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Album: P’ri HaRuach: A Journey Through the Fruits of the Spirit

7. “Emunah” (Faithfulness)


“Emunah,” the Hebrew word for faithfulness, resonates throughout Scripture as a defining attribute of God—one who keeps His promises and never abandons His people. Taking inspiration from Lamentations 3:22-23 (“great is Your faithfulness”), this song draws a direct line from the biblical portrayal of God’s steadfast nature to our everyday experience of relying on Him in both trial and triumph.

The opening verse reflects on instances where our own faith has faltered but God has remained unshaken. This sets up the chorus, which becomes a triumphant declaration of trust: no matter how unpredictable life becomes, the Lord’s faithfulness is the anchor for our souls. The arrangement aims to convey both the quiet confidence of those who have seen God work in their history and the exuberant praise of those anticipating His faithfulness in seasons yet to come.

Throughout the lyrics, references to Yeshua (Jesus) underscore how His life, death, and resurrection epitomize God’s covenant-keeping nature. When He walked on water, healed the sick, or rose from the grave, Yeshua embodied divine reliability—a tangible witness that what God promises, He completes. The Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) continues this mission, drawing our hearts into alignment with the unbreakable Word of the Father.

As “Emunah” progresses, it offers moments for personal reflection, inviting listeners to consider the testimonies of God’s faithfulness in their own lives. By the final refrain, the song shifts from introspection to congregational unity, calling everyone to stand in awe of a God who never fails. The final notes leave worshipers with a renewed confidence: our circumstances may change, but the One who holds our future in His hands remains faithful, now and forever.


7. “Emunah” (Faithfulness)


Faithfulness, or emunah in Hebrew, conveys the idea of steadfastness, reliability, and confidence in God. It’s derived from a root that means “to confirm” or “to support,” indicating something firm and trustworthy. Lamentations 3:22-23 famously proclaims, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed… great is Your faithfulness.” Amid despair, Jeremiah clings to the truth that God’s faithfulness never falters.

God’s faithfulness is woven through the biblical narrative. He remains loyal to the covenant, even when His people are unfaithful (see 2 Timothy 2:13). His nature does not shift with our changing emotions or circumstances. This unwavering character is what gives us hope in trials. When we stumble, we can repent and return to a Father who still stands by His promises.

In the New Testament, Yeshua demonstrates this faithfulness unto death—and beyond. His resurrection is proof that the Father keeps His word, even conquering the grave. As we embrace Yeshua, we step into that realm of divine faithfulness, trusting that what God began in us, He will finish (Philippians 1:6).

For believers, practicing emunah means living in consistent trust, not just when times are easy but especially when they’re challenging. Hebrews 11 outlines a “hall of faith,” where ordinary people did extraordinary things by trusting God’s word. Their stories remind us that faithfulness is not about perfection but perseverance—remaining loyal to the One who has proven Himself faithful.

When singing “Emunah,” reflect on your personal journey with the Lord. Have there been moments when He came through against all odds? Remind yourself of those testimonies, for they are your spiritual heritage. If you’re in a season of waiting, let this song be your anchor, reminding you that God works in His perfect timing.

Prayer and Application:

Take time to journal about how you have witnessed God’s faithfulness in your life—answered prayers, unexpected provision, or sustaining grace in hardship. Pray through Psalm 89, which praises God’s steadfast love and faithfulness. Invite Ruach HaKodesh to strengthen your resolve to remain faithful in your commitments—whether it’s in marriage, ministry, or daily obedience. If you’ve wavered, remember that God’s faithfulness extends grace to bring you back, secure in His unchanging love.


7. “Emunah” (Faithfulness)

Theme: Relational Expression — God’s Faithfulness & Ours (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Verse 1

Morning by morning, mercies arise
Your faithfulness is sure
When I falter, You remain
Your promises endure


Emunah, Emunah, steady as the rising sun
Adonai, we stand in awe of all You’ve done
We fix our eyes on Yeshua’s face
Your faithfulness, our resting place

Verse 2

In the valley, on the highest peak
Your words will never fail
Ruach HaKodesh, anchor me
When doubt attempts to prevail


Emunah, Emunah, steady as the rising sun
Adonai, we stand in awe of all You’ve done
We fix our eyes on Yeshua’s face
Your faithfulness, our resting place

Verse 2

In the valley, on the highest peak
Your words will never fail
Ruach HaKodesh, anchor me
When doubt attempts to prevail


Emunah, Emunah, steady as the rising sun
Adonai, we stand in awe of all You’ve done
We fix our eyes on Yeshua’s face
Your faithfulness, our resting place


El Aman, You are faithful, O Lord
Through every trial, every storm
We cling to Your everlasting word
In You, we are reborn

Chorus (final)

Emunah, Emunah, steady as the rising sun
Adonai, we stand in awe of all You’ve done

Chord Chart – coming soon