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8. A Church That Cares 


“A Church That Cares” challenges believers to move beyond rhetoric and embody genuine compassion for those facing unplanned pregnancies. Rooted in James 1:27—which defines pure religion as caring for those in need—this song urges us to see the local church as a haven for mothers and fathers wrestling with the fear, stigma, or financial pressure that often accompanies unplanned children. Rather than condemning, it calls us to come alongside, provide resources, and share the burden in love.

The track begins softly, almost as a confession, recognizing that many churches have remained silent or indifferent when it comes to issues like abortion. As the instrumentation builds, the lyrics transform into a corporate plea: Yeshua HaMashiach, the Head of the Church, is petitioned to awaken hearts to real ministry opportunities. This includes not just prayer but also foster care, adoption, financial support, and emotional counsel.

Highlighted are verses such as Galatians 6:2 (“Bear one another’s burdens”) and Matthew 25:35–36 (serving the “least of these” is serving Christ Himself), setting a biblical precedent for tangible acts of service. Jehovah Jireh is invoked, reminding us that God’s provision often comes through His people’s willingness to give and receive. 

The bridge appeals to the Ruach HaKodesh to break complacency and stir congregants to action, calling for real-life expressions of compassion. By the final chorus, “A Church That Cares” envisions a body of believers fully engaged, ensuring that no expectant mother or father walks alone. Its heartbeat is a call to mirror the character of Christ—exchanging apathy for empathy and turning ideals into practical assistance.


8. A Church That Cares

Key Scriptures

        •        James 1:27 – True religion is caring for orphans and widows in their distress.

        •        Galatians 6:2 – Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

        •        Matthew 25:35–36, 40 – Serving the least of these is serving Christ Himself.


In a world filled with broken families and unexpected pregnancies, the Church is called to be a refuge—a place where people can find not only moral truth but also compassionate support. James 1:27 defines pure and undefiled religion as caring for the vulnerable, which absolutely includes mothers (and fathers) grappling with unplanned pregnancies and the unborn children at risk.

“A Church That Cares” challenges us to move beyond words of disapproval for abortion. Instead, we’re called to tangible acts of love—adoption, foster care, financial support, counseling, and simply bearing one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). When believers truly embody the compassion of Yeshua HaMashiach, hearts soften, fear dissipates, and life-affirming choices become viable.

Yet, becoming a church that cares is not always easy. It requires resources, commitment, and a willingness to engage with difficult and messy situations. Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:35–36, 40 remind us that when we serve the least—those who are marginalized, afraid, or in crisis—we are effectively serving Him. This is not a call to manipulate or force decisions on people but to love them so thoroughly that they see the heart of God in our actions.

Imagine a congregation where young women can find mentors, where single parents can find community, where baby supplies and childcare assistance are readily offered. This display of Jehovah Jireh—God’s provision—practically demonstrates the love of Christ and undercuts the fear driving many abortion decisions.

As you reflect on this devotion, ask Ruach HaKodesh to show you specific ways to become part of a caring church—whether that’s initiating a support program, partnering with a local pregnancy resource center, or simply opening your home to someone in need. Together, we can reflect Jesus, inviting people into a transformative encounter with the One who never turns away the brokenhearted.


Yeshua HaMashiach, teach us to be a Church that cares. Break our indifference, and stir our hearts to compassionate action. May we bear the burdens of those in crisis, showing them Your love through tangible acts of support and grace. Amen.


8. A Church That Cares 

Verse 1 (Current Condition)

We’ve stayed too long behind our walls
Ignoring broken mothers’ calls
Hearts in fear, a trembling voice
When we should love, give hope, a choice 

Chorus (Worship)

Yeshua HaMashiach, Head of all
Teach us how to reach and call
We worship You, we heed Your plea
A church that cares—let mercy be

Verse 2 (Repentance)

We repent of silence, turning aside
Jehovah Jireh, help us provide
Fill our hearts with compassion deep
So no one falls where love should keep 

Chorus (Worship)

Yeshua HaMashiach, Head of all
Teach us how to reach and call
We worship You, we heed Your plea
A church that cares—let mercy be

Bridge (Intercession)

Ruach HaKodesh, stir our hearts
Break our comfort, let true love start
From unborn life to broken homes
Use us, Lord—Your grace be known 

Outro (Hopeful Conclusion)

Yeshua, build a family strong
Where every life and story belong
We rise to serve, to love, to share
Make us, Lord, a church that cares

Chord Chart – coming soon

8. A Church That Cares

Cm          Ab          Fm          G 

Verse 1 (Current Condition)

             Cm                                           Ab
We’ve stayed too long behind our walls
    Fm                                       G 
Ignoring broken mothers’ calls
Cm                                           Ab 
Hearts in fear, a trembling voice
                               Fm            G            Cm 
When we should love, give hope, a choice

Chorus (Worship)

Cm                                 Fm 
Yeshua HaMashiach, Head of all
Bb                                             Eb 
Teach us how to reach and call
G    Cm         Ab           Fm 
We worship You, we heed Your plea
    G                                                 Cm 
A church that cares—let mercy be

Verse 2 (Repentance)

Cm                                                 Ab 
We repent of silence, turning aside
    Fm                                      G 
Jehovah Jireh, help us provide
              Cm                                     Ab 
Fill our hearts with compassion deep
                   Fm              G                   Cm 
So no one falls where love should keep

Chorus (Worship)

Cm                                 Fm 
Yeshua HaMashiach, Head of all
Bb                                             Eb 
Teach us how to reach and call
G    Cm         Ab           Fm 
We worship You, we heed Your plea
    G                                                 Cm 
A church that cares—let mercy be 

Chorus (Worship)

Cm                                 Fm 
Yeshua HaMashiach, Head of all
Bb                          E b              G
Teach us how to reach and call
        Ab                          Fm 
We worship You, we heed Your plea
    G                                                 Cm 
A church that cares—let mercy be   

Bridge (Intercession)

Cm                                          Fm 
Ruach HaKodesh, stir our hearts
                   Bb                                  Eb 
Break our comfort, let true love start
G                      Ab                    Fm
From unborn life to broken homes
              G                                    Cm          G 
Use us, Lord—Your grace be known

Outro (Hopeful Conclusion)

    Cm.                              Fm 
Yeshua, build a family strong
             Bb                     Eb         Gm.  
Where every life and story belong
       Ab                       Fm 
We rise to serve, to love, to share
G                                                   Cm
Make us, Lord, a church that cares

G      Ab        Cm          G

Cm       Fm             Bb         Eb          G 

Outro (Hopeful Conclusion)

    Cm.                              Fm 
Yeshua, build a family strong
Where every life and story belong
Cm              Ab  Cm.  Fm 
We rise to serve, to love, to share
Dm           G                                  Cm
Make us, Lord, a church that cares