Sacred Spaces - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 3: Sacred Spaces


“Sacred Spaces” is a heartfelt ode to the places where we gather to connect with the Divine and with each other. This track invites listeners into a reflective appreciation of houses of worship, community gatherings, and the powerful sense of fellowship that arises in these sacred places. It’s a musical exploration of the sanctity found in shared worship and the profound impact of communal faith.

The song begins by painting a vivid picture of the physical and emotional landscapes of sacred spaces – churches, temples, mosques, or any place where hearts unite in search of something greater. The melody and lyrics work in harmony to evoke a sense of reverence and awe for these places where we feel enveloped by a presence beyond ourselves, highlighting the beauty and power that emanates from collective worship and prayer.

However, “Sacred Spaces” also delves into the more challenging aspects of religious community. It addresses the pain and disillusionment that can arise when these spaces become grounds for exclusion, judgment, or hypocrisy. Through its verses, the song offers a poignant critique of instances where the essence of compassion and inclusion – core tenets of many faiths – are overshadowed by less noble practices.

The song then transitions into a prayerful call for true devotion. It’s a musical plea for sacred spaces to be sanctuaries of peace, love, and acceptance, transcending divides. The chorus resonates as a powerful decree, a collective aspiration for our places of worship to reflect the unifying and compassionate spirit of the Divine.

“Sacred Spaces” is not just a song; it is a reflection and a vision. It calls on listeners to recognize and cherish the beauty of communal worship while challenging them to contribute to making these spaces true reflections of divine love. For intercessors and believers, this track serves as both a celebration of and a commitment to fostering environments where all are welcome, and where the power of fellowship is fully realized.

Listeners are encouraged to use this song as a backdrop for their own contemplation of what sacred spaces mean to them, how they experience the Divine in community, and how they can contribute to creating more inclusive and loving places of worship.


Devotion for “Sacred Spaces”

Opening Prayer:

Heavenly Father, as we reflect on the sacred spaces where we meet with You and our community of believers, guide our hearts to understand the true meaning of fellowship in Your presence. Teach us to create sanctuaries that embody Your love and inclusivity. Amen.

Scripture Readings:

  • Psalm 84:1-4 – “How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”
  • 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 – “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.”
  • James 2:1-4 – “My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in…”


Contemplate the beauty and peace you find in sacred spaces—be it a church, a home group, or a personal place of prayer. How do these spaces enhance your connection with God and fellow believers?

Reflect on instances where religious communities might have created barriers, knowingly or unknowingly. How can we ensure our sacred spaces remain open and welcoming to all, reflecting God’s unconditional love?


In a moment of silence, think about what true devotion in a sacred space means to you. How can you contribute to fostering a community that mirrors the inclusivity and love of Christ?

Personal Application:

Identify ways you can help make your place of worship more inclusive and welcoming. Consider how you can personally demonstrate compassion and understanding within your faith community.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for a deeper appreciation of the communal aspects of worship and the power of fellowship.
  2. Seek forgiveness for times when our religious practices may have excluded or hurt others, and ask for guidance to rectify these wrongs.
  3. Affirm the desire to create and maintain sacred spaces as true sanctuaries of peace, love, and divine presence.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, in Your gracious love, help us to create sacred spaces that are true reflections of Your kingdom—spaces of peace, love, and unity. May our gatherings be a testament to Your inclusivity and compassion. In our worship and fellowship, let us always mirror Your love. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Sacred Spaces

Verse 1:

In sacred spaces, Your glory dwells,
Among Your people, Your love swells.
In every altar, in every prayer,
Your presence binds us, a holy affair.


Sacred spaces, where hearts unite,
In Your presence, we find Your light.
God of all, we gather and seek,
Your love in the fellowship, strong and meek.

Verse 2:

Yet, we confess, in our sacred halls,
Sometimes we’ve built dividing walls.
In Your name, may we not exclude,
But with compassion, our hearts imbue.


Sacred spaces, where hearts unite,
In Your presence, we find Your light.
God of all, we gather and seek,
Your love in the fellowship, strong and meek.


Break down the barriers, let love flow free,
In sacred spaces, let all souls see.
Your grace, O Lord, a force that mends,
In Your love, every divide ends.

Verse 3:

Spirit, breathe on us, make us one,
In sacred spaces, Your will be done.
Through shared tears, through joined praise,
Craft us as vessels of Your peace and grace.


Sacred spaces, where hearts unite,
In Your presence, we find Your light.
God of all, we gather and seek,
Your love in the fellowship, strong and meek.

Outro (Declaration):

We decree devotion, in unity we stand,
In sanctuaries of peace, across the land.
Love overcomes, divides we erase,
In every sacred space, Your grace we embrace.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: E Major – Evokes a sense of joy and communal spirit, fitting for the theme of unity.
  • Time Signature: 6/8 – Gives a flowing, almost dance-like quality, suitable for the communal and celebratory aspects.
  • Tempo: Allegretto – Lively and brisk, without being overly fast, matching the energy of community gatherings.

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Music: A soft, harmonious instrumental, setting a tone of reverence and community.
  • Screen Action: A sunrise over a diverse cityscape transitioning to various places of worship – a church, a mosque, a synagogue, a temple.
  • Mood: Inclusive, serene, introducing the concept of shared sacred spaces.

Verse 1:

  • Music: Gently melodic, conveying a sense of wonder.
  • Screen Action: Inside various places of worship, showing people of different ages, races, and cultures engaging in prayer, song, and quiet reflection.
  • Mood: Peaceful, reverent, highlighting the beauty and diversity of communal worship.


  • Music: The melody grows richer, evoking a sense of unity.
  • Screen Action: Aerial view of the city showing beams of light connecting the various places of worship, symbolizing the interconnectedness of faiths and communities.
  • Mood: Uplifting, uniting, emphasizing the power of fellowship.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Slightly somber, yet maintaining melody.
  • Screen Action: Scenes depicting moments where religious practices become exclusive – a closed door, a turned back – contrasted with scenes of open arms and welcoming gestures.
  • Mood: Reflective, challenging, acknowledging the barriers within sacred spaces.


    • Music: Returning to an uplifting tempo.
    • Screen Action: Barriers are broken down; doors open wide. People from different faiths engage in acts of kindness towards each other.
    • Mood: Healing, hopeful, a vision of inclusive and compassionate worship.


      • Music: Soft and introspective.
      • Screen Action: Close-ups of individuals from various faith backgrounds, each displaying a gesture of peace – a smile, a nod, a handshake.
      • Mood: Intimate, personal, showcasing the human aspect of divine devotion.

      Verse 3:

      • Music: Gaining in strength and assurance.
      • Screen Action: Community members engaging in joint service projects – feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, caring for the environment.
      • Mood: Active, compassionate, faith expressed through service.


      • Music: Rich and affirming.
      • Screen Action: A final scene of a diverse group gathering in a large, open space – perhaps a park – for a shared event, celebrating unity and peace.
      • Mood: Joyful, celebratory, a culmination of shared faith and fellowship.

      Outro (Declaration):

      • Music: A serene, conclusive melody.
      • Screen Action: As the music fades, the scene transitions to a night sky, the stars shining over the united cityscape, symbolizing the enduring and universal nature of faith.
      • Mood: Peaceful, hopeful, a reflection on the everlasting impact of sacred spaces.