Healing Earth, Healing Us - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Detailed Description for Track 4: “Healing Earth, Healing Us”


Healing Earth, Healing Us

Music Elements:

This track unfolds with a soothing yet poignant melody, using a blend of acoustic guitar and soft percussion to create a sense of gentle healing and restoration. The music gradually builds, reflecting a growing sense of hope and renewal.

Themes and Concepts:

“Healing Earth, Healing Us” delves into the intimate connection between the well-being of our planet and the health of its inhabitants. The lyrics poetically address the current environmental challenges while intertwining a prayerful plea for the healing of both the Earth and humanity.

Underlying Message:

The song emphasizes the theme of interconnectedness – how our actions impact the environment and, in turn, affect us. It’s a call to awareness and responsibility, urging listeners to consider their role in the Earth’s restoration. The track serves as a reminder that healing our planet is integral to our spiritual and physical well-being.

For the Listener:

Listeners are encouraged to engage in introspection about their relationship with the environment. “Healing Earth, Healing Us” aims to inspire a sense of stewardship and active participation in environmental healing, reinforcing the idea that caring for the Earth is a vital part of our spiritual journey and a reflection of God’s love.


Devotional for Track 4: “Healing Earth, Healing Us”


Intercession for the Restoration of Creation and Ourselves

Scripture References:

  • Romans 8:21-22 (Creation itself being liberated from its bondage to decay)
  • Revelation 21:1-5 (God making everything new, including a new heaven and new earth)
  • Numbers 35:33-34 (The land not being polluted by blood, which defiles the land)
  • 2 Chronicles 7:14 (God’s promise to heal the land when people turn to Him)


“Healing Earth, Healing Us” draws us into the profound understanding that our well-being is deeply interconnected with the health of our planet. Romans 8:21-22 speaks to the shared destiny of humanity and creation, both groaning for redemption.

Revelation 21:1-5 gives us a glimpse of the ultimate restoration – a new heaven and new earth where every tear and pain is wiped away, signifying the comprehensive nature of God’s healing.

Numbers 35:33-34 and 2 Chronicles 7:14 both emphasize the spiritual relationship we have with the land. Our actions impact the Earth, and in turn, the Earth’s state affects us. This mutual influence calls for a commitment to righteousness and healing for both the Earth and its inhabitants.

Prayer Focus:

  • Praying for Creation’s Healing: Intercede for the restoration of damaged ecosystems, for clean air and water, and for the healing of the Earth.
  • Seeking Personal and Communal Renewal: Pray for our communities and ourselves to be renewed in our relationship with God and His creation.
  • Confession and Repentance: Acknowledge and seek forgiveness for ways we have contributed to the Earth’s degradation.
  • Wisdom for Stewardship: Ask for wisdom and guidance in being better stewards of God’s creation.

Action Step:

Participate in or initiate an environmental stewardship activity, such as tree planting, community clean-up, or supporting sustainable practices.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, we come before You, recognizing our deep connection with the Earth You created. Forgive us for times we’ve neglected our role as stewards. We pray for the healing of our planet and for our hearts to be aligned with Your purpose. Guide us in restoring the beauty and health of Your creation. May our actions reflect Your love and care for every part of Your handiwork. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Healing Earth, Healing Us

Verse 1:

In Your hands, the world was shaped,
With love and care, its beauty draped.
Yet, we’ve worn it thin, our greed has scarred,
Hear our plea, for we’ve marred.


Heal our Earth, heal our kin,
In Your mercy, let new life begin.
Where we’ve broken, where we’ve torn,
Bring forth healing, let love be reborn.

Verse 2:

Fields once green, now bear the strain,
Skies that cry, the acid rain.
Yet in this hurt, a hope we see,
In Your promise, set us free.


Heal our Earth, heal our kin,
In Your mercy, let new life begin.
Where we’ve broken, where we’ve torn,
Bring forth healing, let love be reborn.


For every stream polluted, every forest bare,
Lord, we seek Your healing care.
In our stewardship, let us find Your grace,
In every corner, show Your face.


Heal our Earth, heal our kin,
In Your mercy, let new life begin.
Where we’ve broken, where we’ve torn,
Bring forth healing, let love be reborn.

Outro (Prayerful Promise):

In the whisper of the wind, in the ocean’s deep,
In Your love, a covenant we keep.
Healing Earth, healing us,
In Your hands, in You, we trust.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: E Minor (evokes a sense of healing and introspection)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (allows for flexibility in lyrical expression)
  • Tempo: Adagio (a slower tempo to emphasize the reflective nature of healing)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Healing Earth, Healing Us” is designed to visually and emotionally convey the song’s themes of environmental awareness, the impact of human actions, and the potential for healing and restoration. It aims to inspire viewers to reflect on their relationship with the Earth and to take action towards its care and preservation.


  • Music: The track opens with a gentle, reflective melody, setting a tone of contemplation and empathy.
  • Visuals: A series of shots depicting the beauty of nature in its pristine state, followed by contrasting images of environmental degradation – polluted rivers, deforestation, and urban sprawl.
  • Mood: The mood is one of somber reflection, acknowledging the current state of the Earth.

Verse 1:

  • Music: The melody is soft yet poignant, highlighting the theme of healing and restoration.
  • Visuals: Show scenes of natural beauty being impacted by human activity, like a forest being cleared or smog over a city, juxtaposed with images of people suffering the consequences – struggling with health issues, facing water scarcity.
  • Mood: The mood is one of sorrow but also of understanding and empathy.


  • Music: The chorus introduces a more hopeful tone, suggesting the possibility of healing and renewal.
  • Visuals: Transition to scenes of restoration efforts – people planting trees, cleaning rivers, conserving water. Show communities coming together to make a positive impact.
  • Mood: Uplifting and hopeful, illustrating the potential for positive change.

Verse 2:

  • Music: The melody remains soft but gains depth, reflecting the ongoing struggle for balance and healing.
  • Visuals: Contrast between the destructive actions of humanity and the resilience of nature – a burnt forest slowly regrowing, a polluted river gradually clearing.
  • Mood: Reflective and resilient, emphasizing the ongoing process of healing.


    • Music: The chorus repeats with increased intensity, solidifying the song’s message of hope and action.
    • Visuals: Focus on individuals and communities actively engaging in environmental preservation and sustainable practices.
    • Mood: Motivating and positive, showcasing the power of collective action and responsibility.


      • Music: A quieter, more introspective bridge, allowing for a moment of deeper reflection.
      • Visuals: Close-up shots of natural elements – a leaf, a drop of water, an animal – and human faces, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all life.
      • Mood: Intimate and interconnected, emphasizing the bond between humans and nature.


      • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful and encompassing, a call to action and hope.
      • Visuals: A blend of previous scenes, showing both the challenges and the positive changes, culminating in a vision of a healthier, more balanced world.
      • Mood: Inspiring and visionary, leaving viewers with a sense of possibility and commitment.

      Outro (Prayerful Whisper):

      • Music: The track closes with a return to the gentle, reflective melody of the introduction.
      • Visuals: End with a serene scene, perhaps a sunrise or sunset over a thriving landscape, symbolizing a new beginning and ongoing journey.
      • Mood: Peaceful and hopeful, a quiet reflection on the journey and the path forward.