Where Justice Dwells - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 4: Where Justice Dwells


“Where Justice Dwells,” the fourth track of the album, enters into the heart of judicial integrity and the pursuit of true justice. The song is characterized by a dignified and solemn musical tone, blending elements of gospel with traditional hymnal qualities. The arrangement includes soulful piano chords, a resonant choir, and stirring orchestral swells, creating an atmosphere of both reverence and urgency.

The track begins with a verse of thanksgiving, appreciating the aspects of the justice system that protect and uplift the marginalized and innocent. The lyrics are crafted to evoke a sense of gratitude for the rule of law and those who administer it with fairness and compassion. This verse aims to create a connection between the listener and the often-challenging realities of the legal system.

Moving into the chorus, the song shifts into a higher register of worship, calling upon God as the ultimate judge and lawgiver. The melody here is powerful and uplifting, designed to inspire hope and confidence in divine justice. The chorus is an affirmation of faith in God’s ability to bring about true justice, even in the midst of human fallibility.

A verse of repentance follows, acknowledging the failings and biases that can pervade the justice system. This part of the song is introspective, encouraging listeners to reflect on their own perceptions of justice and to seek God’s guidance in understanding and addressing these complex issues.

The track culminates with an outro that serves as a declaration of hope and a prayer for a more just and equitable world. It’s a powerful statement of faith in God’s promise to establish righteousness and justice on earth.

“Where Justice Dwells” is a deeply moving piece that challenges listeners to consider the role of justice in society and their part in advocating for a system that reflects God’s righteousness. It is a fitting accompaniment to both personal devotion and communal worship, providing a space for prayerful contemplation on the themes of justice and equity.


Devotional for Track 4: Where Justice Dwells

Opening Scripture:

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8


Justice is a cornerstone of God’s character and, by extension, His plan for human society. The Bible is replete with instances that call for fair treatment of the innocent, the oppressed, and those who cannot defend themselves. As believers, we are called to mirror God’s justice in our lives and to pray for it in our societies, especially within the legal and judicial systems.

Key Scriptures for Meditation:

  • Isaiah 1:17 – “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”
  • Proverbs 21:15 – “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.”
  • Amos 5:24 – “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”


Express gratitude for the instances where justice prevails, for fair laws, and for those who implement them with integrity. Thank God for the systems in place that seek to protect the innocent and for the efforts made towards true rehabilitation and reform.


Acknowledge and confess the ways in which the justice system falls short, where bias, inequality, or corruption have caused harm. Repent for any personal prejudices or apathy towards these issues. Seek God’s forgiveness and ask for the grace to support reform and righteousness in these areas.


Pray for the strengthening and purification of the justice system. Ask for wisdom and compassion for judges, lawyers, and all who work within it. Declare that these systems will operate in line with God’s will, providing fair, unbiased, and merciful justice for all.

Closing Prayer:

Lord God, we thank You for Your justice that is perfect and true. We pray for our legal systems, that they may reflect Your justice and righteousness. Forgive us for when we have not upheld these values and help us to be advocates for the fair and just treatment of all. May Your will be done in our courts as it is in heaven. Amen.


Where Justice Dwells

(Verse 1: Thanksgiving)

We give thanks for laws that guard the weak,
For the scales of justice, and the peace we seek.
For every act of mercy, for rehab’s grace,
For the righteous battles that we face.

(Chorus: Worship)

In courts of justice, Your presence dwells,
Guiding the gavel, the truth it tells.
We worship You, the Judge most high,
Your fairness reigns, it will never die.

(Verse 2: Repentance)

Where bias grows and the innocent fall,
Where harshness reigns, hear our penitent call.
For mercy’s lack and justice’s delay,
We seek Your face, show us Your way.

(Chorus: Worship)

God of the oppressed, to You we cry,
Lift the lowly, let Your mercy fly.
Righteousness and justice, Your kingdom’s base,
We worship You, God of all grace.

(Bridge: Reflection/Prayer)

In the quiet halls where justice is sought,
May Your wisdom guide every thought.
For every life touched by the law’s hand,
Let Your compassion command.

(Outro: Declaration/Blessing)

We speak life where the law has failed,
Justice’s triumph where evil’s assailed.
Courts free from corruption, we decree,
Under Your law, we shall be free.

(Chorus: Worship – Repeat and Fade)

In courts of justice, Your presence dwells,
Guiding the gavel, the truth it tells.
We worship You, the Judge most high,
Your fairness reigns, it will never die.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: E Minor – Conveys depth and seriousness, aligning with the theme of justice.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Maintains a steady and strong foundation for the song.
  • Tempo: Allegro (around 120 bpm) – A slightly faster tempo to convey urgency and the importance of justice.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Where Justice Dwells” provides a narrative arc that moves from recognition of the justice system’s virtues to an acknowledgment of its shortcomings, and finally, a hopeful vision for its future. The visuals are designed to be emotionally resonant, grounding the song in real-world implications while framing it within a context of worship and faith.

Scene 1: Intro

  • Audio: A solemn, reflective instrumental melody sets a contemplative mood.
  • Visual: Early morning scenes of an empty courtroom, with rays of sunlight piercing through windows, highlighting the scales of justice.
  • Mood/Intent: Establish a sense of solemn respect for the judicial system, symbolizing the dawn of fairness and truth.

Scene 2: Verse 1 (Thanksgiving)

  • Audio: Soft, heartfelt vocals begin, expressing gratitude for fair and just laws.
  • Visual: Montage of fair trials, compassionate judges, and community support for the wronged; brief shots of people being treated equitably in various societal interactions.
  • Mood/Intent: Evoke a sense of appreciation and respect for the elements of the justice system that work as intended, promoting fairness and protection.

Scene 3: Chorus (Worship)

  • Audio: The music elevates into an evocative chorus, with a harmonious blend of voices.
  • Visual: A diverse congregation gathered in a church or community center, singing and praying together, interspersed with images of justice symbols (scales, gavel).
  • Mood/Intent: Create a powerful connection between the pursuit of justice and divine worship, highlighting collective hope and faith.

Scene 4: Verse 2 (Repentance)

  • Audio: The melody becomes more introspective, matching the repentant lyrics.
  • Visual: Scenes of injustice – biased treatment, a wrongly accused person, societal inequality – followed by individuals and communities in solemn reflection.
  • Mood/Intent: Portray the need for societal repentance and reform, acknowledging the flaws within the justice system and the impact on lives.

    Scene 5: Chorus (Worship)

    • Audio: Return to the uplifting and hopeful chorus.
    • Visual: Transition back to the worship setting, focusing on individuals and groups, united in their prayer for justice.
    • Mood/Intent: Emphasize the role of faith in seeking and upholding justice, fostering a sense of communal commitment.

      Scene 6: Outro (Declaration/Blessing)

      • Audio: The music transitions into a hopeful, forward-looking tone.
      • Visual: Scenes depicting the reform of justice systems, acts of community support for the marginalized, and peaceful demonstrations advocating for fairness.
      • Mood/Intent: Convey a message of hope and positive action, illustrating the potential for change and improvement in the pursuit of justice.

      Scene 7: Chorus (Worship – Repeat and Fade)

      • Audio: The chorus repeats, gradually fading to a close.
      • Visual: The final scenes return to the congregation, slowly blending into a closing shot of the courtroom bathed in morning light, signifying ongoing efforts for justice.
      • Mood/Intent: Leave viewers with a sense of continuous commitment to justice, symbolizing an unending journey towards a world where true justice dwells.