Be Holy - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“Be Holy” is a song that calls believers to a life of holiness and purity, reflecting the nature of God. Inspired by 1 Peter 1:15-16, which commands believers to be holy as God is holy, this song emphasizes the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in sanctifying our lives.

The opening verse, “In Your presence, Lord, I stand in awe; You’ve called me to be holy, pure and true,” sets the stage for a song that highlights the awe and reverence we should have in God’s presence. The chorus, “Be holy, as You are holy; Purify my heart, make me holy too,” serves as a heartfelt prayer for sanctification and purity.

“Be Holy” also addresses the challenges of living a holy life in a world full of temptations. The second verse, “When temptation comes, and tries to sway; In Your strength, I will stand and obey,” draws from 1 Corinthians 10:13, which promises that God will provide a way out of temptation so that we can endure it.

The bridge, “Set me apart, for Your glory; Make me pure, like refined gold,” takes inspiration from Malachi 3:3, where God is described as a refiner and purifier of silver. This song is a powerful reminder of the ongoing process of sanctification and the call to live a life that reflects God’s holiness.

“Be Holy” is an essential track for personal devotion and corporate worship, encouraging believers to pursue a life of holiness and purity, trusting in the Holy Spirit’s transformative power.



1 Peter 1:15-16 calls us to be holy in all we do, just as God is holy. “Be Holy” emphasizes the call to live a life of holiness and purity, reflecting God’s nature.

Holiness is not about perfection but about being set apart for God’s purposes. Reflect on what it means to be holy. It involves living a life that is distinct from the world, characterized by purity, obedience, and devotion to God.

Consider the process of sanctification. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7 reminds us that God’s will is for us to be sanctified, avoiding sexual immorality and living in holiness and honor. This process is ongoing, requiring daily surrender to the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. 

Holiness also involves our thoughts and attitudes. Philippians 4:8 encourages us to think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Guard your mind and heart, allowing God’s truth to shape your perspective.

Rely on God’s strength to live a holy life. 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us that God’s grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect in our weakness. When we struggle, we can trust in His strength to help us overcome.


Lord, I desire to be holy as You are holy. Set me apart for Your purposes and purify my heart. Help me to live a life that reflects Your holiness and honor. Strengthen me in my weakness and guide me by Your Spirit. Amen.


Track 4: Be Holy

Verse 1:

In Your presence, Lord, I stand in awe
You’ve called me to be holy, pure and true
By Your Spirit, sanctify my heart
Make me more like You, set apart


Be holy, as You are holy
Purify my heart, make me holy too
Be holy, as You are holy
Lord, my life, I give to You

Verse 2:

When temptation comes, and tries to sway
In Your strength, I will stand and obey
By Your grace, I am made anew
In Your holiness, I pursue


Set me apart, for Your glory
Make me pure, like refined gold
By Your Spirit, make me holy
In Your image, I am molded


Be holy, as You are holy
Purify my heart, make me holy too
Be holy, as You are holy
Lord, my life, I give to You

Lead Sheet

Time Signature: 3/4

Key: D Major

Tempo: 75 BPM

Reason: The 3/4 time signature creates a waltz-like, reverent feel, enhancing the theme of holiness. D Major is a key that conveys triumph and light, fitting for a song about becoming more like God. The slower tempo provides space for reflection and emphasizes the call to sanctification and purity.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Verse 1:

  • Scene: A quiet, candle-lit room where a person kneels in prayer, seeking God’s presence.
  • Audio: Soft piano and strings create a reverent and intimate atmosphere.
  • Visual: Close-up shots of the person’s face, hands, and the flickering candlelight. The room is filled with a sense of holy awe.
  • Mood: Reverent, intimate, and earnest.


  • Scene: The scene transitions to an ethereal, heavenly landscape with golden light and a sense of divine purity.
  • Audio: The music swells with a full choir and orchestral arrangement, emphasizing the call to holiness.
  • Visual: The person is now clothed in white, standing amidst a field of lilies, symbolizing purity. The camera captures the light and beauty of the setting.
  • Mood: Pure, uplifting, and divine.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: The person walks through a city, facing temptations and distractions, but remaining focused on their spiritual journey.
  • Audio: The music becomes more rhythmic, reflecting the challenges and the determination to stay holy.
  • Visual: The person encounters various temptations but responds with prayer and scripture, staying true to their path.
  • Mood: Determined, focused, and steadfast.


  • Scene: Back to the heavenly landscape, where the person stands before a glowing figure symbolizing God, receiving a blessing.
  • Audio: The choir sings in powerful harmonies, with the orchestra highlighting the climactic moment.
  • Visual: The figure places a hand on the person’s head, and a radiant light envelops them, signifying sanctification.
  • Mood: Holy, transformative, and profound.


    • Scene: The person returns to their daily life, now visibly transformed and exuding a sense of peace and holiness.
    • Audio: The music softens, with a gentle resolution of piano and strings.
    • Visual: The person interacts with others, sharing their transformed life and inspiring holiness in those around them.
    • Mood: Peaceful, inspiring, and fulfilled.