Angels Over Lands - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Detailed Description for Track 8: “Angels Over Lands”


Angels Over Lands

Music Elements:

The track features an ethereal and uplifting melody, combining the sounds of harp and soft choral harmonies to create a celestial ambiance. This arrangement evokes a sense of the spiritual and mystical, reflecting the song’s exploration of the angelic realm.

Themes and Concepts:

“Angels Over Lands” invites listeners to consider the presence and influence of angels in the world. Drawing inspiration from biblical passages, the song explores the idea of angels as guardians and agents of God’s will on Earth. It weaves together themes of divine protection, guidance, and the unseen spiritual forces at work in our world.

Underlying Message:

This song seeks to deepen the listener’s awareness of the spiritual dimension that surrounds us, highlighting the role of angels in the divine plan. It encourages a perspective that looks beyond the physical world, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all creation in the broader narrative of God’s kingdom.

For the Listener:

Listeners are encouraged to find comfort and reassurance in the knowledge of God’s constant care, as mediated through His angels. “Angels Over Lands” serves as a reminder of the ongoing spiritual support and intervention we receive, often unseen, as we navigate the complexities of life on Earth.


Devotional for Track 8: “Angels Over Lands”


Recognizing the Role of Angels in God’s Creation and Seeking Their Guidance

Scripture References:

  • Psalm 91:11-12 (God commanding His angels to guard us)
  • Hebrews 1:14 (Angels as ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation)
  • Revelation 5:11-12 (Angels around God’s throne, praising Him)
  • Daniel 10:12-14 (An angel explaining his delayed response due to a spiritual battle)


“Angels Over Lands” invites us to contemplate the unseen realm where angels act as guardians and ministers over God’s creation. Psalm 91:11-12 beautifully illustrates the protective role of angels in our lives, a reminder of the unseen help we receive.

Hebrews 1:14 describes angels as ministering spirits sent to aid us, reinforcing the idea that they play an active role in the divine order and our spiritual journey.

In Revelation 5, we see angels as part of the heavenly worship, constantly praising God. This passage reminds us of the continuous presence of angels in the spiritual realm, involved in the workings of God’s plan.

Daniel 10 provides a glimpse into how angels can be involved in spiritual warfare and the affairs of nations, revealing a deeper, more complex interaction between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Prayer Focus:

  • Gratitude for Angelic Presence: Thank God for the presence of angels and their role in the spiritual realm.
  • Prayer for Protection and Guidance: Ask for angelic protection and guidance in personal, community, and global matters.
  • Insight into the Spiritual Realm: Seek a deeper understanding of the spiritual battles and workings that impact our world.
  • Alignment with God’s Will: Pray for our lives and our world to be aligned with God’s will, as ministered by His angels.

Action Step:

Spend time in prayer specifically focused on spiritual warfare and the unseen realm. Be mindful of the spiritual influences in your daily life and community.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we are in awe of the vastness of Your creation, both seen and unseen. Thank You for the presence of Your angels, ministering and guarding according to Your divine will. Help us to be sensitive to the spiritual realm, to understand and engage in the battles that shape our world. May we always seek alignment with Your will, guided and protected by Your heavenly hosts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Angels Over Lands

Verse 1:

In the realms unseen, where angels tread,
Over lands and seas, their wings are spread.
Guardians by Your command, in Your story grand,
Angels watch over every land.


Angels over lands, in Your holy might,
Carry our prayers into the night.
In their watch, Lord, let Your will be done,
On Earth as in the realms beyond the sun.

Verse 2:

Messengers of Your decrees, in the skies they soar,
Bringing Your words, to every shore.
In their presence, Lord, let the Earth find peace,
In their guidance, let Your blessings increase.


Angels over lands, in Your holy might,
Carry our prayers into the night.
In their watch, Lord, let Your will be done,
On Earth as in the realms beyond the sun.


We join with the heavenly host, in prayer and song,
For the Earth to whom we belong.
Let angelic might, join with mortal plea,
In their vigil, set creation free.


Angels over lands, in Your holy might,
Carry our prayers into the night.
In their watch, Lord, let Your will be done,
On Earth as in the realms beyond the sun.

Outro (Prayerful Invocation):

In the dance of earth and heaven, in the sacred lands,
Angels move by Your commands.
With them, we pray, for Your reign to expand,
Angels over lands, in Your loving hand.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: E Flat Major (ethereal and majestic, suitable for the spiritual theme)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (to capture the mystical and flowing nature)
  • Tempo: Andantino (slightly faster than andante, reflecting the ethereal quality)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Angels Over Lands” aims to visually capture the song’s exploration of the angelic realm and its interaction with the natural world. It combines imagery of the Earth’s beauty with the presence and influence of angels, creating a sense of wonder and spiritual depth.


  • Music: Begins with a soft, ethereal melody, creating an atmosphere of mystique and spirituality.
  • Visuals: A series of aerial shots showcasing diverse landscapes – mountains, forests, oceans – transitioning to a night sky filled with stars.
  • Mood: Celestial and mysterious, setting the tone for a journey into the spiritual realm.

Verse 1:

  • Music: The melody becomes slightly more pronounced, maintaining its mystical quality.
  • Visuals: Scenes depicting the presence of angels in various natural settings – subtly integrated into clouds, reflections on water, or gentle movements of leaves in the wind.
  • Mood: Sublime and awe-inspiring, highlighting the unseen presence of celestial beings.


  • Music: The chorus elevates the song with a more pronounced and majestic sound.
  • Visuals: Transition to depictions of angels interacting with the natural world – protecting wildlife, guiding the course of rivers, or watching over sleeping cities.
  • Mood: Powerful and protective, illustrating the active role of angels in caring for the Earth.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Returns to a softer, reflective melody, fostering a sense of intimate connection with the divine.
  • Visuals: Focus on individuals in various life situations receiving unseen guidance and comfort from angelic figures.
  • Mood: Comforting and reassuring, emphasizing the personal aspect of angelic guardianship.


    • Music: The chorus repeats with a growing sense of wonder and reverence.
    • Visuals: Scenes of natural phenomena – a thunderstorm, a blooming field, a calm ocean – with subtle hints of angelic presence influencing these events.
    • Mood: Reverent and majestic, showcasing the harmony between the natural and spiritual worlds.


      • Music: Features a bridge with a serene, prayerful quality.
      • Visuals: Images of people in prayer or meditation across different cultures, with angelic figures portrayed as providing comfort or inspiration.
      • Mood: Spiritual and transcendent, bridging the gap between the human and divine.


      • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful and uplifting, filled with a sense of divine assurance.
      • Visuals: A montage of scenes depicting coexistence and harmony between humans, nature, and angels – a unified celebration of creation.
      • Mood: Uplifting and hopeful, leaving a sense of peace and divine care.

      Outro (Prayerful Invocation):

      • Music: The track concludes with a gentle return to the ethereal melody of the introduction.
      • Visuals: The video ends with a night scene transitioning into dawn, symbolizing the continuous presence and protection of angels.
      • Mood: Peaceful and contemplative, leaving viewers with a sense of calm and spiritual connection.