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Album: P’ri HaRuach: A Journey Through the Fruits of the Spirit

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9. “Enkrateia” (Self-Control)


“Enkrateia” addresses self-control, bringing a Greek term that implies mastery over one’s desires into a worship context. This is a quality many find challenging, yet Scripture positions it as a crucial aspect of the Spirit’s work in our lives. Inspired by 2 Timothy 1:7, which states that God’s Spirit imparts “power, love, and self-discipline,” this song recognizes that self-control isn’t about stifling our passions, but about channeling them in alignment with God’s purposes.

Opening with a reflective tone, the first verse confesses moments of human weakness: we are prone to wander or give in to impulses. The chorus then surges with hope and resolution, acknowledging that Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) empowers us to overcome temptation. This dynamic shift musically parallels the believer’s journey from confession to victory, showcasing how God’s strength fills our gaps.

Hebrew and Greek elements blend in the lyrics and melodic lines, hinting at the universal reach of this fruit of the Spirit—across cultures, we all need self-control to live out God’s calling. The bridge offers a heartfelt prayer, inviting Yeshua to reign over every thought and action, effectively turning the song into a surrender anthem. Listeners are encouraged to see self-control not as a burdensome rule but as a liberating choice that honors God.

By the final chorus, the tone is triumphant, celebrating the transformation possible through daily reliance on the Holy Spirit. “Enkrateia” closes with a sense of empowerment, urging worshipers to carry this discipline forward in every aspect of life—speech, relationships, habits, and spiritual practices. Whether performed in a contemporary worship service or engaged with in personal devotion, it reinforces the truth that when God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness, we can walk in the freedom of true self-control.


9. “Enkrateia” (Self-Control)


Self-control, known as enkrateia in Greek, involves discipline, restraint, and mastery over one’s desires. It is a hallmark of spiritual maturity—evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work subduing the flesh. 2 Timothy 1:7 declares, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” Notice that self-control is placed alongside power and love, signifying its importance in a balanced Christian life.

The world often promotes “freedom” as doing whatever you please, yet Scripture teaches that true freedom comes from submitting to God’s will. When we act according to every impulse or temptation, we risk becoming enslaved to our own desires. Galatians 5:16 urges us to “walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” Through prayer, study of the Word, and fellowship with other believers, we cultivate the discipline needed to resist sin and choose righteousness.

Yeshua exemplified self-control when tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). Rather than yielding to hunger or pride, He stood firm on Scripture. This shows that self-control is deeply connected to our knowledge of God’s truth. The enemy often strikes at our weakest points, but Ruach HaKodesh equips us to stand unwavering.

When you sing “Enkrateia,” consider the areas where you struggle to exercise restraint—be it in speech, habits, relationships, or thought life. Recognize that self-control is not about suppressing desire by sheer willpower; it’s about yielding to the Holy Spirit. As you surrender each aspect of your life, the Spirit grants you the power to overcome temptation and align your actions with God’s purposes.

Prayer and Application:

Begin with honest self-examination: Where are you most prone to lose control? Pray through 1 Corinthians 10:13, which promises that God will provide a way out of every temptation. Create practical boundaries or accountability measures in those areas—this could include internet filters, daily Scripture reading, or a prayer partner. Remind yourself daily that self-control is a gift of the Spirit, not a burdensome legalism. As you practice enkrateia, you will experience deeper freedom in Yeshua, discovering that the discipline of the Spirit leads to abundant life.


9. “Enkrateia” (Self-Control)

Theme: Maturity in the Spirit — Spiritual Discipline (2 Timothy 1:7)

Verse 1

When my passions try to lead
Where I know I shouldn’t go
Yeshua, be my guiding strength
Only in You can I grow


Enkrateia, Lord, keep me close
In Your power I stand
Ruach HaKodesh, take control
My life is in Your hands

Verse 2

I lay down every selfish want
Surrender every care
Your Spirit gives me discipline
A holy life of prayer


Enkrateia, Lord, keep me close
In Your power I stand
Ruach HaKodesh, take control
My life is in Your hands


I choose the narrow path today
Empowered by Your grace
Step by step, I learn to obey
And behold Your holy face


Enkrateia, Lord, keep me close
In Your power I stand


Enkrateia, Lord, keep me close
In Your power I stand

Chord Chart – coming soon