Voice in the Silence - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 6: “Voice in the Silence”


“Voice in the Silence” addresses the profound experience of finding strength and guidance in God’s still, small voice, especially during times of doubt or spiritual quietness. The song draws inspiration from Elijah’s experience on Mount Horeb, emphasizing the importance of listening for God’s gentle guidance in our lives.

Musical Composition:

This track is characterized by its minimalist arrangement, allowing the focus to be on the lyrical content and the emotive quality of the vocals. Gentle guitar strumming and soft keyboard notes create a contemplative atmosphere, inviting listeners to reflect and meditate. The music crescendos delicately in the chorus, enhancing the sense of revelation and understanding.

Lyrical Journey:

The song’s lyrics are introspective, guiding the listener through a narrative of seeking and ultimately finding divine wisdom in moments of solitude and stillness. It highlights the contrast between the noise of the world and the clarity that comes from God’s quiet voice, encouraging a deep, personal connection with the divine.


Devotion for “Voice in the Silence”


Finding Strength in Quietness


“Voice in the Silence” explores the theme of discovering God’s strength and guidance in moments of solitude, particularly during times of doubt or challenge. This track is inspired by the biblical narrative where Elijah experiences God not in dramatic phenomena, but in a gentle whisper.

Scriptural Context:

1 Kings 19:12 shows Elijah finding God in a gentle whisper, teaching us that divine guidance often comes in quiet, unassuming ways. Psalm 62:1-2 encourages us to find our rest and salvation in God alone, a testament to the strength found in quiet trust.


Reflect on moments when you’ve felt God’s guidance during quiet meditation or through subtle insights. Consider the value of silence and solitude in your spiritual journey and how it has shaped your faith and decisions.

Scripture for Meditation:

      • 1 Kings 19:11-13: Elijah’s encounter with the gentle whisper of God.
      • Psalm 62:1-2: Finding rest in God alone.
      • Matthew 14:23: Jesus seeking solitude to pray.
      • Isaiah 30:15: In quietness and trust is your strength.

Prayer Focus:

Pray for the ability to find peace and direction in God’s quiet whisper, especially when the world around you is in turmoil. Intercede for those struggling to discern God’s voice amidst life’s noise, that they may find clarity and reassurance in His gentle guidance.

Action Steps:

    • Regularly set aside time for silent prayer and contemplation.
    • Practice mindfulness and meditation on God’s Word.
    • Keep a journal to record and reflect on the insights gained during times of solitude.


Voice in the Silence

Verse 1:

After the fire, after the rain,
Comes the silence, comes the pain.
In the quiet, in the alone,
God’s still voice becomes our own.


Voice in the silence, whispering clear,
In the stillness, You draw near.
In our doubts, in our fears,
Your gentle words, they dry our tears.

Verse 2:

In shadows of forgotten dreams,
Where hope’s light dimly gleams.
There in whispers, wisdom’s found,
In His presence, we’re unbound.


Voice in the silence, whispering clear,
In the stillness, You draw near.
In our doubts, in our fears,
Your gentle words, they dry our tears.


As Elijah heard on Horeb’s hill,
Your quiet words, they guide us still.
In times of trial, when heroes fall,
In Your whisper, You call us all.      

Outro (Repeat Chorus):

Voice in the silence, whispering clear,
In the stillness, You draw near.
In our doubts, in our fears,
Your gentle words, they dry our tears.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Major (C) – This key can bring a sense of calmness and clarity, which aligns with the theme of finding solace and guidance in God’s quiet presence.
  • Tempo: 55-60 BPM (Beats Per Minute) – A slow and contemplative tempo will match the introspective and serene nature of the song.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – This time signature is versatile and will allow for a smooth, flowing rhythm that complements the contemplative mood of the track.
Blazing throne of Grace page 2

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard captures the journey of “Voice in the Silence,” emphasizing the themes of seeking solace, divine communication in stillness, and the resulting clarity and reassurance. If there are specific details or adjustments you’d like to incorporate, please let me know!

Scene 1: Verse 1

  • Visuals: The scene opens in a serene forest at twilight. A solitary figure walks slowly, reflecting a sense of searching or longing. The forest is calm and beautiful, yet the figure seems contemplative, almost troubled.
  • Mood: Quiet, introspective, hinting at a search for something beyond the visible.
  • Relation to Song: Aligns with the verse’s theme of seeking and finding solace in moments of silence and solitude.

Scene 2: Chorus

  • Visuals: The figure finds a small clearing and sits, looking up at the slowly darkening sky. As they close their eyes in contemplation, soft light begins to filter through the trees, symbolizing the presence and voice of God.
  • Mood: Peaceful and hopeful, capturing the moment of divine connection.
  • Relation to Song: Represents the chorus’s theme of finding strength and guidance in God’s still, small voice.

Scene 3: Verse 2

  • Visuals: Various shots of nature at night – the rustling leaves, a gently flowing stream, the moon through the branches – while the figure remains in quiet meditation, symbolizing listening to God’s voice in the stillness.
  • Mood: Calming and meditative, deepening the connection with the divine.
  • Relation to Song: Visual translation of the verse’s reflection on the value of silence and solitude in spiritual growth.

Scene 4: Chorus

  • Visuals: The figure now appears comforted and assured, with the light in the clearing growing brighter, symbolizing clarity and understanding.
  • Mood: Uplifting and reassuring, showing the comfort found in divine whispers.
  • Relation to Song: Echoes the chorus’s message of finding reassurance and direction in God’s quiet guidance.

    Scene 5: Bridge

    • Visuals: The perspective shifts to a view of the starry sky, then back to the figure who now stands, looking inspired and ready to journey forward.
    • Mood: A sense of revelation and purpose, preparing for what comes next.
    • Relation to Song: Bridges the personal experience of divine communication with the readiness to act upon it.

      Scene 6: Outro (Repeat Chorus)

      • Visuals: The figure walks back through the forest, but now with a sense of confidence and peace. The forest is bathed in a gentle pre-dawn light, suggesting a new beginning or understanding.
      • Mood: Hopeful and forward-looking, symbolizing renewed faith and purpose.
      • Relation to Song: Culminates the song’s journey from seeking to finding, from questioning to understanding, underpinned by God’s gentle guidance.