Leaders Under Scrutiny - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 3: Leaders Under Scrutiny


“Leaders Under Scrutiny” is a compelling third track that delves into the complexities and responsibilities of leadership. Musically, the track adopts a more somber and reflective tone, utilizing a blend of classical orchestration and contemporary worship elements. The arrangement features a poignant piano melody, underscored by subtle string harmonies and a gentle rhythm section, creating a backdrop that is both introspective and stirring.

Lyrically, the song opens with a verse that expresses gratitude for leaders who embody integrity and righteousness. The language is respectful and appreciative, acknowledging the challenges and sacrifices involved in public service. This verse serves to remind listeners of the positive aspects of leadership and the potential for good governance.

The chorus transitions into a prayerful worship segment, calling upon God to guide and inspire leaders. The melody here is both haunting and hopeful, reflecting the dual nature of leadership as both a burden and a calling. The chorus is designed to be memorable and impactful, encouraging congregational participation and reflection.

Following the chorus, a verse of repentance acknowledges the flaws and failures of leadership. This segment confronts the realities of corruption, selfish ambition, and moral failings among leaders. It’s a call to accountability and a plea for divine intervention and wisdom in governance.

The song concludes with an outro that is both a declaration and a blessing. It is a prayer for the future of leadership – for leaders who are accountable, just, and aligned with God’s will. This closing part of the song reinforces the theme of hope and the possibility of transformation in leadership.

“Leaders Under Scrutiny” is a thought-provoking track that balances the acknowledgment of leadership’s challenges with the hopeful prayer for its redemption and alignment with divine principles. It is suitable for both personal reflection and corporate worship settings, offering a space for prayer and contemplation on the role of leadership in society.


Devotional for Track 3: Leaders Under Scrutiny

Opening Scripture:

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” – Proverbs 29:2


Leadership carries a significant responsibility, and those in authority have a profound impact on the lives of many. The Bible emphasizes the importance of righteous leadership and the consequences of corruption and selfish ambition. As intercessors, we are called to pray for our leaders, that they may govern with integrity, wisdom, and a heart for justice.

Key Scriptures for Meditation:

  • 1 Timothy 2:1-2 – “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
  • Psalm 72:1-2 – “Endow the king with Your justice, O God, the royal son with Your righteousness. May he judge Your people in righteousness, Your afflicted ones with justice.”
  • Daniel 2:21 – “He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.”


Begin by expressing gratitude for leaders who serve with integrity and seek the welfare of the people. Acknowledge the challenges they face and thank God for their dedication and service. Reflect on instances where you have seen godly leadership positively impact society.


Confess the times we have failed to pray for our leaders or have judged them harshly without seeking their good. Acknowledge the temptations and challenges that leaders face, and pray for their protection from corruption and the lure of power.


Pray for wisdom, discernment, and a heart for justice in all leaders. Ask God to raise up righteous leaders who will govern in fear of the Lord. Declare that leaders will be guided by truth and compassion, and that they will be accountable to God and the people they serve.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we lift up our leaders to You. We pray that they will lead with wisdom, integrity, and a heart for justice. We thank You for their service and ask that You guide them in Your ways. Forgive us for our neglect in prayer and our quickness to judge. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done in our governments as it is in heaven. Amen.


Leaders Under Scrutiny

(Verse 1: Thanksgiving)

For those who lead with humble hearts,
Who serve the people, who play their parts.
With wisdom’s mantle, they stand in place,
Compassionate governance, filled with grace.

(Chorus: Worship)

Almighty Judge, to You we lift our leaders high,
May they seek Your face, under Your sky.
In halls of power, let Your will be done,
Guide our leaders, Father, Spirit, Son.

(Verse 2: Repentance)

We’ve seen the fall of those once high,
With selfish aims, their truths awry.
Forgive the ambitions that mislead,
And plant in our leaders Your righteous seed.

(Chorus: Worship)

Creator of all, bestow Your wisdom’s flame,
On those who govern in Your holy name.
That justice and mercy may define their role,
And serving the people be their primary goal.

(Bridge: Reflection/Prayer)

For every decision, let them kneel in prayer,
Seeking Your guidance, Your sovereign care.
When power tempts, let them not be swayed,
But in Your love and truth firmly stayed.

(Outro: Declaration/Blessing)

We speak integrity over our leaders this day,
Accountability, Lord, we earnestly pray.
May they uphold what is just and right,
Leading by Your wisdom, Your infinite sight.

(Chorus: Worship – Repeat and Fade)

Almighty Judge, to You we lift our leaders high,
May they seek Your face, under Your sky.
In halls of power, let Your will be done,
Guide our leaders, Father, Spirit, Son.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: D Minor – Offers a more serious tone, appropriate for the introspective nature of the song.
  • Time Signature: 3/4 – Provides a reflective and thoughtful pace, suitable for the contemplative lyrics.
  • Tempo: Adagio (around 66 bpm) – Slower tempo that matches the song’s introspective and serious mood.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Leaders Under Scrutiny” provides a visual and auditory narrative that aligns with the song’s themes. The contrast between positive and negative aspects of leadership, combined with the return to worship scenes, underscores the song’s message about the importance of integrity and divine guidance in governance.

Scene 1: Intro

  • Audio: A solemn, reflective instrumental begins, setting a serious tone.
  • Visual: A misty dawn over a cityscape, slowly transitioning to a historical or governmental building.
  • Mood/Intent: Establish a sense of gravity and anticipation, hinting at the responsibility and weight of leadership.

Scene 2: Verse 1 (Thanksgiving)

  • Audio: Gentle, respectful vocals start, acknowledging noble leaders.
  • Visual: Portraits of respected historical leaders, followed by contemporary leaders engaging in acts of service and public good.
  • Mood/Intent: Show appreciation for good leadership, illustrating a variety of positive examples across history and modern times.

Scene 3: Chorus (Worship)

  • Audio: The music builds, with a choir adding depth and reverence.
  • Visual: A diverse group of people in a place of worship, interspersed with scenes of nature symbolizing God’s creation and order.
  • Mood/Intent: Emphasize the role of divine guidance in leadership, connecting the worship of God with the pursuit of righteous governance.

Scene 4: Verse 2 (Repentance)

  • Audio: The tone becomes introspective, reflecting repentance.
  • Visual: Contrasting scenes showing leaders succumbing to corruption or making poor decisions, followed by moments of public disappointment and protests.
  • Mood/Intent: Illustrate the fallibility of leaders and the consequences of their actions, fostering a mood of contemplation and the need for change.

    Scene 5: Chorus (Worship)

    • Audio: Return to the uplifting chorus.
    • Visual: Return to the worship setting, focusing on faces filled with hope and prayer.
    • Mood/Intent: Reinforce faith in God’s ability to restore and guide, depicting worship as a source of strength and renewal for societal change.

      Scene 6: Outro (Declaration/Blessing)

      • Audio: The music adopts a hopeful, forward-looking tone.
      • Visual: Scenes of positive change in leadership, with new leaders being sworn in, communities engaging in constructive dialogues, and leaders serving the public.
      • Mood/Intent: Convey a sense of optimism and the potential for positive transformation in leadership and governance.

      Scene 7: Chorus (Worship – Repeat and Fade)

      • Audio: The chorus repeats, gradually fading out.
      • Visual: Slowly pull away from the worship scene to a nightfall over the city, symbolizing ongoing vigilance and prayer for leaders.
      • Mood/Intent: Leave the viewer with a sense of continued commitment and hope for responsible, integrity-driven leadership.