Rain of Renewal - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 5: “Rain of Renewal”


“Rain of Renewal” is a beautifully composed track that embodies the spiritual and emotional cleansing following a period of repentance and introspection. This song metaphorically uses the imagery of rain to represent the refreshing and life-giving work of the Holy Spirit, akin to rain that nourishes the parched earth.

Musical Composition:

The track features a soothing melody, rich with acoustic elements that evoke the feeling of gentle rain. Soft piano tones interweave with flowing strings, creating an atmosphere of rejuvenation and hope. The arrangement gradually builds from a gentle beginning to a more full-bodied chorus, mirroring the transition from spiritual drought to renewal.

Lyrical Journey:

The lyrics take listeners on a journey from a place of spiritual barrenness to a state of revival and growth. Verses describe the longing for and the arrival of spiritual rain, with the chorus blossoming into a celebration of renewal and rebirth. The imagery used in the lyrics is both vivid and deeply evocative, painting a picture of transformation that is both personal and communal.


Devotion for “Rain of Renewal”


Embracing Spiritual Refreshment and Renewal


“Rain of Renewal” speaks to the refreshing and renewing work of the Holy Spirit, particularly after a period of spiritual drought or repentance. This song symbolizes the life-giving rain that follows the cleansing fire, nurturing growth and new beginnings.

Scriptural Context:

James 5:7-8 uses the metaphor of a farmer waiting for the autumn and spring rains, symbolizing the patience required in waiting for spiritual renewal. Isaiah 44:3 promises that God will pour water on the thirsty land, and His Spirit on our descendants.


Reflect on times when you’ve experienced a spiritual dryness and how God has brought renewal to your life. Contemplate the ways in which you can nurture spiritual growth in yourself and others.

Scripture for Meditation:

      • James 5:7-8: The farmer waiting for rain.
      • Isaiah 44:3: God’s promise to pour out His Spirit.
      • Hosea 6:3: The Lord’s coming as certain as the dawn or the spring rains.
      • Acts 3:19-20: Times of refreshing from the Lord.

Prayer Focus:

Pray for personal and communal spiritual renewal. Ask God to make you fertile soil for the outpouring of His Spirit. Intercede for those in a spiritual wilderness, that they may experience the refreshing rain of God’s presence.

Action Steps:

    • Actively seek out and participate in spiritual practices that foster renewal.
    • Share your experiences of spiritual renewal to encourage others.
    • Be attentive to those in your community who may be struggling spiritually, offering support and prayer.


Rain of Renewal

Verse 1:

After fire, comes the rain,
Washing away the drought, the pain.
From ashes, life begins anew,
God’s grace descends, like morning dew.


Rain of renewal, fall on us now,
Quench our thirst, to You we bow.
Holy Spirit, flood our souls,
In Your mercy, make us whole.

Verse 2:

In repentance, we find our start,
Healing waters for the parched heart.
From heaven, streams of mercy flow,
In God’s rain, we grow, we glow.


Rain of renewal, fall on us now,
Quench our thirst, to You we bow.
Holy Spirit, flood our souls,
In Your mercy, make us whole.


As Elijah saw the cloud arise,
So we await our rain-filled skies.
Promise of renewal, hope’s bright dawn,
In His rain, we’re reborn, we’re drawn.

Outro (Repeat Chorus):

Rain of renewal, fall on us now,
Quench our thirst, to You we bow.
Holy Spirit, flood our souls,
In Your mercy, make us whole.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Major (C) – This key typically conveys a sense of clarity, positivity, and renewal, aligning well with the theme of rejuvenation.
  • Tempo: 60-65 BPM (Beats Per Minute) – A slower tempo can underscore the reflective and soothing nature of the song, like gentle rain nourishing the earth.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Offering a steady and familiar rhythm, this time signature fits well for the song’s peaceful and comforting character.
Blazing throne of Grace page 2

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard aims to capture the emotional and spiritual journey of “Rain of Renewal,” from longing and dryness to joyous revival and communal celebration. If you have specific ideas or elements you’d like to add or modify, feel free to let me know!

Scene 1: Verse 1

  • Visuals: A parched, barren landscape under a grey, overcast sky. A solitary figure wanders through the scene, symbolizing a soul in spiritual drought.
  • Mood: The mood is reflective and somber, emphasizing longing and desolation.
  • Relation to Song: This scene visually embodies the first verse’s theme of yearning for renewal amidst spiritual dryness.

Scene 2: Chorus

  • Visuals: The first drops of rain begin to fall, turning into a gentle, nourishing shower. The figure raises their face to the sky, closing their eyes in gratitude.
  • Mood: A shift to hope and rejuvenation, capturing the relief and joy of the chorus’s theme.
  • Relation to Song: Reflects the chorus’s expression of spiritual refreshment and renewal.

Scene 3: Verse 2

  • Visuals: Close-ups of the landscape responding to the rain: flowers blooming, greenery emerging. The figure now moves with a sense of purpose and renewal.
  • Mood: Continuation of rejuvenation, focusing on transformation and new life.
  • Relation to Song: Illustrates the second verse’s theme of healing and growth following repentance.

Scene 4: Chorus

  • Visuals: The rain intensifies, and the figure begins to dance joyfully in the rain, surrounded by a now verdant and blooming landscape.
  • Mood: Elevation of joy and celebration, signifying full spiritual renewal.
  • Relation to Song: Mirrors the chorus’s recurring theme of rejoicing in the spiritual rain.

    Scene 5: Bridge

    • Visuals: A panoramic view showing other individuals emerging from their shelters, joining in the celebration of renewal, symbolizing communal revival.
    • Mood: Expansive and communal, showing the widespread impact of renewal.
    • Relation to Song: The bridge extends the theme of renewal from the individual to the community.

      Scene 6: Outro (Repeat Chorus)

      • Visuals: The scene shows a vibrant, thriving landscape with the community joyfully united under a rainbow, symbolizing God’s promise and faithfulness.
      • Mood: Triumphant and conclusive, representing the fulfillment of spiritual renewal.
      • Relation to Song: Culminates the song with a powerful visual metaphor of the restoration and rebirth brought by the “rain of renewal.”