Prosperity with a Purpose - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 7: “Prosperity with a Purpose”


“Prosperity with a Purpose” is an inspiring and thought-provoking song that delves into the Christian perspective on wealth and its purpose. This track beautifully combines elements of contemporary Christian music with a hint of inspirational pop, resulting in a sound that is both uplifting and meaningful.

The song opens with a gentle yet compelling piano melody, setting a reflective and engaging tone. As the vocals begin, they bring a message of gratitude for the blessings of prosperity, while also emphasizing the responsibility that accompanies such abundance. The melody is graceful and resonant, encouraging listeners to ponder the true purpose of wealth in their lives.

_The chorus is a powerful, anthem-like call to use wealth as a tool for good, aligning with God’s intentions for prosperity. Here, the music swells with a mix of vibrant harmonies and a robust instrumental backing, infusing the song with a sense of conviction and purpose.

In the bridge, “Prosperity with a Purpose” acknowledges the temptations of materialism and the challenges of managing wealth with integrity. The instrumentation becomes more introspective during this section, highlighting the song’s deeper message about the spiritual aspects of wealth and generosity.

The song concludes with a stirring outro, which reiterates the main theme of using wealth for meaningful and God-honoring purposes. The full musical arrangement comes together in this final section, leaving listeners with a lasting impression of the song’s call to wise and compassionate stewardship.

“Prosperity with a Purpose” is an ideal track for both personal reflection on one’s relationship with wealth and for communal worship settings focused on stewardship and generosity. It strikes a chord with anyone seeking to understand and practice biblical principles regarding wealth, making it a valuable addition to any Christian music collection.


Devotional for “Prosperity with a Purpose”


Wealth and prosperity are often seen as signs of success, but the Bible teaches us that they also come with great responsibility. This devotional explores how to view and use wealth from a biblical perspective, emphasizing generosity and the use of resources for God’s kingdom.

Scripture References:

  1. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 – “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.”
  2. Proverbs 11:24-25 – “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
  3. Matthew 6:19-21 – “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…”
  4. Luke 12:48 – “But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”


Consider your own attitudes and actions regarding wealth and prosperity. How do you use the resources God has given you? Are you focused on accumulating wealth, or are you using it to bless others and advance God’s kingdom?

Issues of Materialism, Generosity, and Stewardship: In a world where wealth is often equated with success and power, the biblical call is to view and use wealth responsibly and generously, as stewards of God’s gifts.

Practical Application:

  1. Generosity: Practice generosity in your life, whether in small acts of kindness or larger charitable contributions.
  2. Responsible Stewardship: Make decisions about money and resources with prayer and wisdom, seeking to honor God.
  3. Invest in Eternity: Focus on how your wealth can make a lasting impact in the lives of others and in God’s kingdom.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for a heart that is generous and free from the love of money.
  2. Intercede for those struggling with poverty, asking God to provide for their needs.
  3. Ask for wisdom in how to use your resources for the greatest impact.
  4. Pray for a cultural shift in the perception of wealth, from personal success to an opportunity for stewardship and generosity.


“Prosperity with a Purpose” challenges us to reconsider our approach to wealth and prosperity, aligning our use of resources with God’s purposes. This devotional is intended to deepen our understanding of godly stewardship and to equip us to pray and act in ways that reflect a biblical perspective on wealth.


Prosperity with a Purpose

Verse 1:

With every gain, every blessing that flows,
Let us not forget the hand from which it grows.
Prosperity, not for hoarding, but to share,
A testament of Your goodness, an answer to prayer.


Prosper with a purpose, Lord, let this be our call,
For every gift You give us, let it bless all.
In the abundance, in the plenty we’ve found,
Let us spread Your love, let generosity abound.

Verse 2:

In the wealth of moments, in resources rich,
Guard our hearts from the lure of every worldly itch.
Teach us to steward with care what we’ve received,
In Your wisdom, may we give as we’ve believed.


Prosper with a purpose, Lord, let this be our call,
For every gift You give us, let it bless all.
In the abundance, in the plenty we’ve found,
Let us spread Your love, let generosity abound.


