United in Crisis - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Seven: “United in Crisis”

“United in Crisis,” the seventh and final track on our album, is a profoundly moving and inspirational song that captures the essence of community resilience and solidarity in the face of adversity. This powerful track serves as a testament to the human spirit’s strength and the extraordinary capacity for communities to come together during challenging times.

The song begins with the Thanksgiving section, which sets a tone of communal strength and gratitude. Here, the lyrics acknowledge and celebrate the remarkable ways communities respond to disasters and crises – how people come together, offering support, care, and hope amidst shared struggles. The melody in this part is both somber and uplifting, reflecting the complex emotions that surface during difficult times.

As the song progresses into the Repentance section, the music takes a reflective turn, delving into the theme of division and self-centeredness that can emerge in times of crisis. This part of the song serves as a poignant reminder of our shared humanity and the need for empathy and unity, especially when facing collective challenges. The lyrics call for introspection and a recognition of the times we have failed to prioritize the needs of the community over our own.

The song reaches its climax in the Blessing section, where the melody and lyrics shift to a hopeful and empowering message. This part of the song is a prayerful decree for resilience, sacrificial help, and renewed hope amidst adversity. It calls upon the listener to envision a future where communities not only survive crises but emerge stronger and more united, underpinned by a deep sense of shared purpose and compassion.

Musically, “United in Crisis” is characterized by its dynamic range and emotive power. The arrangement is designed to take listeners on a journey through the different emotional landscapes of a crisis – from the initial response of unity and support to the introspective realization of our shortcomings, and finally, to a hopeful vision for the future.

This track is more than just a musical composition; it is a rallying cry for unity, a reminder of our collective strength, and an invocation of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. “United in Crisis” resonates deeply with anyone who has experienced the power of community in challenging times and serves as an anthem of solidarity and hope.


Devotion: “United in Crisis”

Scripture Readings:

  • 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 – God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
  • Psalm 46:1-3 – God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
  • Philippians 2:1-4 – Encouragement to be united, to look not only to our interests but also to the interests of others.


“United in Crisis” calls us to acknowledge our dependence on God and each other during challenging times. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 reminds us that the comfort we receive from God is not just for our benefit; it’s a resource we’re meant to share with others. In times of crisis, our ability to comfort and support those around us becomes a powerful testimony of God’s love and faithfulness.

Psalm 46 speaks to God’s steadfast presence in times of upheaval. It reassures us that even when the world seems to be falling apart, God is a solid foundation and a source of unshakeable strength. This truth should anchor our hearts and minds, giving us the courage to face adversity with hope.

Philippians 2:1-4 challenges us to embody the humility and selflessness of Christ, especially in difficult times. It encourages us to forge bonds of unity and compassion, looking beyond our own needs to the needs of others. In doing so, we mirror Christ’s attitude and become vessels of His grace and peace.

Prayer Focus:

Pray for resilience and unity within your community, especially during times of crisis. Ask God to help you be a source of comfort and strength to others. Intercede for those who are suffering, that they may experience God’s presence and peace.

Action Step:

Identify ways you can support those affected by a crisis in your community. This might involve volunteering, donating to relief efforts, or simply offering a listening ear and a prayerful heart to those in distress.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, in times of crisis, help us to find our strength and unity in You. Equip us to be Your hands and feet, bringing comfort and hope to those in need. May our community be a reflection of Your love and grace, standing strong together in the face of any challenge. Amen.


United in Crisis

Verse 1

In the shadow of trials, our hearts drawn as one,
We face the storm together, till the crisis is done.
In the clasp of Your hands, we find our common plea,
For strength in our unity, for the world to see.


When the ground shakes beneath, and skies turn to grey,
We turn to You, our Refuge, our Truth, our Way.
We repent for division, for times we stood apart,
Now united in purpose, with one beating heart.


God of our hope, in the midst of our pain,
We stand together, in sunshine and in rain.
United in crisis, we seek Your face,
Pour out Your Spirit, fill us with grace.

