Led by Your Spirit - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“Led by Your Spirit” is a song that emphasizes the daily dependence on the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength. Inspired by Galatians 5:16, which encourages believers to walk by the Spirit and not gratify the desires of the flesh, this song highlights the importance of trusting in God’s guidance in every aspect of life.

The first verse, “In the stillness of the morning light; I seek Your face, I seek Your might,” sets a tone of early morning devotion, inviting believers to start their day with a focus on God’s presence. The chorus, “Led by Your Spirit, I will go; Wherever You lead me, Lord, I’ll follow,” serves as a declaration of trust and obedience to God’s leading.

The second verse, “In the chaos, when I lose my way; Whisper softly, show me where to stay,” speaks to the challenges of navigating life’s difficulties and the need for God’s gentle guidance. This verse draws inspiration from Isaiah 30:21, which promises that we will hear God’s voice guiding us in the right direction.

The bridge, “Not by might, nor by power; But by Your Spirit, in this hour,” echoes the words of Zechariah 4:6, emphasizing that our strength and success come not from our own efforts but from the Holy Spirit. “Led by Your Spirit” is a song that encourages believers to rely on God’s guidance daily, making it a powerful addition to personal and corporate worship.



Galatians 5:16-25 speaks of living by the Spirit and keeping in step with the Spirit. “Led by Your Spirit” encourages believers to rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in every aspect of life.

Reflect on the importance of being led by the Spirit. It means submitting our will to God’s and allowing His Spirit to direct our paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 urges us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our understanding, acknowledging Him in all our ways. 

Consider the fruit of the Spirit described in Galatians 5:22-23—love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These qualities are evidence of a life led by the Spirit. Examine your life and ask the Holy Spirit to cultivate these fruits in you.

Being led by the Spirit involves listening to God’s voice. Isaiah 30:21 promises that we will hear a voice behind us saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Spend time in prayer and quiet reflection, seeking to discern God’s direction.

Trust in the Spirit’s empowerment. Acts 1:8 reminds us that we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. This power enables us to be witnesses for Christ and to live out our faith boldly.


Holy Spirit, lead me in every aspect of my life. Help me to trust in Your guidance and submit my will to Yours. Cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in my life and empower me to live boldly for Christ. Amen.


Track 5: Led by Your Spirit

Verse 1:

In the stillness of the morning light
I seek Your face, I seek Your might
Guide my steps, through this day
Holy Spirit, lead the way


Led by Your Spirit, I will go
Wherever You lead me, Lord, I’ll follow
Your will be done, in my life
Led by Your Spirit, day and night

Verse 2:

In the chaos, when I lose my way
Whisper softly, show me where to stay
By Your grace, I’ll overcome
Every trial, till Your kingdom come


Not by might, nor by power
But by Your Spirit, in this hour
I will trust, and I’ll obey
Led by Your Spirit, every day


Led by Your Spirit, I will go
Wherever You lead me, Lord, I’ll follow
Your will be done, in my life
Led by Your Spirit, day and night

Lead Sheet

Time Signature: 4/4

Key: A Major

Tempo: 85 BPM

Reason: The 4/4 time signature provides a steady and guiding rhythm, suitable for a song about being led by the Holy Spirit. A Major conveys a sense of brightness and clarity, aligning with the theme of divine guidance. The moderate tempo offers a sense of forward movement, reflecting the journey of being led by the Spirit.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Verse 1:

  • Scene: Early morning in a tranquil forest. A person walks along a path, pausing to listen to the sounds of nature.
  • Audio: Gentle acoustic guitar and soft piano, creating a serene and contemplative mood.
  • Visual: Close-up shots of the person’s face as they breathe deeply and take in their surroundings, symbolizing a search for guidance.
  • Mood: Peaceful, contemplative, and hopeful.


  • Scene: The person stands at a crossroads, looking up at the sky as sunlight breaks through the trees, symbolizing divine guidance.
  • Audio: The music builds with strings and choir harmonies, reflecting the uplifting and guiding presence of the Holy Spirit.
  • Visual: The camera captures the light filtering through the trees, creating a path of light leading the way.
  • Mood: Uplifting, guided, and serene.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: The person encounters obstacles on the path but overcomes them with the help of divine signs and guidance.
  • Audio: The music incorporates rhythmic elements, symbolizing the challenges and determination.
  • Visual: The person sees symbols of the Holy Spirit—like a dove or a bright light—guiding them through the obstacles.
  • Mood: Determined, resilient, and supported.


  • Scene: The person reaches a clearing where a community is gathered, all seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
  • Audio: The choir joins in with harmonious vocals, emphasizing unity and collective guidance.
  • Visual: The camera pans over the community, showing them lifting their hands in worship and prayer, united in seeking God’s direction.
  • Mood: Unified, powerful, and spiritually uplifting.


    • Scene: The person continues their journey with a renewed sense of purpose, now leading others on the path.
    • Audio: The music resolves with a gentle, hopeful melody of acoustic guitar and piano.
    • Visual: The camera follows the person from behind as they walk into the distance, leading others, with the light guiding their way.
    • Mood: Hopeful, purposeful, and inspiring.