Voices United - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Voices United” is an empowering anthem that encapsulates the collective outcry against the waves of antisemitism and the solidarity of the global community in its resolve to fight against this blight. This track stands as a testament to the strength found in unity, with a rousing chorus that calls for voices to rise in unison, transcending individual whispers into a powerful chorus for change.

The song’s intent is to act as a rallying cry, bringing people together to reject hate speech, antichrist, and anti-God sentiments, urging them instead toward a vision of a compassionate, justice-oriented society. The lyrics emphasize the communal plea to the divine for intervention, healing, and guidance in upholding the principles of love and acceptance.

“Voices United” resonates with the heart of the ‘Never Again Is Now’ movement, emphasizing the urgency for a united front in the battle for the soul of the nation. It carries the message that, in solidarity, the Australian people, and indeed all of humanity, can reforge their identity as a generation committed to peace and understanding.

By bridging worship with activism, this song captures the essence of intercessory worship as an act of defiance against the prevailing winds of division. It reminds us that when we stand together, our collective voice has the power to dismantle strongholds of hate and usher in an era where every community can thrive free from fear.


“Voices United” Devotion

Opening Prayer:

Lord, join our separate voices into one chorus of advocacy and praise. As we seek to unite against injustice and in worship, help us to find harmony in our shared dedication to Your love and righteousness. Amen.

Scripture Readings:

  • Zephaniah 3:9 (NIV) – “Then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve him shoulder to shoulder.”
  • 1 Corinthians 1:10 (NIV) – “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”
  • Acts 4:32 (NIV) – “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”


“Voices United” is an anthem that calls for the collective action of the church, the body of Christ, to come together in a unified response to the social and spiritual issues of our time. The scriptures illustrate a vision of unity that goes beyond mere agreement—it is a call to act and serve ‘shoulder to shoulder,’ embodying the unified spirit of early believers.

This song and these passages challenge us to set aside differences and work together toward the common goals of justice, love, and the advancement of God’s kingdom. They compel us to consider the strength found in unity and the impact of a church that speaks with one voice against the forces that would seek to divide.


Meditate on the nature of God’s kingdom as a community united in purpose and love. Reflect on how you can contribute to the unity of your local church and global Christian community.


      • Dialogue and Reconciliation: Engage in conversations that promote understanding and reconciliation within the Christian community.
      • Joint Service Projects: Work with different congregations or denominations on service projects that benefit the wider community.
      • Unified Worship Events: Organize or participate in worship events that bring together Christians from various backgrounds to celebrate and declare God’s love.
      • Advocacy: Join with others to advocate for social justice and support initiatives that align with biblical principles of unity, love, and compassion.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, may our voices be united in our worship of You and our service to Your world. Strengthen our resolve to stand together, to lift each other up, and to shine Your light as one body. In the diversity of our voices, let the harmony of Your love be heard, and may our united efforts bring glory to Your name. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.


Voices United

Verse 1

We gather ’round, diverse yet one,
In the land under the Southern sun.
Voices united, hearts ablaze,
To the King of Ages, our prayers we raise.


Voices united in Your holy fire,
Burning away the dross of hate’s mire.
Let Australia stand, in Your love so grand,
A beacon of hope, on Your command.

Verse 2

With one voice, we claim this ground,
For Your glory, let Your grace abound.
From red soil to coastal sands,
We reject the hate, on Christ we stand.


Voices united in Your holy fire,
Burning away the dross of hate’s mire.
Let Australia stand, in Your love so grand,
A beacon of hope, on Your command.


Lord, hear our cry, from east to west,
In You alone, our souls find rest.
Tear down the walls, let Your truth ring,
In Your love, united we sing.

Verse 3

We will not yield to the spirit of this age,
On Your Word, we write our page.
In one accord, for Your will we fight,
With voices united, we bring Your light.


Voices united in Your holy fire,
Burning away the dross of hate’s mire.
Let Australia stand, in Your love so grand,
A beacon of hope, on Your command.


May this land be known by Your love,
Guided by Your hand from above.
In unity, we’ll walk this land,
Voices united, in Your love we stand.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Major – a universal, all-embracing key
  • Tempo: 125 bpm – energizing and dynamic, mirroring the collective action
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – common and unifying, easy for groups to sing along

Storyboard descriptions for music video

“Voices United” in this storyboard illustrates the evolution of a powerful, unified movement driven by diverse individuals who share a common goal. Each scene emphasizes the strength found in unity and the importance of raising our voices together to effect meaningful change.

Verse 1:

  • Setting: A panoramic view of a city transitioning to diverse neighborhoods.
  • Action: Individuals in various settings feel inspired to speak up, stand up, or reach out.
  • Mood: The beginnings of a transformative movement, with each person feeling a sense of purpose.


  • Setting: These individuals come together in a public square, forming a diverse but united group.
  • Action: They begin to raise their voices, some holding signs of peace and unity, others joining in song or chant.
  • Mood: Empowering and energizing, as the chorus captures the essence of collective strength and determination.

Verse 2:

  • Setting: Scenes of the group engaging with the wider community, spreading their message.
  • Action: Acts of kindness, public speaking, community service, and peaceful demonstrations.
  • Mood: Inspiring and hopeful, showcasing the impact of unity in action and the power of combined voices.


  • Setting: The group’s influence spreads, and more people join, echoing the same sentiment.
  • Action: The crowd becomes a movement, their voices growing louder and more unified.
  • Mood: The chorus swells with the increasing number of voices, reflecting the growing momentum of their cause.


    • Setting: Close-up shots of faces in the crowd, each showing a range of emotions – hope, determination, passion.
    • Action: A moment of silent reflection, then a unified message spoken or sung softly but firmly.
    • Mood: Intense and profound, as the bridge marks a moment of deep communal connection and resolve.

      Verse 3:

      • Setting: The movement now encompasses a wide array of people, from all walks of life.
      • Action: A powerful display of unity as they link arms, march, or stand together in solidarity.
      • Mood: Jubilant yet grounded, portraying a collective journey towards a common goal.


      • Setting: A series of vignettes showing the group’s influence spreading even further.
      • Action: People of all ages and backgrounds coming together, their voices united in a powerful chorus.
      • Mood: Uplifting and unifying, emphasizing that when voices join, they can resonate far and wide.


      • Setting: The final scene returns to the public square, now empty, with echoes of the chorus still lingering.
      • Action: A gentle wind picks up, carrying the message of unity and peace across the empty spaces.
      • Mood: Reflective and hopeful, leaving a sense of ongoing commitment and the enduring power of united voices.