Where materialism beckons, where excess calls our name,
Remind us of the greater purpose, beyond wealth and fame.
For the treasures of this earth, Lord, they will come and go,
But Your eternal riches are what we truly know.

Outro (Blessing):

Now we declare, with prosperity, we will serve,
With open hands, open hearts, never to swerve.
Bless us to be blessings, in Your love we trust,
Prosperity with a purpose, in You, we invest.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: Bb Major – Radiates positivity and richness, suitable for a song about using wealth for good.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Offers a solid foundation, supporting a narrative about responsible and purposeful action.
  • Tempo: Allegro (126 bpm) – A lively tempo that reflects the energetic and optimistic nature of using prosperity positively.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Prosperity with a Purpose” aims to visually represent the positive impact of using wealth and resources for meaningful purposes, aligning with the song’s message to create an inspiring and thought-provoking music video.

Scene 1: Intro

  • Audio: A gentle, hopeful instrumental introduction.
  • Visuals: Scenes of everyday prosperity – a bustling marketplace, a thriving neighborhood, people engaging in various activities signifying abundance and comfort.
  • Mood/Intent: Establishing the theme of prosperity, setting a tone of gratitude and potential.

Scene 2: Verse 1

  • Audio: Vocals begin, softly narrating the blessings of prosperity; background music is light and uplifting.
  • Visuals: Individuals experiencing moments of financial success – a promotion, a successful business deal, a family purchasing a new home.
  • Mood/Intent: Highlighting the joys and responsibilities that come with financial success, the personal side of prosperity.

Scene 3: Chorus

  • Audio: Music becomes fuller, chorus emphasizing the purposeful use of wealth.
  • Visuals: Individuals using their wealth for positive impact – donating to charity, investing in community projects, helping those in need.
  • Mood/Intent: Uplifting and inspiring, showcasing the positive influence of using wealth wisely and generously.

Scene 4: Verse 2

  • Audio: Return to a softer melody, continuing the theme.
  • Visuals: A moment of reflection – a wealthy individual contemplating the true value of their wealth, looking at family and community, not just material possessions.
  • Mood/Intent: Reflective, focusing on the deeper meaning and potential of wealth.

    Scene 5: Chorus

    • Audio: Chorus repeats with a richer arrangement.
    • Visuals: Expanded scenes of generosity – supporting education, funding medical facilities, sponsoring local arts and culture.
    • Mood/Intent: Illustrating the diverse ways wealth can be used for the greater good, the joy of giving.

      Scene 6: Bridge

      • Audio: Music becomes more introspective, touching on the temptations of materialism.
      • Visuals: Contrasting scenes – opulent, empty luxury versus the fulfillment found in meaningful generosity.
      • Mood/Intent: A moment of contrast, emphasizing that true prosperity comes from purpose, not just possessions.

      Scene 7: Verse 3

      • Audio: Music builds back up, reinforcing the message of purposeful prosperity.
      • Visuals: Scenes of long-term impact – a scholarship recipient graduating, a community flourishing thanks to sustained support.
      • Mood/Intent: Inspiring, showcasing the lasting impact of thoughtful stewardship of wealth.

      Scene 8: Chorus

      • Audio: Full chorus, powerful and hopeful.
      • Visuals: A celebratory montage of prosperous, happy communities and individuals, thriving thanks to purposeful use of wealth.
      • Mood/Intent: Joyous and affirming, highlighting the fulfillment that comes from using prosperity with a purpose.

      Scene 9: Outro

      • Audio: Music slowly concludes with a sense of fulfillment and peace.
      • Visuals: Evening scenes of contented individuals and grateful communities, a sense of harmony and completion.
      • Mood/Intent: Peaceful and contemplative, showing the satisfaction of living a life of purposeful generosity.

      Scene 10: End Credits

      • Audio: A gentle instrumental reprise of the theme.
      • Visuals: Credits roll over tranquil scenes of communities and individuals benefiting from acts of generosity.
      • Mood/Intent: Closure, leaving the viewer with a sense of hope and inspiration towards purposeful use of wealth.