacks to the consequences of previous actions (pollution, community displacement).
      • Mood/Intent: Reflective and slightly somber, emphasizing the urgency for change.

      Scene 7: Verse 3

      • Audio: Music builds back up, reinforcing the message of corporate responsibility.
      • Visuals: Scenes of revitalized communities and restored environments due to responsible corporate actions.
      • Mood/Intent: Inspiring, showing the benefits and positive outcomes of sustainable practices.

      Scene 8: Chorus

      • Audio: Full chorus, now powerful and impactful.
      • Visuals: A montage of sustainable business practices, community gratitude, and thriving natural environments.
      • Mood/Intent: Joyous and triumphant, illustrating the successful integration of business with social and environmental care.

      Scene 9: Outro

      • Audio: Music slowly winds down, ending on a hopeful note.
      • Visuals: Evening falls over a transformed city; green rooftops, people enjoying community spaces, clean energy sources in view.
      • Mood/Intent: Peaceful and hopeful, showing a sustainable future is possible.

      Scene 10: End Credits

      • Audio: A gentle instrumental reprise of the theme.
      • Visuals: Credits roll over serene scenes of the improved city and natural landscapes.
      • Mood/Intent: Closure, leaving the viewer with a sense of optimism and responsibility towards a sustainable future.