Prayer Warriors' March - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 9: “Prayer Warriors’ March”


“Prayer Warriors’ March” is a powerful and motivating call to arms, intended to rally believers into active, fervent intercessory prayer. The song is both an anthem and a battle cry, emphasizing the crucial role of prayer in spiritual warfare and societal transformation.

Musical Composition:

This track stands out for its rousing and robust musical style. It features a march-like rhythm that symbolizes the forward movement of prayer warriors. The use of percussive elements and bold brass gives the song a sense of urgency and strength, encouraging listeners to rise and take their place in the spiritual battle.

Lyrical Journey:

The lyrics are crafted to galvanize and inspire, with verses highlighting the power and necessity of prayer in confronting various challenges facing the world. The chorus unites listeners in a common cause, urging them to join this global movement of prayer and action for change.


Devotion for “Prayer Warriors’ March” (Track 9)


The Power of United Prayer


“Prayer Warriors’ March” is a call to arms for believers to engage in powerful, united intercessory prayer. It emphasizes the critical role of prayer in spiritual warfare and societal transformation.

Scriptural Context:

Ephesians 6:18 instructs us to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. This verse is set within the context of spiritual armor, highlighting prayer as a key element in spiritual warfare. James 5:16b reminds us of the powerful and effective nature of righteous prayer.


Think about the impact of united prayer in your life and community. Reflect on times when collective prayer has led to significant breakthroughs or changes.

Scripture for Meditation:

      • Ephesians 6:18: The call to pray in the Spirit on all occasions.
      • James 5:16b: The effectiveness of righteous prayer.
      • 2 Chronicles 7:14: God’s promise to heal the land in response to humble, repentant prayer.
      • Acts 12:5: The church earnestly praying for Peter’s release from prison.

Prayer Focus:

Pray for a revival of fervent prayer in the church worldwide. Intercede for specific issues facing your community, nation, and the world. Ask God to raise up and unite prayer warriors in a powerful movement of intercession.

Action Steps:

    • Join or initiate a prayer group focused on specific societal issues.
    • Commit to regular participation in corporate prayer events or movements.
    • Encourage others in your community to embrace the role of prayer warriors.


Prayer Warriors’ March

Verse 1:

From the pews to the battlefront,
Rise, O saints, it’s the call to hunt.
Prayers as weapons, faith as shield,
In God’s army, we never yield.


March on, prayer warriors, with holy fire,
In every voice, a heavenly choir.
For families, lands, and nations far,
We stand in gap, where the battles are.

Verse 2:

Each whisper, each cry, a mighty roar,
In unity, our prayers soar.
For the lost, the broken, the least,
In our prayers, their chains released.


March on, prayer warriors, with holy fire,
In every voice, a heavenly choir.
For families, lands, and nations far,
We stand in gap, where the battles are.


Across the earth, let this anthem ring,
In every heart, let faith take wing.
One voice, one spirit, in accord,
We claim the victory, in the Lord.

Outro (Repeat Chorus):

March on, prayer warriors, with holy fire,
In every voice, a heavenly choir.
For families, lands, and nations far,
We stand in gap, where the battles are.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: G Major (G) – This key can create an uplifting and triumphant atmosphere, suitable for a song about the strength and unity of prayer warriors.
  • Tempo: 100-105 BPM (Beats Per Minute) – A moderately fast tempo to give the song an anthemic and energetic quality, resembling a march.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – This time signature provides a strong and straightforward rhythm, reinforcing the song’s theme of steadfastness and collective action.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Prayer Warriors’ March” aims to visually capture the powerful, transformative nature of united prayer and spiritual warfare, reflecting the song’s message of hope and divine intervention. Let me know if there are specific elements you’d like to adjust or further develop!

Scene 1: Verse 1

  • Visuals: A diverse group of individuals gathering in a large open space, symbolizing a global gathering of prayer warriors. They come from various walks of life, converging with a shared purpose.
  • Mood: The mood is one of solemnity and determination, as each person prepares for a spiritual battle.
  • Relation to Song: This scene represents the initial call to prayer, as depicted in the first verse, where individuals are transitioning from ordinary life to their roles as prayer warriors.

Scene 2: Chorus

  • Visuals: The group is now standing in unified formation. They raise their hands, close their eyes, and begin to pray fervently. The sky above them starts to change, reflecting the power of their prayers.
  • Mood: A mood of empowerment and spiritual energy, highlighting the chorus’s theme of collective prayer.
  • Relation to Song: The chorus visualizes the unified front of prayer warriors, engaging in spiritual warfare.

Scene 3: Verse 2

  • Visuals: Close-ups of various individuals in the group, showing intense expressions of faith and concentration. Each person is deeply immersed in prayer, representing the global church’s diverse yet united front.
  • Mood: Intensified focus and spiritual depth, underlining personal engagement in collective prayer.
  • Relation to Song: Aligns with the verse’s emphasis on the individual’s role in the collective prayer effort.

Scene 4: Chorus

  • Visuals: The scene zooms out to show the group from above, forming a symbolic shape (like a cross or dove). Light begins to emanate from the group, spreading outwards.
  • Mood: A renewed sense of unity and power, reinforcing the theme of the chorus.
  • Relation to Song: Reiterates the collective strength and impact of the prayer warriors.

    Scene 5: Bridge

    • Visuals: The light emanating from the group expands, touching various scenes across the globe – people in need, conflict zones, and natural landscapes. These scenes begin to transform positively.
    • Mood: A sense of hope and divine intervention, signifying the global impact of prayer.
    • Relation to Song: The bridge connects the prayer warriors’ spiritual battle to tangible changes in the world.

      Scene 6: Outro (Repeat Chorus)

      • Visuals: The group, now glowing with a radiant light, continues their prayer march, moving forward as the scene fades to a hopeful dawn breaking in the background.
      • Mood: Triumphant and hopeful, culminating the spiritual journey.
      • Relation to Song: Concludes with a visualization of the prayer warriors’ ongoing march, symbolizing continual intercession and vigilance.