Voices Heard - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Three: “Voices Heard”

“Voices Heard” is the third track on our album, eloquently weaving the theme of inclusive dialogue and just leadership into the fabric of the album’s overarching narrative on community. This song stands as a powerful testament to the importance of democratic participation, transparency, and the need to amplify marginalized voices within our societies.

Musically, “Voices Heard” is a compelling blend of poignant lyrics and inspiring melodies that capture the essence of community advocacy and responsible leadership. The song begins with the Thanksgiving section, paying homage to local leaders and community members who actively engage in creating spaces for diverse perspectives. The melody here is uplifting, celebrating the progress made in fostering inclusive dialogues and honoring those who pave the way for positive change.

Transitioning into the Repentance section, the tone becomes introspective and somber, reflecting on the shortcomings in our communities – the lack of transparency, instances of corruption, and the silencing of marginalized voices. This part of the song is both a confession and a lament, acknowledging the areas where we, as a society, have failed to uphold the principles of justice and equality. The lyrics here are a call to conscience, urging listeners to reflect on their role in either perpetuating or challenging these injustices.

The song culminates in the Blessing section, where the music swells into a hopeful and empowering declaration. This part of the song is a prayer for wise and just leadership, and an invocation for communal engagement towards the common good. The lyrics are imbued with a sense of hope and a vision for a future where every voice is not only heard but also valued and considered in the shaping of our communities.

“Voices Heard” is characterized by its rich, layered vocal arrangements and a dynamic composition that mirrors the song’s thematic journey. The interweaving of different musical elements symbolizes the diverse voices within a community, each playing a vital role in the symphony of collective life.

This track is not just a piece of music; it’s a call to action and reflection. It challenges the listener to consider their part in the democratic process, to advocate for transparency and justice, and to lend their voice to the chorus calling for change. It’s a song that resonates with anyone who believes in the power of collective action and the importance of responsible, inclusive governance.


Devotion: “Voices Heard”

Scripture Readings:

  • Proverbs 31:8-9 – A call to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves and defend the rights of the poor and needy.
  • Micah 6:8 – God’s requirement for His people: to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him.
  • Acts 6:1-7 – The early church’s response to a community issue, showing the importance of addressing concerns and ensuring no one is overlooked.


In a world where voices are often silenced or marginalized, the Christian call is to ensure that every voice is heard, especially those that are typically ignored. Proverbs 31:8-9 challenges us to be advocates for those who are unable to speak up for themselves. This advocacy can take many forms: from intercessory prayer to active involvement in community issues.

Micah 6:8 encapsulates what God desires of us: to practice justice, cherish mercy, and embody humility. These are not just individual virtues but communal responsibilities. As intercessors, we are called to pray not only for the needs of individuals but for systemic changes that promote equity and justice.

The example in Acts 6:1-7 demonstrates the early church’s commitment to fair and inclusive leadership. When a complaint arose, the apostles addressed it promptly, ensuring that the Hellenistic Jewish widows were not neglected in the daily distribution of food. This is a model for us to follow: to listen, respond, and adapt to the needs of all members of our community.

Prayer Focus:

Pray for wisdom and discernment for leaders within your community and beyond. Ask God to raise leaders who will listen to His guidance and seek justice and truth. Intercede for those who feel voiceless, that they may find strength and platforms to express their needs and concerns.

Action Step:

Educate yourself on the issues facing your community, especially those affecting marginalized groups. Consider how you can be a voice for the voiceless, whether through advocacy, support, or by amplifying their concerns in your circles of influence.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, give us ears to hear the cries of the marginalized and the wisdom to respond in ways that honor You. Raise up leaders after Your own heart, who will lead with justice, mercy, and humility. May our communities reflect Your kingdom, where every voice is valued and heard. Amen.


Voices Heard

Verse 1

Whispers in the silence, calls for change arise,
Voices of the voiceless, reaching to the skies.
Leaders of the people, let integrity be your guide,
For every decision, let wisdom’s voice inside.


