Blessings of the Field - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Detailed Description for Track 11: “Blessings of the Field”


Blessings of the Field

Music Elements:

This track is imbued with a gentle, earthy quality, featuring acoustic guitar and light percussion that evoke the rhythms of nature. The melody is simple yet profound, mirroring the straightforward but deep blessings found in nature.

Themes and Concepts:

“Blessings of the Field” is a song of gratitude, celebrating the Earth’s provision and abundance. It reflects on the simple gifts of nature – the food we eat, the beauty we observe – and acknowledges these as blessings from God.

Underlying Message:

The song emphasizes the interconnectedness of life, the gratitude we owe to the Earth, and ultimately to God, for sustenance and life. It’s a reminder to not take the natural world for granted but to see it as a reflection of God’s grace and generosity.

For the Listener:

Listeners are invited to cultivate a spirit of gratitude for the everyday blessings that often go unnoticed. “Blessings of the Field” encourages a deeper appreciation for the natural world and a commitment to caring for it as a sacred trust from God.


Devotional for Track 11: “Blessings of the Field”


Expressing Gratitude for God’s Provision Through Nature

Scripture References:

  • Psalm 104:13-15 (God watering the earth, making it fruitful)
  • Matthew 6:26-30 (God’s care for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field)
  • Genesis 1:29-30 (God providing food through creation)
  • James 1:17 (Every good and perfect gift is from above)


“Blessings of the Field” invites us to acknowledge and appreciate God’s hand in the natural world, providing sustenance and beauty. Psalm 104 celebrates God’s providence in nature, watering the earth and filling it with life and food.

Jesus’ words in Matthew 6 remind us of God’s care for all creation, including the birds and the flowers, assuring us of His even greater care for us.

Genesis 1 highlights that from the beginning, God intended creation to be a source of nourishment for all living creatures. This interconnectedness with nature is a foundational aspect of God’s provision.

James 1:17 echoes the sentiment that every blessing, including the produce of the field and the beauty of nature, is a gift from God.

Prayer Focus:

  • Thankfulness for Provision: Thank God for the abundance and beauty of creation and the sustenance it provides.
  • Stewardship of Resources: Pray for wisdom to use the Earth’s resources responsibly and sustainably.
  • Support for Agricultural Communities: Intercede for farmers and all who work in agriculture, that they may be blessed and their work fruitful.
  • Awareness of God’s Care: Seek a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s continual care as expressed through nature.

Action Step:

Make a conscious effort to connect with nature. This could be through gardening, supporting local produce, or simply spending time in nature to appreciate its beauty and bounty.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, we thank You for the blessings of the field, for the beauty and bounty of nature. Help us to see Your hand in every leaf, in every harvest, and in the rhythm of the seasons. Give us grateful hearts and guide us to be good stewards of these gifts. May our lives reflect our appreciation for Your provision and care. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Blessings of the Field

Verse 1:

In the fields where wheat whispers with the wind,
Where the fruits of Your Earth begin.
We see Your hand, in the bread we break,
In every seed, in each leaf, You make.


Blessings of the field, gifts of Your creation,
In harvest and yield, we find Your salvation.
For all You provide, our hearts sing and yield,
Thankful we stand, in Your bountiful field.

Verse 2:

From the rain that falls to the sun that shines,
In every grape, on every vine.
|Your abundance flows, in the crop and sod,
In all life grows, we see the hand of God.


Blessings of the field, in the sun and rain,
In Your love revealed, in each grain.
With grateful hearts, Your bounty we feel,
In Your grace, in the blessings of the field.


For the earth that feeds, for the hands that sow,
For Your provision, in the fields we know.
May we tend and care, as stewards true,
In Your fields, let Your love come through.


Blessings of the field, in the harvest dance,
In Your mercy, we find abundance.
Grateful for each meal, for the love we wield,
In every blessing, in every field.

Outro (Thankful Whisper):

In the quiet of the field, in the bustling market stand,
In Your love, we feel Your hand.
Blessings abound, in the land we till,
In every field, Your love is real.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: D Major (bright and pastoral, fitting for a song about agriculture and harvest)
  • Time Signature: 2/4 (a simple, earthy rhythm that aligns with the themes of farming)
  • Tempo: Allegro Moderato (a moderately brisk pace, celebrating the joy of harvest)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Blessings of the Field” aims to visually convey the song’s themes of gratitude for the Earth’s abundance and the human role in nurturing and receiving its gifts. It combines serene natural beauty with the toil and joy of farming, emphasizing our deep connection to the land.


  • Music: The track opens with a gentle, melodious tune that evokes the simplicity and richness of nature.
  • Visuals: A sequence of lush, verdant fields, orchards in bloom, and serene farmlands at sunrise.
  • Mood: Peaceful and grateful, setting a tone of appreciation for nature’s bounty.

Verse 1:

  • Music: The melody flows smoothly, resembling the natural rhythms of the Earth.
  • Visuals: Close-up shots of various crops in the fields, farmers tending to their land, hands sowing seeds, and watering plants.
  • Mood: Intimate and nurturing, highlighting the human connection to the land and the care it involves.


  • Music: The chorus amplifies with a warm, embracing sound, reflecting the abundance and generosity of the Earth.
  • Visuals: Scenes of harvest, communities gathering fruits and vegetables, families sharing meals made from fresh produce.
  • Mood: Joyful and celebratory, capturing the delight of nature’s gifts.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Returns to a softer, contemplative melody, maintaining the theme of nature’s blessings.
  • Visuals: Images of natural water sources nourishing the fields, the cycle of rain and sunshine, and the growth of crops.
  • Mood: Thoughtful and reverential, acknowledging the natural processes that sustain life.


    • Music: The chorus repeats with a fuller sound, reinforcing the message of gratitude.
    • Visuals: Expand to show a variety of landscapes – vineyards, rice paddies, orchards – each contributing to the bounty of the Earth.
    • Mood: Rich and diverse, celebrating the variety of nature’s provisions.


      • Music: A slightly more somber bridge, acknowledging the challenges faced by farmers and the land.
      • Visuals: Scenes of farmers battling adverse weather conditions, protecting crops from pests, and the impact of environmental changes.
      • Mood: Resilient and hopeful, reflecting the challenges and perseverance in caring for the land.


      • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful, filled with a sense of thankfulness and abundance.
      • Visuals: A culmination of the earlier scenes, showing bountiful harvests and community celebrations, with people from various cultures enjoying the fruits of the Earth.
      • Mood: Uplifting and unifying, emphasizing the global appreciation for the Earth’s blessings.

      Outro (Thankful Whisper):

      • Music: Concludes with a return to the gentle, reflective melody of the introduction.
      • Visuals: The video ends with a tranquil sunset over a flourishing field, symbolizing the ongoing cycle of growth and harvest.
      • Mood: Peaceful and content, leaving a lasting impression of gratitude for the Earth’s bounty.