Empowered: A Journey Through the Gifts of the Spirit

Track 5: Working of Miracles


With a dramatic flair, “Working of Miracles” spotlights the boundless might of El Shaddai (“God Almighty”). Based on passages like Acts 19:11–12 and John 2:1–11, this song invites the Church to believe that the same God who turned water into wine and healed multitudes through Paul still intervenes powerfully in our modern world. From supernatural healings to miraculous breakthroughs in impossible circumstances, the Holy Spirit continues to manifest signs and wonders that testify to God’s sovereign love.

Musically, this track contrasts moments of tension—representing human hopelessness—with triumphant, celebratory sections that burst forth as miracles unfold. The lyrics begin by acknowledging our desperate need for divine intervention, confessing that human solutions often fall short. As the song unfolds, we offer repentance for doubt and step into a posture of expectancy. The chorus proclaims God’s supremacy over all that seems unmovable, underscoring that miracles are not mere magic tricks but compassionate acts of grace. 

The bridge becomes a collective prayer, urging believers to intercede for global crises, personal struggles, and everything in between. We cry out for El Shaddai to reveal His glory so that hearts may be turned to Christ. Finally, the outro leaves us with a blessing that encourages a lifestyle of faith—one that doesn’t box God into the realm of the natural but trusts Him to be Almighty in every situation.

“Working of Miracles” is a clarion call to remember that God is still at work, inviting us to partner with Him in faith. When we open our hearts to His supernatural power, we become witnesses to the unshakable reality of the kingdom breaking through.


Track 5: Working of Miracles

Key Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 12:10, Acts 19:11–12, John 2:1–11

Hebrew Name of God:

El Shaddai (“God Almighty”)


Working of miracles involves God’s power superseding natural laws or human limitations. In Acts 19:11–12, even handkerchiefs and aprons that touched Paul’s skin were used by God to heal the sick and expel evil spirits. John 2:1–11 describes Jesus turning water into wine—His very first recorded miracle—which not only revealed His glory but blessed a wedding feast in a practical way. These accounts remind us that miracles aren’t random displays of power; they are signs that point people to God’s heart and sovereignty.

El Shaddai, “God Almighty,” highlights God’s ability to accomplish the impossible. The Old Testament is filled with miraculous events, from the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14) to the sun standing still (Joshua 10). In each instance, God’s intervention demonstrated His supremacy and often delivered His people from dire circumstances. Likewise, in the New Testament, miracles become the catalyst for faith in the resurrected Christ.

Today, many believers long to see miracles as validation of God’s power in a skeptical world. However, miracles aren’t just about spectacle; they are about revealing God’s compassionate nature and confirming the truth of the gospel (Mark 16:17–18). The Holy Spirit still imparts this gift, often at critical moments when human effort is insufficient, and divine intervention brings glory to God.

One common barrier to experiencing miracles is unbelief or cynicism. Even in Jesus’ hometown, He did few miracles because of their unbelief (Matthew 13:58). If we assume miracles have ceased, we close our hearts to the possibility that El Shaddai can still act in extraordinary ways. Yet as we cultivate a posture of childlike faith, we open doors for God’s power to manifest.


  • What “impossible” situations are you facing today that require El Shaddai’s intervention?
  • Pray with expectation, acknowledging that miracles aren’t guaranteed on demand, but believing God is both willing and able.
  • Intercede for the global Church to move in signs and wonders that confirm the message of Jesus, leading many to salvation and deeper worship.



Verse 1:

When all seems lost and hope runs dry,
We lift our gaze to realms on high.
El Shaddai, speak with mighty grace,
Let miracles shine in this place.


Working of wonders, power so grand,
Breaking limits by Your command.
You move mountains in silent ways,
El Shaddai, receive our praise.

Verse 2:

We’ve doubted more than we believed,
Yet find new faith when we’re deceived.
Your gentle whisper calms the storm,
El Shaddai, our hearts transform.


Working of wonders, power so grand,
Breaking limits by Your command.
You move mountains in silent ways,
El Shaddai, receive our praise.


Impossibilities bow to You,
Nature yields as truth shines through.
At Your word, dark clouds must flee,
In quiet might, You set us free.


All creation bends to Your call,
El Shaddai, enthroned above all.
We stand amazed in sacred hush,
Held by miracles born of Your touch.

Chord Chart – coming soon