Where We Connect - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track One: “Where We Connect”

“Where We Connect” is the opening track of our album, setting a powerful tone for the theme of community and interconnectedness. This song is a beautiful tapestry of melodies and lyrics that delve into the heart of what it means to be part of a community. Its structure is thoughtfully segmented into three distinct yet interconnected parts: Thanksgiving, Repentance, and Blessing – mirroring the spiritual journey of acknowledging the good, recognizing shortcomings, and seeking a future graced with hope and unity.

In the Thanksgiving section, the song opens with gentle, uplifting melodies, expressing gratitude for the sense of belonging and support found in communities. The lyrics here are a celebration of the diverse and rich tapestry of relationships that form the foundation of any community, highlighting the joy and strength derived from these connections.

The tone shifts in the Repentance part, adopting a more introspective and somber mood. It addresses the darker aspects of community life – cliques, exclusivity, and the failure to embrace the outsider. The song doesn’t shy away from acknowledging these issues but instead confronts them with heartfelt lyrics and a melody that encourages reflection and acknowledgment of our collective failings.

The final section, Blessing, is a powerful decree of hope and unity. The music swells into a more triumphant and hopeful arrangement, reflecting a prayerful aspiration for a community that embraces acceptance, celebrates diversity, and strives for unity despite differences. The lyrics here are a bold declaration, calling for a future where every member of the community feels valued, accepted, and loved.

Throughout the song, the instrumentation and vocal arrangements are carefully crafted to complement the thematic progression. Harmonies intertwine to represent the interconnectedness of community members, while the dynamic shifts in music echo the emotional journey from gratitude to introspection, and finally to a hopeful looking forward.

“Where We Connect” is not just a song; it’s a journey, an experience, and a prayer. It invites listeners to reflect on their role in their communities, the importance of acceptance and love, and the power of coming together to create something beautiful and enduring. It sets the stage for the album, preparing the listener’s heart and mind for a deep and meaningful exploration of community life.


Devotion: “Where We Connect”

Scripture Readings:

  • 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 – Paul speaks about the body of Christ and the importance of each member’s unique role.
  • Ephesians 4:2-3 – A call to unity in the bond of peace.
  • Revelation 7:9-10 – The vision of a diverse multitude unified in worship before the throne of God.


As intercessors, our call is to stand in the gap for our communities, recognizing that while we are many members, we are one body in Christ. Each of us has been given spiritual gifts not for our own benefit but for the service of the entire body (1 Corinthians 12:7).

In the early church, believers from vastly different backgrounds came together, breaking bread and praying with one accord (Acts 2:42-47). They were united not by cultural or personal similarities but by their common faith in Christ. The call to unity is a call to the kind of self-sacrificing love that Jesus demonstrated, a love that transcends all barriers and binds us together.

This unity in diversity is a foretaste of the heavenly gathering depicted in Revelation, where every nation, tribe, people, and language will stand before the throne in worship. Our prayer and intercession for our communities should echo this picture—seeking God’s heart for every individual and recognizing the strength found in our differences.

Prayer Focus:

Ask the Lord to reveal any personal biases or blind spots that may hinder the unity of the Spirit in your community. Pray for the ability to celebrate and embrace the diversity within the body of Christ, and ask for wisdom on how to support and encourage the unique contributions of each member.

Action Step:

Identify someone in your community who is different from you, whether in background, perspective, or gifting. Make an effort to learn from them, and find ways to serve alongside them, recognizing that in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, male nor female (Galatians 3:28).

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the diversity within Your body. Help us to see our brothers and sisters through Your eyes, valuing each person’s unique role in Your kingdom. Unite us in our love for You and for one another, that we may be a true reflection of Your diverse and unified family. Amen.


Where We Connect

Verse 1

In Your presence, we find our place,
Gathered here from every race.
Hands united, hearts as one,
In the love of the Father, Spirit, Son.


We come to You in thankfulness,
For the unity You’ve blessed,
Diverse in gifts, yet one in call,
In Your holy presence, Lord, we fall.


Hallelujah, we adore,
In Your grace, we are restored.
A tapestry of Your design,
Woven by hands divine.

Verse 2

We confess, we’ve built walls high,
Overlooked the tears some cry.
In repentance, we now stand,
Seeking mercy from Your hand.


Forgive us, Lord, when we’ve not shown,
The love through which Your heart is known.
Create in us a heart that’s pure,
To love like You, steadfast and sure.


Hallelujah, we adore,
In Your grace, we are restored.
A tapestry of Your design,
Woven by hands divine.


Let forgiveness flow like rivers,
Washing over us, the givers.
Raise us up to love anew,
Reflecting holiness in You.


Hallelujah, we adore,
In Your grace, we are restored.
A tapestry of Your design,
Woven by hands divine.


Bless our gathering, bless this place,
As we seek Your holy face.
In awe and wonder, we’ll proclaim,
The power of Your holy name.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: G Major – Conveys warmth and openness, suitable for the theme of community connection.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Offers a steady, approachable rhythm that can support the varying densities of the lyrics.
  • Tempo: Moderato (around 110 bpm) – Balances between reflective verses and an uplifting chorus.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard aims to visually and musically encapsulate the journey from isolation to community, using color, atmosphere, and music to tell a story of connection and unity in “Where We Connect.”


  • Visuals & Atmosphere: A slow pan across a diverse group of people in various settings – a park, a café, a street. Each person appears isolated, absorbed in their own world.
  • Color Palette: Muted, cool tones to convey a sense of separateness.
  • Music Elements: Gentle, soft instrumental opening, creating an inviting and introspective mood.

Verse 1:

  • Visuals & Atmosphere: Individuals begin to notice each other. Small acts of kindness – a smile, a helping hand – start connecting them.
  • Color Palette: Gradual introduction of warmer tones, symbolizing growing connection.
  • Music Elements: The melody picks up slightly, maintaining softness but with increasing warmth.


  • Visuals & Atmosphere: A vibrant community scene unfolds. People of all backgrounds come together, sharing, laughing, and interacting.
  • Color Palette: Bright, diverse colors showcasing the joy of community.
  • Music Elements: Uplifting and fuller sound with harmonious vocals, reflecting unity.

Verse 2:

  • Visuals & Atmosphere: Focus on individual faces, showing diverse expressions of joy, acceptance, and belonging.
  • Color Palette: Rich, deep hues that continue the theme of diversity and warmth.
  • Music Elements: The melody deepens, adding layers to reflect the depth of connections.


    • Visuals & Atmosphere: Scenes of communal activities – a community garden, a group dance, a neighborhood meal.
    • Color Palette: Continuation of bright, diverse colors, emphasizing communal joy.
    • Music Elements: The chorus repeats with even more energy and richer harmonies.


      • Visuals & Atmosphere: Transition to a twilight scene. People lighting candles or lanterns, symbolizing hope and unity.
      • Color Palette: Twilight hues with warm candlelight, creating a magical, hopeful atmosphere.
      • Music Elements: Slight slow down, more reflective, with a focus on instrumental and vocal harmony.

      Final Chorus:

      • Visuals & Atmosphere: A culmination scene where the community gathers in a celebration of unity – perhaps a festival or outdoor concert.
      • Color Palette: A tapestry of vibrant colors, all blending harmoniously.
      • Music Elements: Full, rich sound with a celebratory tone, bringing the song to a high point.


      • Visuals & Atmosphere: The camera slowly pulls away from the festive scene, showing a wider view of the community – connected, vibrant, alive.
      • Color Palette: A blend of the evening sky with the warm lights of the community below.
      • Music Elements: A gentle, satisfying fade-out, leaving a lingering sense of warmth and connection.