Seeking Truth - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 4: Seeking Truth


“Seeking Truth” is a profound musical journey into the heart of spiritual wisdom and understanding. This track invites listeners to immerse themselves in the quest for divine knowledge, as revealed through holy texts and personal reflection. It’s a song that resonates with the soul’s deep yearning for discernment and the earnest pursuit of what is genuinely sacred and true.

The song opens with an atmosphere of reverence and introspection, reflecting on the wisdom found in sacred scriptures. The lyrics weave through the rich tapestry of seeking knowledge in a world cluttered with information, inviting listeners to dive deeper into the spiritual truths that guide and shape their lives. The melody complements this journey, offering a soothing yet compelling backdrop for contemplation and discovery.

However, “Seeking Truth” also addresses the challenges that arise when faith and scripture are manipulated. It confronts the realities of dogmatism, the twisting of sacred words, and the use of religious teachings to harm or control others. Through its verses, the song offers a powerful critique of these misuses of scripture, advocating for a faith that is grounded in humility, love, and true understanding.

Transitioning from acknowledgment of these challenges, the song becomes a prayer for discernment and humility. It is a heartfelt plea for the ability to approach spiritual texts and teachings with a mind open to learning and a heart committed to compassion. The chorus serves as a unifying call for all seekers of truth, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey, to join in this quest for genuine understanding.

“Seeking Truth” is more than just a melody; it is a companion for those on a spiritual journey, a guide for those navigating the complexities of faith in a modern world. For intercessors and believers, this track is both an affirmation of their pursuit of divine wisdom and a reminder of the responsibility that comes with understanding sacred teachings.

Listeners are encouraged to engage with this song as a tool for their own spiritual growth, allowing the lyrics to inspire a deeper connection with the divine and a more authentic application of their faith.


Devotion for “Seeking Truth”

Opening Prayer: Lord of wisdom, as we seek to understand Your truth, guide our hearts and minds. Help us to approach Your Word with humility and discernment, and protect us from the pitfalls of dogmatism and misinterpretation. Amen.

Scripture Readings:

  • Proverbs 2:6-8 – “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless.”
  • 2 Timothy 2:15 – “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
  • James 3:17 – “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”


Consider the role of Scripture in your life. How do you approach the Word of God to find wisdom and guidance? Reflect on the importance of seeking deeper understanding and the impact this has on your faith and actions.

Think about the times when faith has been used to harm or control, either in history or in personal experience. How does this contrast with the true purpose of Scripture, and how can we guard against such misuse?


In a moment of quiet, ask God to reveal areas in your spiritual walk where you need more discernment and humility. Seek His guidance in understanding His Word in a way that leads to love and compassionate action.

Personal Application:

Identify practical steps you can take to deepen your understanding of the Scriptures. Consider joining a study group, engaging in theological reading, or simply dedicating more time to prayerful reading of the Bible.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for wisdom and understanding as you delve into the Scriptures.
  2. Ask for forgiveness for any instances where you may have misused or misunderstood God’s Word, and seek guidance to correct these missteps.
  3. Affirm your commitment to use the knowledge gained from Scripture to promote peace, mercy, and love.

Closing Prayer:

Gracious God, grant us the wisdom that comes from You, pure and peace-loving. Help us to rightly handle Your Word, leading us to a deeper understanding and a more authentic expression of our faith. May our pursuit of truth always be grounded in love and humility. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Seeking Truth

Verse 1:

In ancient words, in verses sown,
We seek Your truth, Your wisdom shown.
A lamp unto our feet, a light to our path,
In Scripture’s depth, we find our math.


Seeking truth, in sacred writ,
Your Holy Spirit, in us lit.
Son of God, the Way, the Truth,
Lead us deeper, in our youth and in our ruth.

Verse 2:

Yet, in our seeking, sometimes pride,
Twists Your word, from truth it slides.
Forgive us when we’ve used Your name,
To serve our will, to others’ blame.


Seeking truth, in sacred writ,
Your Holy Spirit, in us lit.
Son of God, the Way, the Truth,
Lead us deeper, in our youth and in our ruth.


Grant us discernment, to see Your face,
In every passage, Your truth embrace.
With humble hearts, may we come to You,
In seeking truth, to be ever true.

Verse 3:

Divine Teacher, guide our quest,
To live Your Word, and pass each test.
In love, in action, may we convey,
The truth we seek, in Your word, we pray.


Seeking truth, in sacred writ,
Your Holy Spirit, in us lit.
Son of God, the Way, the Truth,
Lead us deeper, in our youth and in our ruth.

Outro (Declaration):

We decree discernment, humility’s embrace,
In love and knowledge, we seek Your face.
May truth lead us to love’s command,
In seeking truth, in Your grace we stand.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Major – Offers a sense of clarity and straightforwardness, appropriate for a song about seeking truth.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Standard and versatile, allowing for both introspective and revelatory moments.
  • Tempo: Adagio (slowly) – Reflects the thoughtful and introspective nature of seeking wisdom.

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Music: A thoughtful, introspective instrumental, setting a tone of spiritual quest and discovery.
  • Screen Action: A twilight scene transitioning into night, with a focus on a starry sky, symbolizing the search for deeper truths.
  • Mood: Curious, contemplative, inviting viewers on a journey of discovery.

Verse 1:

  • Music: Gentle, with a reflective melody.
  • Screen Action: Scenes of individuals in various settings – a library, a quiet room, a garden – each engaging with holy texts, reading, pondering, and seeking.
  • Mood: Peaceful, studious, illustrating a personal and earnest search for wisdom.


  • Music: The melody becomes more pronounced, conveying a sense of revelation.
  • Screen Action: The individuals look up from their texts towards the sky, symbolic of seeking divine wisdom. Light gently cascades down upon them, representing enlightenment.
  • Mood: Revelatory, awe-inspiring, a moment of connection between the divine and the seeker.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Slightly somber, yet retaining its melody.
  • Screen Action: Depictions of misinterpretation and dogmatism – figures arguing, twisting words, using texts to exclude or judge others.
  • Mood: Challenging, introspective, highlighting the misuse of sacred scriptures.


    • Music: Returning to a revelatory theme.
    • Screen Action: The initial individuals now share their insights with others in a spirit of humility and openness, contrasting the earlier scenes of conflict.
    • Mood: Healing, enlightening, showcasing the positive power of true understanding.


      • Music: Soft, reflective, suggesting inner transformation.
      • Screen Action: Close-ups of faces in contemplation, their expressions changing from confusion to clarity, symbolizing the process of gaining discernment.
      • Mood: Intimate, transformative, an inner journey to understanding.

      Verse 3:

      • Music: Growing in assurance and depth.
      • Screen Action: A scene of diverse people coming together, sharing and discussing their insights in a harmonious gathering, symbolizing unity in truth-seeking.
      • Mood: United, respectful, an embodiment of wisdom leading to communal harmony.


      • Music: Rich, affirming, and uplifting.
      • Screen Action: The group looking upwards to the now-brightened sky, a metaphor for shared enlightenment and spiritual connection.
      • Mood: Joyful, collective, a celebration of shared wisdom and truth.

      Outro (Declaration):

      • Music: A serene, conclusive melody.
      • Screen Action: As the music fades, a single light remains in the dark sky, symbolizing the enduring pursuit of truth.
      • Mood: Peaceful, hopeful, a symbol of the ongoing quest for spiritual wisdom.