Leading with Integrity - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 4: “Leading with Integrity”


“Leading with Integrity” is a profound and inspiring track that delves into the heart of biblical leadership. The song skillfully blends contemporary Christian music with a touch of gospel influence, creating a powerful and soulful sound that speaks to the responsibility and humility required in leadership roles.

The track opens with a stirring piano introduction, setting a tone of solemnity and reverence. This leads into the first verse, where the vocals, clear and commanding, articulate the challenges and temptations faced by leaders in various spheres. The melody is both contemplative and encouraging, guiding listeners through a narrative of leadership’s highs and lows.

The chorus of “Leading with Integrity” is a vibrant call to servant leadership, backed by robust choir harmonies and a rich, rhythmic accompaniment. Here, the song takes on a more uplifting and hopeful demeanor, celebrating the virtues of humility, justice, and the desire to serve rather than be served.

In the bridge, the music shifts to a more introspective mode, acknowledging the failings of leaders and the need for God’s guidance and wisdom. The instrumentation is pared down during this section, focusing attention on the heartfelt plea for integrity and righteousness in positions of power.

The song concludes with a return to the chorus, now even more powerful and resounding. The full band, along with the choir, creates a sense of unity and purpose, driving home the message that true leadership is about reflecting God’s character and serving others.

“Leading with Integrity” is a moving and impactful song, perfect for moments of reflection on personal leadership journeys, as well as for corporate worship settings. It challenges and inspires listeners to embrace a leadership style that is grounded in biblical principles, making it a vital addition to any Christian music collection.


Devotional for “Leading with Integrity”


Leadership carries great responsibility, not just in achieving goals but in influencing lives. This devotional delves into what the Bible says about leading with integrity, focusing on serving others with the heart of a servant and the wisdom of a steward.

Scripture References:

  1. Proverbs 11:14 – “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”
  2. Micah 6:8 – “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
  3. Matthew 20:26-28 – “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
  4. 1 Peter 5:2-3 – “Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.”


Think about the leaders in your life – in your workplace, community, church, and nation. Reflect on their leadership styles. How do they align with biblical principles? Consider also your own leadership roles, whether big or small.

Issues of Power, Humility, and Service: Leadership often comes with a temptation to abuse power. This devotional focuses on countering this with the biblical call to humility and servant leadership.

Practical Application:

  1. Humility in Leadership: Practice humility in your leadership roles, acknowledging God as the ultimate authority.
  2. Just Decisions: Strive to make decisions that are just and fair, considering the well-being of all involved.
  3. Serving Others: Look for ways to serve those you lead, prioritizing their growth and welfare.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for current leaders in various spheres to lead with integrity and humility.
  2. Intercede for a new generation of leaders to rise up who are committed to biblical principles.
  3. Seek wisdom and guidance for yourself and others in leadership roles.
  4. Ask for the courage to stand against unjust and corrupt leadership practices.


“Leading with Integrity” calls us to view leadership through the lens of scripture, embracing it as a calling to serve and uplift others. This devotional aims to deepen our understanding of Godly leadership and to equip us to pray effectively for those in authority.


Leading with Integrity

Verse 1

In the halls of influence, in the seats of power,
Guide our leaders, Lord, in this crucial hour.
With wisdom and justice, may they rule and guide,
Let integrity in their hearts abide.


Lead us, Lord, in the ways of truth,
With servant hearts, we look to You.
In leadership, let us not stray,
With integrity, Lord, lead the way.

Verse 2:

For the mentor’s word, for the leader’s deed,
In every action, plant Your seed.
May they uplift, may they empower,
In every challenge, let them not cower.


Lead us, Lord, in the ways of truth,
With servant hearts, we look to You.
In leadership, let us not stray,
With integrity, Lord, lead the way.


When arrogance looms, when the vulnerable weep,
Stir in our leaders, compassion deep.
Against the tide of power’s abuse,
Raise up the humble, Your justice infuse.

Outro (Blessing):

We decree for our leaders, a path that’s clear,
Serving not ruling, in reverence and fear.
To uplift the downtrodden, to lead with love’s might,
In their stewardship, Lord, be their light.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: A Major – Warm and authoritative, fitting for a song about leadership and moral strength.
  • Time Signature: 3/4 – Gives a dignified waltz feel, suitable for a song about grace and humility in leadership.
  • Tempo: Moderato (88 bpm in 3/4) – Steady and composed, reflecting the measured approach of thoughtful leadership.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Leading with Integrity” aims to visually represent the journey of ethical leadership, aligning with the song’s message to create an inspiring and thought-provoking music video.

Scene 1: Intro

  • Audio: Gentle, inspiring instrumental music to set a tone of anticipation and reverence.
  • Visuals: Early morning scenes in various settings – a corporate office, a community center, a school – focusing on empty chairs at the head of tables, symbolizing leadership.
  • Mood/Intent: The dawn of leadership, setting the stage for a narrative about the impact of ethical leadership.

Scene 2: Verse 1

  • Audio: Vocals begin, softly yet earnestly, speaking about the virtues of good leadership; light instrumental backing.
  • Visuals: Individuals stepping into their roles as leaders – a teacher in a classroom, a senior executive in a boardroom, a community leader at a local meeting.
  • Mood/Intent: Establishing the varied faces and spaces of leadership, underscoring the significance of their roles.

Scene 3: Chorus

  • Audio: Music becomes fuller, chorus emphasizing servant leadership and humility.
  • Visuals: Scenes showing leaders in action, not commanding from above but working alongside their teams, guiding, and helping.
  • Mood/Intent: Uplifting and inspiring, showcasing the positive influence of servant leadership.

Scene 4: Verse 2

  • Audio: Return to a softer melody, continuing the theme.
  • Visuals: A young leader facing a tough decision, seeking counsel from mentors, and reflecting on their role.
  • Mood/Intent: Reflective, highlighting the challenges and responsibilities of leadership.

    Scene 5: Chorus

    • Audio: Chorus repeats with a more robust arrangement.
    • Visuals: Leaders making tough but fair decisions, earning respect and trust from their teams, positive outcomes of their decisions.
    • Mood/Intent: Reinforcing the value and impact of ethical and just leadership.

      Scene 6: Bridge

      • Audio: Music becomes introspective, touching on the temptations and pitfalls in leadership.
      • Visuals: A leader tempted by power or corruption, struggling with their conscience, ultimately choosing the right path.
      • Mood/Intent: A moment of internal conflict and resolution, emphasizing integrity.

      Scene 7: Verse 3

      • Audio: Music builds back up, reinforcing the message of leading with integrity.
      • Visuals: Leaders implementing changes that benefit their teams and communities, fostering growth and support.
      • Mood/Intent: Empowering, showing the broader positive impact of ethical leadership.

      Scene 8: Chorus

      • Audio: Full chorus, now powerful and resonant.
      • Visuals: A montage of effective, compassionate, and respected leaders in action, their positive influence evident.
      • Mood/Intent: Celebratory and affirmative, highlighting the triumph of good leadership.

      Scene 9: Outro

      • Audio: Music slowly concludes on a hopeful and reflective note.
      • Visuals: Leaders stepping back, watching their teams or communities flourish, a sense of fulfillment and peace.
      • Mood/Intent: Contemplative and hopeful, showing the lasting legacy of good leadership.

      Scene 10: End Credits

      • Audio: A soft reprise of the theme.
      • Visuals: Credits roll over peaceful scenes of the settings from the intro, now filled with activity and harmony.
      • Mood/Intent: Closure, leaving the viewer with a sense of optimism and inspiration towards ethical leadership.