Verse 2

As one body we come, with one voice we cry,
Lift us from despair, to Your promise we fly.
With one accord, in the breach we stand,
Each act of sacrifice, guided by Your hand.


Forgive us when fear made us blind to others’ needs,
In this crisis, let Your love sow the seeds.
Of healing, of comfort, may our unity be a sign,
Of Your kingdom here, love divine.


God of our hope, in the midst of our pain,
We stand together, in sunshine and in rain.
United in crisis, we seek Your face,
Pour out Your Spirit, fill us with grace.


In the heat of the fire, in the eye of the storm,
You are our anchor, our shelter, our norm.
By Your mercy, may we rise above,
A testament to Your unending love.


God of our hope, in the midst of our pain,
We stand together, in sunshine and in rain.
United in crisis, we seek Your face,
Pour out Your Spirit, fill us with grace.


So we lift our eyes, from the ashes we rise,
With songs of hope, that pierce the skies.
United in crisis, but stronger in prayer,
In Your love, we find our repair.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: B Minor – Provides a somber yet hopeful tone, appropriate for a song about resilience in adversity.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – A steady and supportive rhythm that can handle the varying emotional intensities of the song.
  • Tempo: Adagio to Andante (around 65 to 76 bpm) – Starts slower for the more somber parts, picking up slightly as the song progresses towards hope and unity.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “United in Crisis” captures the emotional and communal journey through a difficult period, highlighting the themes of adversity, support, and the triumphant resilience of the human spirit, all underscored by a corresponding musical narrative.


  • Visuals & Atmosphere: Scenes depicting the onset of a crisis – storm clouds gathering, people’s concerned faces, a sense of uncertainty.
  • Color Palette: Stark, contrasting colors, emphasizing the tension and unease of a looming crisis.
  • Music Elements: A somber, evocative instrumental introduction, setting a serious and reflective tone.

Verse 1:

  • Visuals & Atmosphere: Community members facing challenges – long lines for resources, worried discussions, efforts to protect and prepare.
  • Color Palette: Dark, moody tones, capturing the weight of the crisis.
  • Music Elements: The melody is subdued but steady, mirroring the community’s resolve.


  • Visuals & Atmosphere: A shift to scenes of communal support – neighbors helping each other, volunteers distributing aid, comforting embraces.
  • Color Palette: Gradual introduction of warmer tones amidst the darkness, symbolizing hope and unity.
  • Music Elements: An uplifting chorus, conveying a sense of solidarity and strength in togetherness.

Verse 2:

  • Visuals & Atmosphere: Focused moments of individual acts of kindness and bravery – a person sharing their supplies, volunteers working tirelessly.
  • Color Palette: More pronounced warm tones, highlighting acts of compassion.
  • Music Elements: The melody grows in warmth and depth, reflecting the growing sense of community spirit.


    • Visuals & Atmosphere: The community starting to overcome the crisis – collaborative clean-up efforts, shared meals, rebuilding efforts.
    • Color Palette: Brighter, hopeful colors, illustrating recovery and resilience.
    • Music Elements: A repeat of the chorus, more powerful and hopeful.


      • Visuals & Atmosphere: A moment of collective reflection – people looking at the rebuilt community, memorials for the lost, a shared sense of endurance.
      • Color Palette: Mixture of somber and warm tones, representing reflection and renewed hope.
      • Music Elements: A contemplative bridge, emphasizing the emotional journey.

      Final Chorus:

      • Visuals & Atmosphere: A scene of renewed community spirit – a local gathering or ceremony, celebrating the resilience and unity.
      • Color Palette: A rich array of colors, symbolizing the diversity and strength of the community.
      • Music Elements: A final, triumphant chorus, full of energy and communal spirit.


      • Visuals & Atmosphere: Closing shots of peaceful daily life resuming, people smiling and interacting, a sense of normalcy and strength.
      • Color Palette: Calm, reassuring colors, indicating stability and hope.
      • Music Elements: A gentle, satisfying conclusion, tapering off to a hopeful silence.