Prophetic Earth - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Detailed Description for Track 9: “Prophetic Earth”


Prophetic Earth

Music Elements:

“Prophetic Earth” is composed with a blend of majestic orchestral arrangements and ambient soundscapes, creating a sense of grandeur and anticipation. The music builds progressively, symbolizing the unfolding of God’s prophetic plan for a renewed creation.

Themes and Concepts:

This track takes listeners on a journey through the biblical vision of a new heaven and new Earth, as prophesied in Revelation and Isaiah. It beautifully captures the hope and expectation of the Christian faith for a world transformed by God’s ultimate redemption and restoration.

Underlying Message:

“Prophetic Earth” emphasizes the theme of eschatological hope – the belief in a future where God’s kingdom is fully realized and creation is restored to its intended glory. It encourages listeners to look beyond current struggles and challenges, anchoring their hope in God’s promise of a new, perfect creation.

For the Listener:

Listeners are invited to reflect on their own hopes and expectations for the future, both personal and cosmic. The song aims to inspire a sense of comfort and assurance in God’s sovereign plan, encouraging a forward-looking faith that eagerly anticipates the fulfillment of God’s promises.


Devotional for Track 9: “Prophetic Earth”


Anticipating the Fulfillment of God’s Promise for a New Creation

Scripture References:

  • Revelation 21:1-5 (The vision of a new heaven and new earth)
  • Isaiah 65:17-25 (God creating new heavens and a new earth)
  • 2 Peter 3:13 (Looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells)
  • Romans 8:19-21 (Creation’s eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed)


“Prophetic Earth” explores the Christian hope and anticipation of a new heaven and new earth as prophesied in Scripture. In Revelation 21, we are given a vision of a future where God dwells among His people, and pain and suffering are no more – a profound promise of renewal and restoration.

Isaiah 65 paints a picture of a new creation where joy and peace are abundant, illustrating the depth of transformation that awaits.

2 Peter 3:13 encourages us to live in holy and godly ways as we look forward to this promised new creation, where righteousness is at home.

Romans 8 reminds us that the whole of creation is waiting in eager expectation for God’s children to be revealed, for the time when it will be liberated from its decay and brought into the freedom of the children of God.

Prayer Focus:

  • Longing for God’s Kingdom: Express deep longing for the fulfillment of God’s promise of a new heaven and earth.
  • Living in Expectation: Pray for the strength to live in a way that reflects the hope and righteousness of God’s coming kingdom.
  • Intercession for Creation: Pray for the current state of the world, asking God to bring healing and peace in anticipation of the new creation.
  • Personal Renewal: Seek personal spiritual renewal and transformation in line with God’s promise.

Action Step:

Reflect on ways your life can more closely align with the values of the coming kingdom. Consider adopting a practice or habit that reflects this commitment, such as peacemaking, caring for the environment, or compassionate service.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, our hearts yearn for the fulfillment of Your promise – a new heaven and a new earth where You reign in glory. Help us to live today in the light of that future, embodying Your values of righteousness, peace, and love. May our lives reflect the hope of Your coming kingdom, and may we be agents of Your grace and transformation in this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Prophetic Earth

Verse 1:

In visions told, in prophecies of old,
A new Earth and Heaven, Your scriptures foretold.
A world reborn, from the old torn,
In Your promise, our hope is sworn.


Prophetic Earth, in Your future we see,
A realm of peace, where all is free.
Come, O Lord, fulfill Your word,
In this promise, our prayers are heard.

Verse 2:

No more pain, no tears in sight,
In this new dawn, no more night.
Your glory revealed, in streets of gold,
In Your prophetic Earth, Your kingdom unfold.


Prophetic Earth, in Your future we see,
A realm of peace, where all is free.
Come, O Lord, fulfill Your word,
In this promise, our prayers are heard.


We long for the day, we’ll see Your face,
In the new Jerusalem, Your holy place.
Until then, in this hope we stand,
For the coming of Your prophetic land.


Prophetic Earth, in Your future we see,
A realm of peace, where all is free.
Come, O Lord, fulfill Your word,
In this promise, our prayers are heard.

Outro (Prayerful Anticipation):

In waiting and in wonder, we lift our eyes,
For the dawn of Your paradise.
Prophetic Earth, in faith we stand,
Ready for Your renewing hand.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Sharp Minor (evokes a sense of mystery and future transformation)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (allows for expressive flexibility in depicting transformation)
  • Tempo: Moderato (a moderate pace to allow for reflective and visionary elements)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Prophetic Earth” aims to visually capture the song’s exploration of the Christian hope for a new, transformed Earth as foretold in biblical prophecies. It intertwines current realities with visionary depictions, creating a narrative of anticipation, transformation, and divine fulfillment.


  • Music: Opens with an atmospheric and expansive sound, conveying a sense of grandeur and future possibilities.
  • Visuals: Slow, sweeping shots of the current Earth – vibrant landscapes, bustling cities, diverse communities – transitioning to a shimmering, ethereal representation of the planet.
  • Mood: Visionary and hopeful, introducing the theme of a transformed world.

Verse 1:

  • Music: The melody develops into a rich, layered composition, hinting at both the beauty of creation and the promise of renewal.
  • Visuals: Images of the natural world and human civilization, juxtaposed with fleeting glimpses of a renewed Earth as described in prophetic visions – vibrant, harmonious, and flourishing.
  • Mood: Reflective and anticipatory, highlighting the contrast between the present and the prophetic vision.


  • Music: The chorus elevates the energy with a powerful and uplifting arrangement, emphasizing the hope and certainty of the prophetic promise.
  • Visuals: Transition to imaginative representations of the new Earth – majestic landscapes, peaceful human interactions, a harmonious blend of nature and human innovation.
  • Mood: Exhilarating and inspiring, portraying the glory and joy of the prophetic Earth.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Returns to a softer, more contemplative melody, maintaining the theme of anticipation and transformation.
  • Visuals: Contrast between current environmental challenges and scenes depicting their resolution in the new Earth – pollution giving way to purity, conflict to peace, scarcity to abundance.
  • Mood: Sobering yet hopeful, emphasizing the transformation from current struggles to a restored world.


    • Music: The chorus repeats with an increased sense of urgency and conviction.
    • Visuals: Scenes of people from various backgrounds and cultures engaging in acts that symbolize preparation and anticipation for the coming transformation – community building, environmental stewardship, spiritual gatherings.
    • Mood: Motivating and uniting, calling viewers to be part of the transformation.


      • Music: A bridge with a more reflective and mysterious tone, suggesting a deepening understanding of the prophetic vision.
      • Visuals: A series of abstract, artistic representations of the new heaven and new Earth – a blend of natural beauty, human diversity, and celestial elements.
      • Mood: Mystical and profound, delving deeper into the spiritual significance of the prophecy.


      • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful and majestic, filled with a sense of fulfillment and divine presence.
      • Visuals: A culmination of the earlier scenes, showing a fully realized vision of the prophetic Earth – a world where harmony, beauty, and peace reign supreme.
      • Mood: Jubilant and triumphant, celebrating the fulfillment of the prophetic promise.

      Outro (Prayerful Anticipation):

      • Music: Concludes with a gentle, hopeful melody, echoing the themes introduced in the beginning.
      • Visuals: The video ends with a return to the ethereal representation of the Earth, slowly spinning against a starry background, symbolizing the ongoing journey towards the prophetic vision.
      • Mood: Peaceful and expectant, leaving viewers with a sense of anticipation and spiritual longing.