Kneel to Stand - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 3: “Kneel to Stand”


“Kneel to Stand” is a deeply moving track that underscores the paradoxical power of prayer—wherein true strength and victory in spiritual warfare are found in moments of humility and submission before God. This song champions the act of kneeling in prayer as the ultimate preparation for standing firm against spiritual challenges.

Musically, the song blends introspective melodies with ascending harmonies to create a sense of rising from a place of prayerful kneeling to standing in victorious faith. The instrumentation is carefully crafted to guide listeners through a journey of contemplation and empowerment, featuring a dynamic range from soft, reflective tones to powerful, triumphant crescendos.

Lyrically, “Kneel to Stand” explores the transformative experience of prayer, where believers engage deeply with God and receive His empowerment. The verses convey the intimacy and power of prayer, while the chorus celebrates the spiritual strength and readiness that come from such divine encounters. The lyrics are both a call to prayer and a reminder of the efficacy of prayer as our primary weapon in spiritual warfare.

Key Themes:

  • The foundational role of prayer in spiritual warfare
  • Empowerment through humility and submission to God
  • The transformation from vulnerability in prayer to strength in faith
  • The continuity between private devotion and public victory

This track is perfect for those seeking to deepen their prayer life and understand its critical role in achieving spiritual victory. “Kneel to Stand” is a reminder that our greatest battles are often fought and won on our knees, and that rising to face life’s challenges can only be done effectively after submitting to God in prayer.


Devotion for “Kneel to Stand”

Scriptural Foundation: Ephesians 6:18

      • Key Verses: “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

Reflection: “Kneel to Stand” reminds us that true spiritual strength and victory in battles often begin in a posture of prayer. Prayer is not a passive activity but a vigorous spiritual exercise that empowers believers to stand firm against the adversities of life and spiritual warfare. This song encourages believers to kneel in humility and rise in power, fortified by communion with God.

Intercession Focus:

      1. Personal Empowerment: Pray for personal strength and endurance to persist in prayer, recognizing its crucial role in spiritual resilience and victory.
      2. Intercession for the Church: Commit to interceding for the body of Christ worldwide, that it may be strengthened against spiritual attacks and grow in unity and faith.
      3. Prayer for Leaders: Intercede for spiritual, community, and national leaders, that they would govern and lead from a place of divine wisdom and strength, sustained by prayer.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we come before You in humble prayer, kneeling to seek Your face and rising to stand in Your strength. Teach us to pray with depth and persistence, tapping into the power of Your Spirit. May our intercessions bring light where there is darkness, strength where there is weakness, and unity where there is division. Empower us to be vigilant in prayer, advocating for our leaders, our churches, and each other, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Action Steps:

      1. Develop a daily prayer routine that prioritizes time for both personal and intercessory prayer.
      2. Organize or participate in prayer vigils that focus on specific needs within the community and the church.
      3. Educate yourself and others about the theological foundations and practical aspects of effective prayer through workshops or study groups.

Worship Response: Use “Kneel to Stand” as a prayer anthem in your personal worship times or during corporate worship sessions, allowing its message to inspire and deepen your commitment to prayer.


Kneel to Stand

Verse 1:

Kneel in the quiet, warriors bold,
Seek His face, let faith take hold.
In humble prayer, we find our might,
Armed in the Spirit, prepared to fight.


Kneel to stand, in the grace of the Lord,
With hearts lifted in worship, His love our accord.
From bended knee, our strength arises,
Empowered and led, He guides and advises.

Verse 2:

Through whispered pleas, our armor’s forged,
In the secret place, our vows are gorged.
Each prayer a step on battlegrounds,
Where silent wars win without sounds.


In the stillness, hear His voice,
Calling us to make the choice.
To stand in faith, to live in peace,
In every kneeling, fears cease.


Kneel to stand, in the grace of the Lord,
With hearts lifted in worship, His love our accord.
From bended knee, our strength arises,
Empowered and led, He guides and advises.


Rise now, soldiers, from your knees,
Carry forth His decrees.
In every battle, in every stand,
Remember the power of the kneeling hand.

Lead Sheet

Recommended Key:

C Major – Known for its pure and uplifting quality, it reflects the transformative power of prayer.

Time Signature:

3/4 – A waltz-like feel, symbolizing the rhythm of kneeling in prayer and rising in faith.


90 BPM – Slow to moderate, encouraging contemplation and the reflective nature of prayer.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Verse 1:

  • Audio: Begins with soft piano and vocals.
  • Visual: A man kneels alone in a dimly lit room, praying earnestly.
  • Mood: Introspective and humble.


  • Audio: Builds with strings and a choir, creating a powerful uplift.
  • Visual: The man stands up slowly, light fills the room, symbolizing divine empowerment.
  • Mood: Transformative and empowering.

Verse 2:

  • Audio: Continues with strong, supportive instrumentation.
  • Visual: Scenes of the man joining a community in prayer, supporting each other, and finding strength together.
  • Mood: Communal and supportive.


  • Audio: Emphasizes a shift with a powerful choir.
  • Visual: The community is shown standing united, facing challenges together, with their faces turned upwards in prayer.
  • Mood: Uplifting and united.

    Chorus (reprise):

    • Audio: Returns to the powerful chorus with the full choir.
    • Visual: The man and his community are shown overcoming obstacles, helping others, and standing strong together.
    • Mood: Triumphant and hopeful.


      • Audio: Music fades gently.
      • Visual: Ends with the man looking out over a sunrise, symbolizing a new beginning, as he continues his journey of faith.
      • Mood: Reflective and hopeful.