Unseen but Found - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 1: Unseen but Found


“Unseen but Found” is a spiritual odyssey into the heart of faith – an exploration of the profound certainty and presence of the Divine in the unseen. This track is an invitation for listeners to embark on a journey of deep contemplation and connection with God, recognizing His omnipresence even when not physically visible.

The song begins with a gentle reminder of the invisible yet palpable presence of God in our lives. It evokes a sense of gratitude for the countless ways in which this unseen presence manifests – in moments of tranquility, in the whispers of nature, and in the quiet assurances that come during times of turmoil. The melody and lyrics are designed to guide the listener into a space of thankfulness, acknowledging the enduring love and guidance of a God who is always near, despite being beyond our physical perception.

However, the track does not shy away from the complexities of faith. It delves into the struggles of doubt and the moments of wavering belief that are inherent to the human experience. Through its verses, the song creates a safe space for listeners to confront and express their uncertainties, offering a poignant reflection on the times we question the goodness and intentions of an unseen God.

The culmination of the track is a powerful declaration of unshakeable trust and belief in grace. It is a prayerful affirmation that, even in the face of doubt and unseen mysteries, our faith can remain firm. This part of the song is both a personal proclamation and a communal decree, inviting listeners to join in a chorus of faith that is grounded in spiritual assurance and trust.

“Unseen but Found” is more than just a song; it is a spiritual tool for intercessors and believers alike. It aids in the journey of faith, providing a melodic companion for those moments of prayerful reflection and introspection. As part of an album that speaks to the soul’s deepest yearnings, this track stands as a testament to the power of faith in the unseen and the beauty of a trust that transcends sight.

Listeners are encouraged to use this song as a backdrop for their own spiritual journey, allowing the lyrics to guide them through their moments of thanksgiving, repentance, and the ultimate declaration of their faith in the unseen yet ever-present Divine.


Devotion for “Unseen but Found”

Opening Prayer:

Heavenly Father, as we delve into the mysteries of Your unseen presence, grant us the faith to sense You beyond our sight, to trust in Your enduring love, and to ground ourselves in Your grace. Amen.

Scripture Readings:

  • Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
  • 1 Peter 1:8-9 – “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”
  • 2 Corinthians 4:18 – “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”


Consider the nature of faith as the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Reflect on how the certainty of God’s presence has manifested in your life in unseen ways. How has the assurance of His love endured through various trials and tribulations?

Think about the moments of doubt when faith seemed to waver, and the questions that arose concerning God’s goodness. Contemplate the scriptural promise that our faith, though tested, results in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.


Take a moment to consider the invisible attributes of God, His eternal power, and divine nature that have been understood and seen through what He has made. How does this shape your understanding of faith?

Personal Application:

Identify a recent situation where you felt distant from God’s presence. How might these Scriptures reshape your understanding and response to such times of doubt? How can the certainty of God’s love change the way you live and interact with others around you?

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for the faith to see the unseen, to trust in God’s presence and promises.
  2. Ask for forgiveness for times of doubt and for the strength to maintain faith during challenging circumstances.
  3. Declare your trust in God’s enduring love and grace, affirming your spiritual grounding.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, we believe in You, even when You are unseen. Strengthen our faith, fill us with your joy, and ground us in Your eternal grace. Help us to live as testimonies of Your unseen presence, walking in faith and not by sight. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Unseen but Found

Verse 1:

In the silence of our hearts, You speak,
Whispers of love, when we are weak.
Unseen Hand, guiding through the storm,
In every shadow, Your love is warm.


Unseen but found, in Your grace we stand,
Lifting our thanks with outstretched hands.
Father, in Your mercy, we are held,
In the unseen, Your presence felt.

Verse 2:

When doubts arise, and skies turn grey,
We falter, lose sight of the way.
Teach us to trust, to walk by faith,
In every question, Your goodness stays.


Unseen but found, in Your grace we stand,
Lifting our thanks with outstretched hands.
Father, in Your mercy, we are held,
In the unseen, Your presence felt.


Forgive our wavering, our unbelief,
We repent with tears, for relief.
Your Spirit guides, a constant flame,
In our confession, we call Your name.

Verse 3:

Holy Spirit, breathe in us anew,
Kindle our hearts, to only pursue.
Your truth, Your way, the path unseen,
In every step, on You, we lean.


Unseen but found, in Your grace we stand,
Lifting our thanks with outstretched hands.
Father, in Your mercy, we are held,
In the unseen, Your presence felt.

Outro (Declaration):

We decree trust, unshakeable and true,
Belief in grace, as we seek You.
Ground us in spirit, let Your kingdom come,
In the unseen, Your will be done.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: G Major – Conveys a sense of openness and hopeful resolution.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Offers a steady, flowing rhythm that can comfortably support the lyrical content.
  • Tempo: Andante (moderately slow) – Reflects the contemplative and uplifting nature of the track.

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Music: Soft, ethereal sounds setting a contemplative mood.
  • Screen Action: A sunrise over a tranquil sea, symbolizing the dawn of understanding and faith.
  • Mood: Peaceful, hopeful, with a sense of anticipation.

Verse 1:

  • Music: Gentle melody with a hint of introspection.
  • Screen Action: Scenes of natural beauty – a forest at dawn, light filtering through trees. A solitary figure walking, reflective, immersed in the beauty and mystery of creation.
  • Mood: Serene, thoughtful, a deep sense of connection with the divine in nature.


  • Music: The melody grows richer, more uplifting.
  • Screen Action: The figure stops to look up at the sky, hands open as if feeling the presence of the unseen. The sky transitions through vibrant colors, symbolizing the certainty and various manifestations of God’s love.
  • Mood: Uplifting, affirming, a strong sense of spiritual presence and assurance.

Verse 2:

  • Music: A slightly somber tone, maintaining melody.
  • Screen Action: The figure walking through a dimly lit path, symbolizing moments of doubt. Shadows play across their face, reflecting internal struggles.
  • Mood: Contemplative, introspective, acknowledging spiritual challenges.


    • Music: A return to the uplifting melody.
    • Screen Action: A gradual return of light, as the figure looks towards the light breaking through the clouds, symbolizing renewed faith and trust.
    • Mood: Hopeful, rejuvenating, a reaffirmation of faith.


      • Music: Soft, with a reflective tone.
      • Screen Action: The figure kneels by a still lake, gazing at the reflection, symbolizing self-reflection and seeking forgiveness.
      • Mood: Penitent, introspective, a moment of seeking and finding inner peace.

      Verse 3:

      • Music: Gaining strength and assurance.
      • Screen Action: The figure stands and continues the walk, now with a more determined step, symbolizing strengthened faith and resolve.
      • Mood: Encouraged, empowered, a sense of spiritual renewal.


      • Music: Full, rich, and affirming.
      • Screen Action: A return to the opening scene, now with the figure embracing the light, surrounded by a sense of peace and fulfillment.
      • Mood: Joyful, assured, a deep sense of spiritual grounding and certainty.

      Outro (Declaration):

      • Music: A serene, conclusive melody.
      • Screen Action: The scene transitions to a night sky full of stars, with the figure looking up, hands joined in prayer or gratitude.
      • Mood: Peaceful, reflective, a sense of unity with the divine and the universe.