Wake Up, Aotearoa - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Description for “Wake Up, Aotearoa” (Track Two)


“Wake Up, Aotearoa” is a poignant and compelling call to spiritual awakening tailored specifically for New Zealand, known in the Maori language as Aotearoa. This track is a heartfelt plea for the nation to rediscover its fervor for prayer and intercession, addressing complacency and the urgent need for revival.

Musically, the song blends traditional Maori instruments with modern Christian music elements to create a unique sound that resonates deeply with the cultural heritage of New Zealand while maintaining a global Christian appeal. The fusion of sounds aims to evoke both reverence and a sense of immediate action, mirroring the song’s message of urgency.

Lyrically, the song draws inspiration from biblical admonitions to be vigilant and prayerful, such as the teachings in Romans 13:11-12 and Ephesians 5:14. It challenges listeners to rise from spiritual slumber and engage actively in the transformative work of the Holy Spirit. The lyrics call for unity and action, urging the people of New Zealand to stand as a beacon of faith and prayer in the global community.

“Wake Up, Aotearoa” not only serves as a wake-up call but also as an invitation to be part of a larger movement towards spiritual renewal and dedication. It emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers to live out their faith dynamically and effectively, making it a critical anthem for the album and the nation it seeks to inspire.


Revised Devotion for “Wake Up, Aotearoa” (Track Two)

Scriptural Anchors:

  • Romans 13:11-12: “And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.”
  • Ephesians 5:14: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”
  • Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”


“Wake Up, Aotearoa” calls for a spiritual revival in New Zealand, urging believers to rise from spiritual lethargy and engage actively in their faith. This awakening is not just a personal or isolated event but a collective movement powered by the Holy Spirit, reflecting the urgency of living and proclaiming the Gospel in preparation for Christ’s return. The devotion emphasizes the need for believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit, allowing them to shine Christ’s light in every corner of their lives and communities.

Intercessory Focus:

  • Spiritual Revival and Awakening: Pray for a widespread spiritual awakening across New Zealand, that hearts would be stirred and lives transformed by the power of the Gospel and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
  • Empowerment for Action: Seek the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for believers to be bold and effective witnesses of Jesus Christ, embodying His teachings and reaching out to the community with love and truth.
  • Protection and Guidance: Intercede for God’s protection over the nation and for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in all areas of public and private life, ensuring that decisions and actions align with God’s will and bring glory to Jesus.


Heavenly Father, we call upon Your name over New Zealand. Awaken our land and our people, filling us with Your Holy Spirit to revive our hearts and our communities. Help us to put on Your armor of light, to stand against the darkness, and to walk in the fullness of Your Spirit. Empower us, Lord Jesus, to be Your hands and feet on earth, faithfully proclaiming Your truth and love. Guide us in Your ways, protect us by Your mighty hand, and use us to bring glory to Your name. Amen.


Wake Up, Aotearoa

Verse 1:

In the stillness of the dawn, a whisper through the trees,
Spirit’s breath, moving with the breeze.
Aotearoa, land of the long white cloud,
Awake, arise, with a shout aloud.


Wake up, Aotearoa, in Jesus’ name, rise,
Filled with the Spirit, open your eyes.
Christ before us, in Him we stand,
Guided by His loving hand.

Verse 2:

Fields are ready, the harvest is near,
The Spirit calls, let go of your fear.
Step into the fullness, of God’s own plan,
United in Jesus, together we stand.


Wake up, Aotearoa, in Jesus’ name, rise,
Filled with the Spirit, open your eyes.
Christ before us, in Him we stand,
Guided by His loving hand.


Hear the Spirit’s call, His power, His might,
In our prayers, in our fight.
With Jesus our leader, the victory won,
Called to action, His will be done.


Wake up, Aotearoa, in Jesus’ name, rise,
Filled with the Spirit, open your eyes.
Christ before us, in Him we stand,
Guided by His loving hand.


So rise, dear land, in the Spirit’s flow,
To Christ alone, your allegiance show.
With hearts ablaze, in His holy fire,
Move forward in faith, aim ever higher.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: D Major
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 110 BPM (Moderate)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Scene 1: Dawn in Aotearoa

Visuals: A slow, serene aerial shot of New Zealand’s landscapes at dawn—mountains, coastlines, and urban areas—all still and quiet. Verse 1: Whispers in the wind, calls in the night, Aotearoa, rise to the light. Mood and Theme: Serenity transitioning to awakening; the calmness of nature before the bustle of the day begins. Color Palette: Soft predawn colors, muted blues and purples slowly infused with the golden hues of sunrise. Audio: Gentle, ambient nature sounds blending into soft, stirring music with indigenous Maori instruments subtly integrated.

Scene 2: First Stirrings

Visuals: Scenes of everyday life across cities and rural areas as people begin their day. A young Maori man, a mother in a suburban home, a farmer in the fields—all pause as if hearing a distant call. Chorus: Wake up, Aotearoa, the dawn is here, Shake off the slumber, let go of your fears. Mood and Theme: A sense of stirring and gentle urgency; individuals across the nation feeling a unified call. Color Palette: Brightening as the sun rises, with vibrant morning light casting long shadows. Audio: A more pronounced Maori instrumental melody, with the chorus sung powerfully yet invitingly.

Scene 3: Gathering Momentum

Visuals: People from various backgrounds starting to gather in local community centers, parks, and town squares. They carry traditional Maori and New Zealand flags, symbolizing unity and heritage. Verse 2: Dreams of comfort, walls of sleep, Promises made, promises to keep. Mood and Theme: Community and movement; people coming together with a common purpose, inspired to take action. Color Palette: Full daylight colors now, bright and clear, symbolizing clarity and wakefulness. Audio: The music builds in momentum, matching the gathering pace of the people.

Scene 4: Unified Action

Visuals: Large groups engaging in community projects—cleaning beaches, planting trees, helping in urban gardens—all intercut with scenes of prayer groups, both solemn and celebratory. Chorus/Bridge: Wake up, Aotearoa, the dawn is here, Stand in prayer, stand in the fight. Mood and Theme: Empowerment, purposeful action. A nation unified by a spiritual and communal revival. Color Palette: Rich, earthy tones mixed with vibrant greens and blues, emphasizing a connection to the land and each other. Audio: The music reaches a crescendo, with powerful vocal harmonies and a compelling beat, evoking a sense of triumph and unity.

    Scene 5: A Nation Transformed

    Visuals: The camera pulls back to show communities united, vibrant, and active, intercut with stunning vistas of the New Zealand landscape now fully illuminated by the sun. Outro: The mountains echo, the rivers reply, Awake, awake, and lift your cry. Mood and Theme: Celebration of spiritual renewal and national pride; a reflection of the journey from individual awakening to collective action. Color Palette: Bright, saturated colors celebrating the beauty of the day and the vibrancy of the community. Audio: The music softens but retains a note of inspiration and hope, suggesting the ongoing journey of spiritual and communal growth.