The Spirit of Burning - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Description for “The Trumpet Sounds” (Track One)

Description: “The Trumpet Sounds” serves as a powerful opening to the album, setting the stage for a spiritual call to arms. This track harnesses the biblical imagery of trumpets, which are often used to signal the gathering of the community, announce significant events, and prepare people for action. In this song, the trumpet metaphorically awakens listeners from spiritual complacency, urging them to prepare for God’s work in and through them.

Musically, the track combines stirring orchestral arrangements with contemporary Christian elements to evoke a sense of urgency and readiness. The dynamic crescendos mirror the escalating call to spiritual awareness, while the lyrical content emphasizes the need for vigilance and prayer in a world that often seems indifferent to faith.

Lyrically, “The Trumpet Sounds” draws directly from scriptures like 1 Corinthians 15:52 and Revelation 8:6, blending these with a narrative that invites listeners to respond to God’s call with commitment and courage. It encourages the church to rise, gather, and engage actively in God’s transformative work, fortified by the Holy Spirit and centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

This track is not only a call to wakefulness but also a declaration of readiness to participate in God’s redemptive plan, making it a fitting and impactful beginning to an album focused on intercessory prayer and spiritual action.


Devotion for “The Trumpet Sounds” (Track One)

Scriptural Anchors:

  • 1 Corinthians 15:52: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.”
  • Revelation 8:6: “Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.”
  • Matthew 24:31: “And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.”


The trumpet in Scripture is often a call to action and a signal of change. In “The Trumpet Sounds,” we focus on this biblical imagery to awaken the church to spiritual readiness and action, emphasizing that this call is empowered by the Holy Spirit and centers on the imminent return and ongoing reign of Jesus Christ. The trumpet not only heralds a warning or gathering but also proclaims victory—Christ’s victory over sin and death, which empowers us to live fearlessly and faithfully in His service.

Intercessory Focus:

  • Awakening and Readiness: Pray for the church to awaken from complacency, to be alert to the spiritual realities and the signs of the times, guided by the Holy Spirit to understand and act according to God’s will.
  • Empowerment through the Spirit: Seek the Holy Spirit’s empowerment for believers to stand firm in faith and engage in spiritual battles, using the gifts and fruits of the Spirit to minister effectively in a troubled world.
  • Proclaiming Jesus’ Victory: Intercede for believers worldwide to boldly proclaim the victory of Jesus in their lives, demonstrating His love, truth, and power in their words and deeds.


Lord Jesus, we hear Your call in the sound of the trumpet. Awaken our spirits by Your Holy Spirit, that we might live in readiness and act in courage. Let us be heralds of Your truth, proclaiming Your victory over sin and death. Empower us to gather, to pray, and to serve, not in our strength but in Yours, as we await Your glorious return. Amen.


The Trumpet Sounds

Verse 1:

In the silence of the dawn, a gentle stir within,
The Spirit calls, a new day to begin.
Trumpets sound the holy call, clear and true,
Awaken hearts to life anew.


Hear the trumpet’s call, in the Spirit’s breath,
Rise, church of God, from slumber, from death.
Jesus leads, His voice so clear,
In His name, we gather, draw near.

Verse 2:

Called to stand, in God’s mighty power,
With Jesus our fortress, this is the hour.
The Spirit moves, His fire spreads wide,
In His strength, we rise, abide.


Hear the trumpet’s call, in the Spirit’s breath,
Rise, church of God, from slumber, from death.
Jesus leads, His voice so clear,
In His name, we gather, draw near.


By the Spirit, see the Father’s will,
Every word of Jesus, our souls to fill.
Empowered to witness, to live, to pray,
In His presence, we’ll walk, His way.


Hear the trumpet’s call, in the Spirit’s breath,
Rise, church of God, from slumber, from death.
Jesus leads, His voice so clear,
In His name, we gather, draw near.


So let the trumpet sound, across earth and sky,
In Jesus, we live, for Him we die.
The Spirit guides us, in all we do,
To the Father’s heart, forever true.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: D Major
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 110 BPM (Moderate)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Scene 1: Introduction

Visuals: A serene, early morning landscape with soft morning light breaking through a misty horizon. The camera slowly pans over a quiet, sleepy town. Verse 1: In the quiet of dawn, a whisper on the wind, The first light breaks; the call begins. Mood and Theme: Peacefulness disrupted by an awakening; the calm before a significant event. Color Palette: Soft blues, gentle oranges, and misty grays. Audio: Gentle, ambient sounds of morning; distant bird calls transitioning into a soft, mysterious melody hinting at anticipation.

Scene 2: Chorus

Visuals: The scene transitions to different people from various walks of life (a farmer, a teacher, a businessperson) being stirred by a sound only they can hear, looking up with a sense of purpose. Chorus: Hear the trumpet sound, echoing the skies, Awake, arise, open your eyes. Mood and Theme: Awakening and realization; a call to action that is personal and communal. Color Palette: Brightening skies, deeper blues, and vibrant morning colors. Audio: A clear trumpet call, stirring and powerful, overlaying a building musical score that matches the awakening theme.

Scene 3: Verse 2

Visuals: Individuals responding to the call, beginning to gather in a central town square, bringing others along. The pace picks up as more join. Verse 2: From the hills to the shores, the message clear, A call to arms, the mission dear. Mood and Theme: Mobilization and unity; a gathering force. Color Palette: Warm, inspiring colors like golds and rich earth tones to symbolize coming together and preparation. Audio: The music increases in intensity, with rhythmic beats that mimic heartbeats or footsteps converging.

Scene 4: Chorus and Bridge

Visuals: A panoramic view of a growing crowd in the town square, now filled with diverse people. Close-ups of faces filled with determination and hope. Chorus/Bridge: Hear the trumpet sound, echoing the skies, Awake, arise, open your eyes. No more slumber, rise, ye saints, The day is ours, no time for restraints. Mood and Theme: Empowerment and readiness, a community united for a common cause. Color Palette: Bold and dynamic colors like reds and purples to denote energy and passion. Audio: The trumpet theme repeats, now supported by a full orchestral backing, conveying urgency and power.

    Scene 5: Outro

    Visuals: The gathered crowd looks towards the horizon, now fully awake and ready. The camera pulls back to show the scale of the gathering. Outro: As the trumpet’s call fades into night, Keep the fire burning, keep up the fight. In every heart, His spirit stirs, Together we’ll answer, the call endures. Mood and Theme: Commitment to a sustained effort, a journey just beginning. Color Palette: Twilight colors, deep blues, and purples, with lingering touches of sunset. Audio: The music softens but retains a note of resolve, suggesting the continuation of the journey beyond this moment.