In the halls of power, in the streets so wide,
Let justice roll like waters, let righteousness be the tide.
May every silenced whisper find an open ear,
In the heart of our community, let every voice be dear.


Raise the voices, let them soar,
On wings of justice, forevermore.
With divine wisdom, lead the way,
Let every voice inspire the day.

Verse 2

Transparent in our dealings, honest in our roles,
Seeking out the marginalized, helping them to whole.
Praying for our leaders, that they may truly hear,
The needs of all the people, crystal clear.


For a leader’s strength is measured not by might,
But by the way they serve and set to right.
Empower each citizen, to speak, to stand,
To build a future, hand in hand.


Raise the voices, let them soar,
On wings of justice, forevermore.
With divine wisdom, lead the way,
Let every voice inspire the day.


United in purpose, diverse in our thought,
We’ll find the answers collectively sought.
In the chorus of the crowd, truth will resound,
In the symphony of voices, solutions are found.


Raise the voices, let them soar,
On wings of justice, forevermore.
With divine wisdom, lead the way,
Let every voice inspire the day.


So we pray for our leaders, and we commit to engage,
In the story of our times, on history’s page.
May we honor each other, our stories unfurled,
As we work for a just, compassionate world.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Major – A clear and straightforward key that suits the theme of democratic participation and leadership.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Standard and versatile, allowing for expressive delivery of lyrics without rushing.
  • Tempo: Allegro (around 120 bpm) – Energizing and engaging, mirroring the song’s empowering message.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard captures the journey of “Voices Heard,” from individual contemplation to collective action and positive community change, reflecting the song’s themes through visual storytelling and musical progression.


  • Visuals & Atmosphere: A montage of diverse community members in various everyday settings, each looking thoughtful or contemplative.
  • Color Palette: Muted, varied tones to represent diversity and individuality.
  • Music Elements: A gentle, yet intriguing instrumental intro, setting the stage for thoughtful engagement.

Verse 1:

  • Visuals & Atmosphere: Individuals beginning to speak up in their environments – a town hall meeting, a community center, a school classroom.
  • Color Palette: Gradually brightening colors, symbolizing the emergence of voices and ideas.
  • Music Elements: The melody picks up slightly, introducing subtle vocal harmonies.


  • Visuals & Atmosphere: Scenes of the community actively listening and engaging with each other – people nodding, discussing, and taking notes.
  • Color Palette: Bright, clear colors to symbolize openness and clarity of communication.
  • Music Elements: An uplifting chorus with harmonious vocals, reflecting unity in diversity.

Verse 2:

  • Visuals & Atmosphere: Focus on faces of diverse leaders, listening and responding empathetically to the community members.
  • Color Palette: Warm, reassuring colors, emphasizing the positive impact of inclusive leadership.
  • Music Elements: The melody deepens, adding layers to represent the depth and richness of diverse perspectives.


    • Visuals & Atmosphere: A vibrant community dialogue session, with members respectfully exchanging ideas and solutions.
    • Color Palette: Continuing with bright, vibrant colors, showcasing a lively and dynamic community interaction.
    • Music Elements: The chorus repeats with more power and richness, symbolizing the strength of communal voices.


      • Visuals & Atmosphere: Transition to a scene of decision-making, where community suggestions are being implemented, highlighting positive changes.
      • Color Palette: Mixture of twilight and vibrant tones, symbolizing transition and positive evolution.
      • Music Elements: Slightly slower, reflective, emphasizing the impact of these voices.

      Final Chorus:

      • Visuals & Atmosphere: A celebration of the community’s achievements – unveiling of a new community project, a successful local initiative.
      • Color Palette: A tapestry of joyful colors, symbolizing the success and unity of the community.
      • Music Elements: A full, celebratory sound, bringing the song to an empowering conclusion.


      • Visuals & Atmosphere: Closing shots of the community members in their improved environment, content and engaged.
      • Color Palette: Soft, contented hues, giving a sense of accomplishment and harmony.
      • Music Elements: A gentle fade-out, leaving a lingering sense of community empowerment and hope.