Underground Roots - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Description for “Underground Roots” (Track Seven)

Title: Underground Roots


“Underground Roots” delves into the metaphor of spiritual growth that, like the roots of a tree, occurs out of sight yet is essential for the stability and health of the whole organism. This track reflects on the importance of a deep, hidden relationship with God, cultivated through personal devotion, prayer, and adherence to His word.

Musically, the song features a mix of subtle, earthy tones and robust, uplifting choruses that mirror the growth and strength derived from spiritual roots. Instrumental layers are intricately woven to create a sense of depth and complexity, suggesting the unseen work of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.

Lyrically, the song draws from biblical imagery found in Colossians 2:6-7 and Jeremiah 17:7-8, which speak of being rooted in Christ and drawing nourishment from Him. It encourages listeners to invest in their spiritual foundations, emphasizing that true strength and fruitfulness in life come from a deep, abiding connection with Jesus.

“Underground Roots” is a contemplative piece that invites believers to reflect on the unseen aspects of their faith journey. It encourages a steadfast commitment to spiritual growth, highlighting how the hidden work of the Holy Spirit enriches and prepares believers to withstand life’s challenges and thrive in their divine calling.


Devotion for “Underground Roots” (Track Seven)

Scriptural Anchors:

  • Colossians 2:6-7: “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
  • Jeremiah 17:7-8: “Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
  • John 15:4-5: “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”


“Underground Roots” draws attention to the vital, often unseen, work of spiritual growth and formation. Like roots that stretch deep into the soil, our spiritual lives need to be deeply anchored in Christ’s teachings and the power of the Holy Spirit. This devotion encourages believers to cultivate a deep, private faith that sustains visible ministry and withstands life’s challenges. It stresses the importance of being firmly rooted in the knowledge of God’s Word and filled with the Spirit to effectively live out our calling.

Intercessory Focus:

  • Spiritual Growth and Depth: Pray for believers to deepen their roots in Christ, seeking a solid foundation in His Word and living out His teachings daily.
  • Resilience in Trials: Intercede for those facing trials, that they may be sustained by their deep spiritual roots, drawing strength from their union with Christ and the nourishment of the Holy Spirit.
  • Fruitfulness in Ministry: Ask God to enable His people to bear abundant fruit as a result of their deep spiritual roots, impacting their communities and the world with the love and truth of Jesus.


Lord Jesus, You are the Vine, and we are the branches. Help us to remain in You, rooted deeply in Your love and truth. May Your Holy Spirit nourish every hidden part of our lives, so that we may grow strong and resilient in our faith. Let us draw constantly from Your living waters, that even in times of drought, our leaves remain green and our lives fruitful. Teach us to cherish the quiet, deep work of spiritual growth that sustains us through every season. In Your precious name, we pray. Amen.


Underground Roots

Verse 1:

Beneath the surface, where eyes can’t see,
Roots stretch deep, in sacred secrecy.
Nourished by the Word, watered by grace,
In the quiet, they find their place.


Underground roots, growing unseen,
In the depth of the Spirit, on Him we lean.
Strong and steady beneath the soil,
In Jesus’ love, our roots uncoil.

Verse 2:

Hidden in the heart, where struggles lie,
Roots hold fast when storms draw nigh.
Through trials and tests, their grip holds tight,
Anchored in Christ, they fight the fight.


Underground roots, growing unseen,
In the depth of the Spirit, on Him we lean.
Strong and steady beneath the soil,
In Jesus’ love, our roots uncoil.


Let the Spirit breathe, in the hidden deep,
Where faith is sown, and hope we reap.
These roots, in darkness, know their worth,
Spreading wide, they birth new birth.


Underground roots, growing unseen,
In the depth of the Spirit, on Him we lean.
Strong and steady beneath the soil,
In Jesus’ love, our roots uncoil.


So root us deep in your embrace,
Lord, in your mercy, in your grace.
Underground, where we are formed,
In Christ, transformed and reborn.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: F Major
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 90 BPM (Moderate)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Scene 1: The Hidden Growth

Visuals: The opening scene visualizes a serene forest with a focus on a large, majestic tree. The camera slowly pans down to reveal the extensive root system beneath the soil, intricately woven and sprawling. Verse 1: Beneath the surface, out of sight, Where roots entwine in the quiet night. Mood and Theme: Mystery and depth, highlighting the unseen yet essential growth of spiritual roots. Color Palette: Earthy tones dominated by browns and greens, with soft lighting that hints at the complexity and beauty of the underground. Audio: Soft, ambient sounds of the forest combined with a gentle, introspective melody, setting a contemplative mood.

Scene 2: Chorus (First Iteration)

Visuals: Transition to various individuals in moments of private devotion—praying, studying the Bible, or quietly meditating in different settings (a busy city park, a quiet home, a church). Chorus: Underground roots, deep and wide, In the hidden places, our faith abides. Mood and Theme: Connection and continuity, illustrating how personal spiritual practices are the roots that sustain believers’ lives. Color Palette: Gradual introduction of softer, more vibrant colors to symbolize spiritual vitality. Audio: The music deepens in tone, adding layers that suggest the growing strength and complexity of these spiritual roots.

Scene 3: Nurturing the Growth

Visuals: Scenes showing the impact of these deep roots in everyday life: individuals demonstrating kindness, resilience in trials, and profound peace in challenging situations. Verse 2: Hidden in the heart, where struggles lie, Roots hold fast when storms draw nigh. Mood and Theme: Stability and resilience, emphasizing how unseen faith supports visible actions. Color Palette: Robust, full colors that reflect the strength and health derived from a deeply rooted faith. Audio: A stronger, more confident musical arrangement that mirrors the fortitude of the characters.

Scene 4: Chorus (Second Iteration) & Bridge

Visuals: A community coming together for a service project, supporting one another, sharing their faith naturally with neighbors and friends. Chorus/Bridge: Silent growth in the cover of dark, From the depths, we’ll leave our mark. Mood and Theme: Community and impact, showing how deep, personal faith translates into communal action and societal influence. Color Palette: Dynamic and warm, showcasing the warmth and energy of a community rooted in faith. Audio: Inspirational music that crescendos, capturing the collective power of a faith-driven community.

    Scene 5: Legacy of the Roots

    Visuals: A return to the majestic tree, now shown in full bloom, surrounded by a thriving forest. Children play around the tree, symbolizing the future generations that will benefit from the nurtured roots of today’s believers. Outro: So root us deep in your embrace, Lord, in your mercy, in your grace. Mood and Theme: Legacy and flourishing, focusing on the long-term impact of a life well-rooted in Christ. Color Palette: Lush and vibrant, full of life and natural beauty, symbolizing spiritual and communal prosperity. Audio: The closing music is uplifting and hopeful, leaving a lasting impression of hope and continuity.