Final Illumination - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Final Illumination” is a triumphant and hopeful track that celebrates the ultimate promise of eternal light and glory in God’s presence. Inspired by Revelation 22:5, this song focuses on the culmination of the believer’s journey, where there is no more darkness and God’s light reigns forever. It highlights the eternal hope and joy of being in God’s presence, where His glory illuminates everything.


Song Devotion:

Final Illumination: The Eternal Light of God’s Presence

 Scriptural Foundation:

  • Revelation 22:5: “There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.”
  • John 8:12: “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”
  • Isaiah 60:19: “The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.”

Devotional Thoughts:

“Final Illumination” invites us to meditate on the eternal hope and promise of God’s light. As we journey through life, we look forward to the day when we will dwell in God’s presence, where His light will illuminate everything and there will be no more darkness. This song is a declaration of faith and a celebration of the ultimate victory and joy that awaits us in God’s eternal kingdom.

Prayer Focus:

  • Pray for a deeper longing for God’s eternal presence and the hope of His coming kingdom.
  • Intercede for those who are struggling with darkness and despair, that they may find hope in the promise of God’s eternal light.
  • Ask for the strength to live in the light of God’s presence daily, reflecting His glory in all you do.
  • Pray for the global church to hold fast to the hope of Christ’s return and to live as beacons of His light in the world.


Final Illumination

Narration (Scripture Reading over G and C)

There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever. (Revelation 22:5)

 Verse 1

In the light of Your glory, we will stand forevermore 
No more night, no more sorrow, in Your presence we adore
With hearts full of wonder, we behold Your radiant face 
In the light of eternal grace, we find our resting place


Final illumination, in Your light we’ll reign 
No more darkness, no more pain 
Final illumination, in Your glory bright 
We will worship day and night

 Verse 2

All creation joins in chorus, singing praise to the King 
In the light of His presence, everlasting joy we bring
Every tear wiped away, every sorrow turned to joy 
In the light of His endless love, His praises we employ


We decree Your kingdom come 
We proclaim Your will be done


Final illumination, in Your light we’ll reign 
No more darkness, no more pain 
Final illumination, in Your glory bright 
We will worship day and night


In the courts of heaven, we sing 
Hallelujah to the King 
In the Spirit, we declare 
Your kingdom’s glory everywhere


Final illumination, in Your light we’ll reign 
No more darkness, no more pain 
Final illumination, in Your glory bright 
We will worship day and night


In the light of Your glory, we will stand forevermore 
No more night, no more sorrow, in Your presence we adore 
With hearts full of wonder, we behold Your radiant face 
In the light of eternal grace, we find our resting place

Lead Sheet

  • Key: A Major
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 80 BPM (Moderate, triumphant worship)

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Music: Soft ambient pad with gentle piano chords, creating a serene and reflective atmosphere.
  • Visuals: A dark screen slowly brightens to reveal a city bathed in golden light, symbolizing the New Jerusalem. The camera pans through the city, showing its radiant beauty.
  • Mood: Tranquility, anticipation of eternal light.

Narration (Scripture Reading over A and E):

  • Music: Gentle piano and pad continue, with a slight rise in volume as the narration progresses.
  • Visuals: Text appears on the screen, displaying Revelation 22:5. As each verse is read, the city grows brighter, illuminated by the presence of God.
  • Mood: Reverence, inspiration, and divine illumination.

Verse 1:

  • Music: Guitar joined by soft strings, creating a warm and inviting sound.
  • Visuals: The camera focuses on individuals walking through the city, their faces reflecting the radiant light. They move towards a central light source.
  • Mood: Intimacy, the beginning of the eternal journey in God’s light.


  • Music: Full band enters with drums, bass, and strings, creating a powerful, uplifting sound.
  • Visuals: The city is fully illuminated, with light streaming through every street and building. People gather together, rejoicing and worshiping in the light.
  • Mood: Triumph, joy, and the celebration of eternal light.

    Verse 2:

    • Music: The intensity slightly pulls back, with a focus on guitar and strings.
    • Visuals: More people join the gathering, each experiencing the fullness of God’s light. They help each other, sharing their stories and reflecting the light.
    • Mood: Community, collective experience of eternal illumination.


      • Music: Drums build with a crescendo, adding a sense of urgency and anticipation.
      • Visuals: The camera focuses on individuals’ faces, showing their joy and connection. The light around them grows brighter.
      • Mood: Determination, rising action.


      • Music: The full band returns with even greater intensity, emphasizing the song’s climax.
      • Visuals: The entire city is now glowing with an overwhelming brilliance, symbolizing the unity and collective faith of its inhabitants. The sky brightens, symbolizing the overwhelming power of God’s eternal light.
      • Mood: Exhilaration, victory, and overwhelming joy.


      • Music: A quieter, more reflective section with soft vocals, piano, and strings.
      • Visuals: Close-ups of individuals praying and worshiping, their faces lit with a soft glow. The scene transitions to show light spreading to homes, workplaces, and other cities.
      • Mood: Contemplation, deep worship, and connection to God.


      • Music: The intensity builds again, returning to the full band for a final, triumphant rendition of the chorus.
      • Visuals: The camera pulls back to show the entire city and surrounding areas illuminated, with light spreading across the landscape. People everywhere are seen rejoicing and worshiping.
      • Mood: Celebration, global unity in the light of Christ.


      • Music: The music gradually fades, returning to the soft ambient pad and piano from the intro.
      • Visuals: The scene fades to a bright white light, symbolizing God’s eternal presence. The final shot shows the text “Final Illumination” with the reference to Revelation 22:5.
      • Mood: Peace, fulfillment, and the lasting impact of God’s eternal light.